10 research outputs found

    The role of antigen expression in shaping the repertoire of HLA presented ligands

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    Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) presentation of peptides is a prerequisite of T cell immune activation. The understanding of the rules defining this event has large implications for our knowledge of basic immunology and for the rational design of immuno-therapeutics and vaccines. Historically, most of the available prediction methods have been solely focused on the information related to antigen processing and presentation. Recent work has, however, demonstrated that method performance can be boosted by integrating information related to antigen abundance. Here we expand on these later findings and develop an extended version of NetMHCpan, called NetMHCpanExp, integrating information on antigen abundance from RNA-Seq experiments. In line with earlier works, the model demonstrates improved performance for both HLA ligand and cancer neoantigen epitope prediction. Optimal results are obtained by use of sample-specific abundance information but also reference datasets can be applied with a limited performance drop. The developed tool is available at https://services.healthtech.dtu.dk/service.php?NetMHCpanExp-1.0

    Combined assessment of MHC binding and antigen abundance improves T cell epitope predictions

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    Many steps of the MHC class I antigen processing pathway can be predicted using computational methods. Here we show that epitope predictions can be further improved by considering abundance levels of peptides' source proteins. We utilized biophysical principles and existing MHC binding prediction tools in concert with abundance estimates of source proteins to derive a function that estimates the likelihood of a peptide to be an MHC class I ligand. We found that this combination improved predictions for both naturally eluted ligands and cancer neoantigen epitopes. We compared the use of different measures of antigen abundance, including mRNA expression by RNA-Seq, gene translation by Ribo-Seq, and protein abundance by proteomics on a dataset of SARS-CoV-2 epitopes. Epitope predictions were improved above binding predictions alone in all cases and gave the highest performance when using proteomic data. Our results highlight the value of incorporating antigen abundance levels to improve epitope predictions

    PEPMatch:a tool to identify short peptide sequence matches in large sets of proteins

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    Background: Numerous tools exist for biological sequence comparisons and search. One case of particular interest for immunologists is finding matches for linear peptide T cell epitopes, typically between 8 and 15 residues in length, in a large set of protein sequences. Both to find exact matches or matches that account for residue substitutions. The utility of such tools is critical in applications ranging from identifying conservation across viral epitopes, identifying putative epitope targets for allergens, and finding matches for cancer-associated neoepitopes to examine the role of tolerance in tumor recognition. Results: We defined a set of benchmarks that reflect the different practical applications of short peptide sequence matching. We evaluated a suite of existing methods for speed and recall and developed a new tool, PEPMatch. The tool uses a deterministic k-mer mapping algorithm that preprocesses proteomes before searching, achieving a 50-fold increase in speed over methods such as the Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) without compromising recall. PEPMatch’s code and benchmark datasets are publicly available. Conclusions: PEPMatch offers significant speed and recall advantages for peptide sequence matching. While it is of immediate utility for immunologists, the developed benchmarking framework also provides a standard against which future tools can be evaluated for improvements. The tool is available at https://nextgen-tools.iedb.org , and the source code can be found at https://github.com/IEDB/PEPMatch .</p

    PEPMatch: a tool to identify short peptide sequence matches in large sets of proteins

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    Abstract Background Numerous tools exist for biological sequence comparisons and search. One case of particular interest for immunologists is finding matches for linear peptide T cell epitopes, typically between 8 and 15 residues in length, in a large set of protein sequences. Both to find exact matches or matches that account for residue substitutions. The utility of such tools is critical in applications ranging from identifying conservation across viral epitopes, identifying putative epitope targets for allergens, and finding matches for cancer-associated neoepitopes to examine the role of tolerance in tumor recognition. Results We defined a set of benchmarks that reflect the different practical applications of short peptide sequence matching. We evaluated a suite of existing methods for speed and recall and developed a new tool, PEPMatch. The tool uses a deterministic k-mer mapping algorithm that preprocesses proteomes before searching, achieving a 50-fold increase in speed over methods such as the Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) without compromising recall. PEPMatch’s code and benchmark datasets are publicly available. Conclusions PEPMatch offers significant speed and recall advantages for peptide sequence matching. While it is of immediate utility for immunologists, the developed benchmarking framework also provides a standard against which future tools can be evaluated for improvements. The tool is available at https://nextgen-tools.iedb.org , and the source code can be found at https://github.com/IEDB/PEPMatch

    The Cancer Epitope Database and Analysis Resource:A Blueprint for the Establishment of a New Bioinformatics Resource for Use by the Cancer Immunology Community

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    Recent years have witnessed a dramatic rise in interest towards cancer epitopes in general and particularly neoepitopes, antigens that are encoded by somatic mutations that arise as a consequence of tumorigenesis. There is also an interest in the specific T cell and B cell receptors recognizing these epitopes, as they have therapeutic applications. They can also aid in basic studies to infer the specificity of T cells or B cells characterized in bulk and single-cell sequencing data. The resurgence of interest in T cell and B cell epitopes emphasizes the need to catalog all cancer epitope-related data linked to the biological, immunological, and clinical contexts, and most importantly, making this information freely available to the scientific community in a user-friendly format. In parallel, there is also a need to develop resources for epitope prediction and analysis tools that provide researchers access to predictive strategies and provide objective evaluations of their performance. For example, such tools should enable researchers to identify epitopes that can be effectively used for immunotherapy or in defining biomarkers to predict the outcome of checkpoint blockade therapies. We present here a detailed vision, blueprint, and work plan for the development of a new resource, the Cancer Epitope Database and Analysis Resource (CEDAR). CEDAR will provide a freely accessible, comprehensive collection of cancer epitope and receptor data curated from the literature and provide easily accessible epitope and T cell/B cell target prediction and analysis tools. The curated cancer epitope data will provide a transparent benchmark dataset that can be used to assess how well prediction tools perform and to develop new prediction tools relevant to the cancer research community