11 research outputs found

    Resorption mechanisms related with neo- vascularization for the lomber disc herniation

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    Lomber disk herniasyonu (LDH) bel ağrısı ve siyatiğin önemli bir nedenidir. LDH’nın magnetik rezonans görüntüleme (MRG) ile incelenmesi neo-vaskülarizasyonla ilişkili rezorbsiyon mekanizmasını ortaya çıkarmıştır. Aktive makrofajların disk dokusuyla etkileşimlerinin infamatuvar sitokinlerin üretimine yol açtığı gösterilmiştir. Buna ek olarak tümör nekrozis faktör-? (TNF -?) gibi infamatuvar sitokinler, vasküler endotelyal growt faktör (VEGF) gibi anjiogenezi uyaran faktörlerin indüksiyonu için gereklidir. VEGF endotel hücresine özgü bir mitojendir ve yeni kan damarlarının oluşumunda esaslı bir rolü vardır. Yeni oluşmuş kan damarları ve makrofaj infiltrasyonu LDH rezorbsiyonu sırasında önemli bir rol oynarlar. Bu derlemede LDH’da rezorbsiyon mekanizmaları hakkındaki güncel bilgiler özetlendi.Lomber disc herniation (LDH) is a major cause of low back pain and sciatica. MRI investigation of LDH has revealed a resorption mechanism related with neo -vascularization. It has shown that the interaction of activated macrophages with disc tissues leads to the generation of inflammatory cytokines. In addition, inflammatory cytokines such as tumor necrosi s factor-α (TNF -α) is required for the induction of angiogenesis stimulating factors such as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). VEGF is an endothelial cell -specific mitogen, and it has an essential role in the formation of new blood vessels. The ne wly formed vessels and infiltrating macrophages play an important role during LDH resorption. In this review, recent knowledge on the resorbtion mechanisms of LDH is summerized

    Diabetes mellitus and peripheral organs involvement: Current treatment options

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    Diabetes mellitus is a chronic and multi-systemic disease with various treatment options and has long-term effect on lifestyle of individuals and society. Not only disesase itself but also damage to peripherical organs as a result of disease in long term is an important cause of morbidity and mortality. In this review study it has been aimed to assess complications caused by peripherical organ involvment and treatment options rather than those caused by diabetes mellitus itself. J Clin Exp Invest 2014; 5 (2): 329-33

    Analysis and simulation of efficiency optimized IPM drives in constant torque region with reduced computational burden

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    Moving from internal combustion engine based towards electric based transportation is crucial for wide societies as they facilitate the use of green energy technologies such as wind and solar. Interior mounted permanent magnet (IPM) machines, also known as salient brushless alternating current (AC) machines, are commonly employed in traction applications as they have superior features, such as high efficiency operation, high torque, and power densities. The efficiency optimization in IPM drives is achieved by obtaining and operating at accurate and unique current angle for a certain electromagnetic torque demand. In conventional drives, the optimum current angle is obtained by online utilization of iterative techniques. However, these techniques result in increased burden on the processor. In addition, accuracy of the generated current commands, and hence, the drive efficiency may significantly reduce if the number of iterations is not adequate. More importantly, online zero divisions issue may result in instability of the drive system at certain operating points in real life experiments. This paper proposes an efficiency optimized IPM drive with smooth output torque production addressing the aforementioned issues. The optimum operating points as a function of electromagnetic torque demand are computed offline by Newton-Raphson approximation technique in the paper, and they are stored in the controller as look-up tables, which are then employed to achieve optimum efficiency operation at a wide range. The superiority of the proposed drive is validated through extensive simulation of a 4.1 kW prototype IPM machine designed and manufactured for traction applications and the results are discussed in detail. The paper also presents detailed high efficiency control analysis of permanent magnet machines and hence it would be quite insightful for new researchers on the topic

    Insufficiency Fracture of the Superior and Inferior Pubic Rami in a Patient with Osteomalacia: Case Report

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    Insufficiency fractures are subtype of stres fractures which occur when normal or physiological stresses are placed on weakened bone. These fractures occur in a variety of conditions in which the mineral content or the elasticity of bone is abnormal. The most common cause of insufficieny fracture is postmenopausal osteoporosis. The other important causes are senile osteoporosis, pelvic irradiation, corticosteroid treatment and rheumatoid arthritis. They also occured in vitamin D deficieny/osteomalacia. The diagnosis of pelvic insufficiency fracture due to osteomalacia should be suspected in a postmenopausal women presenting with severe groin and buttock pain and weakness.We presented here the clinical and radiological findings of superior and inferior pubic ramus insufficiency fracture in a patient with osteomalacia. (Osteoporoz Dünyasından 2010;16:44-8

    Electrical characterization of solar sensitive zinc oxide doped-amorphous carbon photodiode

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    A new solar-sensitive zinc oxide doped-amorphous carbon diode was fabricated using the electrochemical deposition technique. The current-voltage characteristics of the fabricated Al/ZnO-a:C/p-Si/Al diode were investigated under dark and various lighting intensities using both I-V and C-V methods. The fabricated diode was characterized by XRD, SEM-EDS, FTIR and XPS analysis. Through the analysis, it was determined that the photocurrents increased with increasing intensity of incident light. The capacitance-voltage (C-V) characteristics revealed that the capacitance of the diode depended on voltage, frequency and illumination, indicating the existence of a continuous distribution of interface states. It was found that the capacitance changed drastically with changing frequency and separation was observed in different frequencies, as identified in the reverse bias region. The ideality factor obtained was found to be higher than unity, with the average barrier height and ideality factor of the diode were found to be 0.528 +/- 0.0069 eV and 5.24 +/- 0.39, respectively. The newly fabricated ZnO-doped amorphous carbon (Al/ZnO-a:C/p-Si/Al) photodiode exhibited good solar sensitivity. The overall results indicated that the fabricated Al/ZnO-a:C/p-Si can be used as a solar sensitive diode in optoelectronic device applications as an alternative to graphene-based materials.International Scientific Partnership Program ISPP at King Saud University [0046]; Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit of Munzur University [MFTUB015-25]The authors extend their appreciation to the International Scientific Partnership Program ISPP at King Saud University for funding this research work through ISPP#0046. Also the part of this project was funded by the Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit of Munzur University (Project No. MFTUB015-25).WOS:0004544720000442-s2.0-8505469047