6 research outputs found

    Custom stems for femoral deformity in patients less than 40 years of age: 70 hips followed for an average of 14 years

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    Background and purpose Femoral deformity associated with osteoarthritis is a challenge for both the surgeon and the implant. Many of the patients with these deformities are young. Standard implants can be difficult to fit into these femurs. We prospectively evaluated the outcome of custom uncemented femoral stems in young patients

    Which Side of the Coin? The Regional Governance of Science and Innovation

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    Koschatzky K., Kroll H. (2007) Which side of the coin? The regional governance of science and innovation, Regional Studies 41, 1115-1127. The paper deals with the impact of recent trends in the devolution of political powers in science, technology and innovation policies. It argues that some problems are associated with this regionalization because the emerging multi-level governance structures turn political action into a complex bargaining process between actor groups with partially conflicting interests. The paper sketches the theoretical potentials and limitations of science, technology and innovation policy designed at the regional level. Based on regional evidence from the German federal system, it demonstrates which policy aspects are suitable for devolution to regional governments and how they can be integrated in multi-level governance structures. Koschatzky K. et Kroll H. (2007) Quelle facette du probleme? La gouvernance reginale de la science et de l'innovation, Regional Studies 41, 1115-1127. Cet article cherche a traiter de l'impact des tendances recentes a la regionalisation des pouvoirs politiques dans le domaine des politiques en faveur de la science, de la technologie et de l'innovation. On affirme qu'un certain nombre de probleemes se rapportent a cette regionalisation parce que les structures de gouvernance a plusieurs niveaux naissantes peuvent transformet l'action politique en un processus de negociation complexe entre des groupes d'acteurs dont les interets sont en partie contradictoires. Cet article esquisse done le potentiel et la limite theoriques de la politique de science, de technologie et d'innovation elanoree sur le plan regional. A Partir des preuves provenant du systeme federal allemand, on presente les aspects de la politique qui se preent bien a leur transfer aux instances reegionles et comment ils peuvent s'integrer dans des structures de gouvernance a plusieurs niveaux. Govuvernance regionale Politique des science Intelligence strategique Gouvernance a plusieurs niveaux Systeme federal Bremes. Koschatzky K. und Kroll H. (2007) Which side of the coin? The regional governance of science and innovation, Regional Studies 41, 1115-1127. Der Beitrag befasst sich mit der Bedeutung der Dezentralisierung politischer Entscheidungsbefugnisse in der Wissenschafts-, Technologie- und Innovationspolitik, in dem er sich mit den Problemen und Chancen dieser Regionalisierung auseinander setzt. Es wird die These vertreten, dass durch die Multi-Ebenen-Governance Strukturen politisches Handeln zunehmend zu einem komplexen Aushandlungsprozess zwischen den beteiligten Akteursgruppen mit teilweise konfligierenden Interessen wird. Vor diesem Hintergrund umreisst der Beitrag die theoretischen Potenziale und Grenzen von auf der regionalen Ebene gestalteter Wissenschafts-, Technologie- und Innovationspolitik. Basierend auf regionalen Beispielen aus dem deutschen foderalen System zeigt das Papier auf, welche Politikmassnahmen geeignet fur die Ubertragung an regionale Regierungen sind und wie sie in die Multi-Ebenen-Governance Strukturen integriert werden konnen. Regionale Governance Wissenschaftspolitik Strategische Intelligenz Multi-Ebenen-Governance Foderales System Bremen. Koschatzky K. y Kroll H. (2007) �Que cara de la moneda? El gobierno regional de la ciencia y la innovacion, Regional Studies 41, 1115-1127. En este ensayo abordamos la repercusion de tendencias recientes en la transferencia de competencias en las politicas cientificas, tecnologicas y de innovacion. Sostenemos que esta regionalizacion causa numerosos problemas debido a que las nuevas estructuras gubernamentales multinivel convierten las medidas politicas en un complejo proceso de regateo entre los grupos protagonistas con intereses parcialmente conflictivos. Aqui resenamos las limitaciones y el potencial teoricos de las politicas cientifica, tecnologica y la innovacion disenadas en un nivel regional. Basandonos en ejemplos regionales del sistema federal de Alemania, demostramos que aspectos politicos son adecuados para la transferencia de competencias en gobiernos regionales y como pueden ser integrados en estructuras de gobiernos multinivel. Gobierno regional Politica cientifica Inteligencia estrategica Gobierno multinivel Sistema federal BremenRegional governance, Science policy, Strategic intelligence, Multi-level governance, Federal system, Bremen,

    Innovation, employment, and skills in advanced and developing countries: a survey of the economic literature

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    I discuss the theoretical and empirical literature on the quantitative and qualitative employment impact of technological change. I also compare the relative explanatory power of competing economic theories, while detailing the macro, sectoral, and micro evidence on the issue with reference to advanced and developing economies. The main purpose of the paper is to offer a critical meta-analysis of both the theory and recent empirical achievements stemming from the relationship of technology and employment. More specifically, I draw some general conclusions about possible consequences of that relationship

    Innovation, Employment and Skills in Advanced and Developing Countries: A Survey of Economic Literature

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