203 research outputs found

    Provably Secure Double-Block-Length Hash Functions in a Black-Box Model

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    In CRYPTO’89, Merkle presented three double-block-length hash functions based on DES. They are optimally collision resistant in a black-box model, that is, the time complexity of any collision-finding algorithm for them is Ω(2^<l/2>) if DES is a random block cipher, where l is the output length. Their drawback is that their rates are low. In this article, new double-block-length hash functions with higher rates are presented which are also optimally collision resistant in the blackbox model. They are composed of block ciphers whose key length is twice larger than their block length

    Attacking the Knudsen-Preneel Compression Functions

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    Abstract. Knudsen and Preneel (Asiacrypt’96 and Crypto’97) introduced a hash function design in which a linear error-correcting code is used to build a wide-pipe compression function from underlying blockciphers operating in Davies-Meyer mode. Their main design goal was to deliver compression functions with collision resistance up to, and even beyond, the block size of the underlying blockciphers. In this paper, we (re)analyse the preimage resistance of the Knudsen-Preneel compression functions in the setting of public random func-tions. We give a new preimage attack that is based on two observations. First, by using the right kind of queries it is possible to mount a non-adaptive preimage attack that is optimal in terms of query complexity. Second, by exploiting the dual code the subsequent problem of reconstructing a preimage from the queries can be rephrased as a problem related to the generalized birthday problem. As a consequence, the time complexity of our attack is intimately tied to the minimum distance of the dual code. Our new attack consistently beats the one given by Knudsen and Preneel (in one case our preimage attack even beats their collision attack) and demonstrates that the gap between their claimed collision resistance and the actual preimage resistance is surprisingly small. Moreover, our new attack falsifies their (conjectured) preimage resistance security bound and shows that intuitive bounds based on the number of ‘active ’ components can be treacherous. Complementing our attack is a formal analysis of the query complexity (both lower and upper bounds) of preimage-finding attacks. This analysis shows that for many concrete codes the time complexity of our attack is optimal.

    Analysis of RMAC

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    On the Decorrelated Fast Cipher (DFC) and Its Theory

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    KLEIN: A New Family of Lightweight Block Ciphers

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    Resource-efficient cryptographic primitives become fundamental for realizing both security and efficiency in embedded systems like RFID tags and sensor nodes. Among those primitives, lightweight block cipher plays a major role as a building block for security protocols. In this paper, we describe a new family of lightweight block ciphers named KLEIN, which is designed for resource-constrained devices such as wireless sensors and RFID tags. Compared to the related proposals, KLEIN has advantage in the software performance on legacy sensor platforms, while in the same time its hardware implementation can also be compact

    A practical attack on the fixed RC4 in the wep mode

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    Abstract. In this paper we revisit a known but ignored weakness of the RC4 keystream generator, where secret state info leaks to the generated keystream, and show that this leakage, also known as Jenkins’ correlation or the RC4 glimpse, can be used to attack RC4 in several modes. Our main result is a practical key recovery attack on RC4 when an IV modifier is concatenated to the beginning of a secret root key to generate a session key. As opposed to the WEP attack from [FMS01] the new attack is applicable even in the case where the first 256 bytes of the keystream are thrown and its complexity grows only linearly with the length of the key. In an exemplifying parameter setting the attack recoversa16-bytekeyin2 48 steps using 2 17 short keystreams generated from different chosen IVs. A second attacked mode is when the IV succeeds the secret root key. We mount a key recovery attack that recovers the secret root key by analyzing a single word from 2 22 keystreams generated from different IVs, improving the attack from [FMS01] on this mode. A third result is an attack on RC4 that is applicable when the attacker can inject faults to the execution of RC4. The attacker derives the internal state and the secret key by analyzing 2 14 faulted keystreams generated from this key