2,550 research outputs found

    The Behavior of Granular Materials under Cyclic Shear

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    The design and development of a parallel plate shear cell for the study of large scale shear flows in granular materials is presented. The parallel plate geometry allows for shear studies without the effects of curvature found in the more common Couette experiments. A system of independently movable slats creates a well with side walls that deform in response to the motions of grains within the pack. This allows for true parallel plate shear with minimal interference from the containing geometry. The motions of the side walls also allow for a direct measurement of the velocity profile across the granular pack. Results are presented for applying this system to the study of transients in granular shear and for shear-induced crystallization. Initial shear profiles are found to vary from packing to packing, ranging from a linear profile across the entire system to an exponential decay with a width of approximately 6 bead diameters. As the system is sheared, the velocity profile becomes much sharper, resembling an exponential decay with a width of roughly 3 bead diameters. Further shearing produces velocity profiles which can no longer be fit to an exponential decay, but are better represented as a Gaussian decay or error function profile. Cyclic shear is found to produce large scale ordering of the granular pack, which has a profound impact on the shear profile. There exist periods of time in which there is slipping between layers as well as periods of time in which the layered particles lock together resulting in very little relative motion.Comment: 10 pages including 12 figure

    Solids maldistribution in parallel cyclones

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    The amount of solids maldistribution in parallel cyclones was investigated to determine what parameters affected the maldistribution. In many fluidized bed processes with parallel cyclones (as many as 20 in parallel in some cases), it has been noted that unequal erosion (wear) can occur in the cyclones. This results in very short run lengths in order to repair the cyclones with the most wear. This unequal wear has been attributed to unequal solids distribution to the cyclones. In addition to the increased wear, cyclone efficiencies are affected as well. In the specific concern that generated this study, it was found that parallel cyclones in fluidized-bed cokers at Syncrude Canada Ltd. (Syncrude) had unequal amounts of coke buildup on them. This coke buildup on the cyclones causes increased backpressure on the fluidized-bed coker, and after a certain pressure is reached, results in shutdown of the coker. Hot scouring coke, presented at the cyclone inlets, is used to combat the coke formation that is caused by condensation of heavy hydrocarbons. Understanding the scouring coke distribution into the parallel cyclones could lead to reduced deposit maldistribution and increased run length. The testing to determine what causes solids maldistribution in parallel cyclones was conducted using four, 30-cm diameter parallel cyclones that were located above a 0.9-m diameter fluidized bed. Solids flows into the freeboard above the fluidized bed were from the fluidized bed itself and from two pneumatic conveying lines that simulated the lines entering the freeboard of the Syncrude Canada Ltd (Syncrude) fluidized bed coker. The testing was conducted at ambient temperature and pressure using a coke material with a median particle size of 156 microns. The results of the testing showed that although the pressure drop across the cyclones were essentially equal, the gas and solids flow rates through the cyclones could vary significantly. By closing a valve in the dipleg of each of the test cyclones and measuring the rate of buildup of solids in each dipleg, the solids flow rate through each cyclone could be determined. Tests were conducted to vary the gas flow rate through the bed, the amount of solids flow through each pneumatic conveying line and the amount of gas flowing through each cyclone. Depending on conditions, it was found that the ratio of the solids flow rate through the highest-loaded cyclone to the lowest-loaded cyclone could be as much as a factor of four. It was found that the solids distribution in the freeboard above the bed determined the solids flow distribution into each cyclone. Changing the gas flow rate through the cyclone did not affect the solids distribution through the cyclones. It appears that the solids distribute to the cyclones based on the solids distribution at the entrance to the parallel cyclones. The gas flow then distributes itself in order to equalize the pressure drop across the cyclones

    Enskog Theory for Polydisperse Granular Mixtures. I. Navier-Stokes order Transport

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    A hydrodynamic description for an ss-component mixture of inelastic, smooth hard disks (two dimensions) or spheres (three dimensions) is derived based on the revised Enskog theory for the single-particle velocity distribution functions. In this first portion of the two-part series, the macroscopic balance equations for mass, momentum, and energy are derived. Constitutive equations are calculated from exact expressions for the fluxes by a Chapman-Enskog expansion carried out to first order in spatial gradients, thereby resulting in a Navier-Stokes order theory. Within this context of small gradients, the theory is applicable to a wide range of restitution coefficients and densities. The resulting integral-differential equations for the zeroth- and first-order approximations of the distribution functions are given in exact form. An approximate solution to these equations is required for practical purposes in order to cast the constitutive quantities as algebraic functions of the macroscopic variables; this task is described in the companion paper.Comment: 36 pages, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Heat-Related Mortality in a Warming Climate: Projections for 12 U.S. Cities

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    Heat is among the deadliest weather-related phenomena in the United States, and the number of heat-related deaths may increase under a changing climate, particularly in urban areas. Regional adaptation planning is unfortunately often limited by the lack of quantitative information on potential future health responses. This study presents an assessment of the future impacts of climate change on heat-related mortality in 12 cities using 16 global climate models, driven by two scenarios of greenhouse gas emissions. Although the magnitude of the projected heat effects was found to differ across time, cities, climate models and greenhouse pollution emissions scenarios, climate change was projected to result in increases in heat-related fatalities over time throughout the 21st century in all of the 12 cities included in this study. The increase was more substantial under the high emission pathway, highlighting the potential benefits to public health of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Nearly 200,000 heat-related deaths are projected to occur in the 12 cities by the end of the century due to climate warming, over 22,000 of which could be avoided if we follow a low GHG emission pathway. The presented estimates can be of value to local decision makers and stakeholders interested in developing strategies to reduce these impacts and building climate change resilience

    North Atlantic right whales (Eubalaena glacialis) ignore ships but respond to alerting stimuli

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    Author Posting. © Royal Society, 2004. This article is posted here by permission of Royal Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 271 (2004): 227-231, doi:10.1098/rspb.2003.2570.North Atlantic right whales were extensively hunted during the whaling era and have not recovered. One of the primary factors inhibiting their recovery is anthropogenic mortality caused by ship strikes. To assess risk factors involved in ship strikes, we used a multi-sensor acoustic recording tag to measure the responses of whales to passing ships and experimentally tested their responses to controlled sound exposures, which included recordings of ship noise, the social sounds of conspecifics and a signal designed to alert the whales. The whales reacted strongly to the alert signal, they reacted mildly to the social sounds of conspecifics, but they showed no such responses to the sounds of approaching vessels as well as actual vessels. Whales responded to the alert by swimming strongly to the surface, a response likely to increase rather than decrease the risk of collision.Funding for this work was provided by the Fisheries Service of the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (contract no. NA87RJ0445), and was conducted under NOAA Fisheries permit to conduct scientific research no. 1014 issued to Dr Scott Kraus and Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans permits 2001-559 and 2002-568

    Examining the Connections within the Startup Ecosystem: A Case Study of St. Louis

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    This paper documents the resurgence of entrepreneurial activity in St. Louis by reporting on the collaboration and local learning within the startup community. This activity is happening both between entrepreneurs and between organizations that provide support, such as mentoring and funding, to entrepreneurs. As these connections deepen, the strength of the entrepreneurial ecosystem grows. Another finding from the research is that activity-based events, where entrepreneurs have the chance to use and practice the skills needed to grow their businesses, are most useful. St. Louis provides a multitude of these activities, such as Startup Weekend, 1 Million Cups, Code Until Dawn, StartLouis, and GlobalHack. Some of these are St. Louis specific, but others have nationwide or global operations, providing important implications for other cities

    Global Health and Economic Impacts of Future Ozone Pollution

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    Abstract and PDF report are also available on the MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change website (http://globalchange.mit.edu/).We assess the human health and economic impacts of projected 2000-2050 changes in ozone pollution using the MIT Emissions Prediction and Policy Analysis-Health Effects (EPPA-HE) model, in combination with results from the GEOS-Chem global tropospheric chemistry model that simulated climate and chemistry effects of IPCC SRES emissions. We use EPPA to assess the human health damages (including acute mortality and morbidity outcomes) caused by ozone pollution and quantify their economic impacts in sixteen world regions. We compare the costs of ozone pollution under scenarios with 2000 and 2050 ozone precursor and greenhouse gas emissions (SRES A1B scenario). We estimate that health costs due to global ozone pollution above pre-industrial levels by 2050 will be 580billion(year2000580 billion (year 2000) and that acute mortalities will exceed 2 million. We find that previous methodologies underestimate costs of air pollution by more than a third because they do not take into account the long-term, compounding effects of health costs. The economic effects of emissions changes far exceed the influence of climate alone.United States Department of Energy, Office of Science (BER) grants DE-FG02-94ER61937 and DE-FG02-93ER61677, the United States Environmental Protection Agency grant EPA-XA-83344601-0, and the industrial and foundation sponsors of the MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change