23 research outputs found

    Prospective Design, Rapid Prototyping, and Testing of Smart Dressings, Drug Delivery Patches, and Replacement Body Parts Using Microscopy Aided Design and ManufacturE (MADAME)

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    Natural materials exhibit smart properties including gradients in biophysical properties that engender higher order functions, as well as stimuli-responsive properties which integrate sensor and/or actuator capacities. Elucidation of mechanisms underpinning such smart material properties (i), and translation of that understanding (ii), represent two of the biggest challenges in emulating natural design paradigms for design and manufacture of disruptive materials, parts, and products. Microscopy Aided Design And ManufacturE (MADAME) stands for a computer-aided additive manufacturing platform that incorporates multidimensional (multi-D) printing and computer-controlled weaving. MADAME enables the creation of composite design motifs emulating e.g., patterns of woven protein fibers as well as gradients in different caliber porosities, mechanical, and molecular properties, found in natural tissues, from the skin on bones (periosteum) to tree bark. Insodoing, MADAME provides a means to manufacture a new genre of smart materials, products and replacement body parts that exhibit advantageous properties both under the influence of as well as harnessing dynamic mechanical loads to activate material properties (mechanoactive properties). This Technical Report introduces the MADAME technology platform and its associated machine-based workflow (pipeline), provides basic technical background of the novel technology and its applications, and discusses advantages and disadvantages of the approach in context of current 3 and 4D printing platforms

    Elektronenmikroskopische Befunde bei einer Affenseuche (Cercopithecus aethiops)

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    Die elektronenmikroskopischen Befunde von G. Müller und D. Peters, die den Erreger einer Affenseuche (Cercopithecua aethiops) als gebogene Stäbe dargestellt haben, werden bestätigt und erweitert. Es gelang, die ätiologische Bedeutung dieser Formen durch die Kombination von Gewebekultur (menschliche Amnionzellen), Tierversuch (Meerschweinchen) und elektronenmikroskopischem Befund in dieser Reihenfolge zu sichern.Electron microscopial data given by G. Müller and D. Peters, describing the agent of a communicable disease of monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiopa) as curved rods, are confirmed and supplemented in morphology. Furthermore, we succeeded in strengthening the etiological significance of this agent by combining its multiplication in human amnion cells, infection of guinea pigs with the 5th passage of the tissue culture and electron microscopy of this agent in all these steps

    Symmetric/asymmetric bifurcation behaviours of a bogie system

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    Based on the bifurcation and stability theory of dynamical systems, the symmetric/asymmetric bifurcation behaviours and chaotic motions of a railway bogie system under a complex nonlinear wheel–rail contact relation are investigated in detail by the ‘resultant bifurcation diagram’ method with slowly increasing and decreasing speed. It is found that the stationary equilibrium solution and the periodic motions coexist due to the sub-critical Hopf bifurcation in the railway bogie system. It is also found that multiple solutions coexist in many speed ranges. The coexistence of multiple solutions may result in a jump and hysteresis of the oscillating amplitude for different kinds of disturbances. It should be avoided in the normal operation. Furthermore, it is found that symmetry-breaking of the system through a pitchfork bifurcation leads to asymmetric chaotic motions in the railway bogie system. The speed ranges of asymmetric chaotic motions are, however, small

    St. Knoch, Sklavenfürsorge im Römischen Reich, Formen und Motive

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    �ber eine Modifikation der Gramf�rbung

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    To Seventieth Anniversary of Andreas Wacke

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    В статье приводится краткая биография выдающегося романиста Андреаса Ваке и список его публикаций. The article contains short biography of eminent scientist Andreas Wacke and list of his publications.Перевод с немецкого аспиранта очной формы обучения кафедры теории права юридического факультета Российского государственного педагогического университета им. А. И. Герцена, сотрудника Санкт-Петербургского филиала Центра изучения римского права К. В. Гницевича, под редакцией доцента кафедры гражданского права юридического факультета Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета А. Д. Рудокваса. Перевод выполнен по изданию: Andreas Wacke zum 70. Geburtstag // Neue Juristische Wochenschrift. 2006. S. 1187 f. Полный текст статьи размещен по разрешению редакционной коллегии журнала IVS ANTIQVVM