12 research outputs found

    The Japanese model in retrospective : industrial strategies, corporate Japan and the 'hollowing out' of Japanese industry

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    This article provides a retrospective look at the Japanese model of industrial development. This model combined an institutional approach to production based around the Japanese Firm (Aoki's, J-mode) and strategic state intervention in industry by the Japanese Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI). For a long period, the alignment of state and corporate interests appeared to match the wider public interest as the Japanese economy prospered. However, since the early 1990s, the global ambitions of the corporate sector have contributed to a significant 'hollowing out' of Japan's industrial base. As the world today looks for a new direction in economic management, we suggest the Japanese model provides policy-makers with a salutary lesson in tying the wider public interest with those of the corporate sector

    Japanese multinationals in Asia: Drivers and attractors

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    This paper studies the choice by Japanese multinationals of Asia and of specific Asian countries as investment destinations. High costs in Japan exert a general push towards investing in Asia. Unlike investment in the US and Europe, trade barriers do not drive Asian investment. While domestic markets of host countries are important, conditions for efficient production in the host country also determine its attractiveness. In Asia, firms have looked for industrially literate workers, though the new Japanese investment is being guided more by low wages. Japanese investors also stake out early positions in growing markets. The inability to repatriate earnings is the strongest disincentive to Japanese investment. A favourable foreign direct investment policy is desirable but its importance declines as a firm gains experience in a country.