774 research outputs found

    Finite Conductivity in Mesoscopic Hall Bars of Inverted InAs/GaSb Quantum Wells

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    We have studied experimentally the low temperature conductivity of mesoscopic size InAs/GaSb quantum well Hall bar devices in the inverted regime. Using a pair of electrostatic gates we were able to move the Fermi level into the electron-hole hybridization state, and observe a mini gap. Temperature dependence of the conductivity in the gap shows residual conductivity, which can be consistently explained by the contributions from the free as well as the hybridized carriers in the presence of impurity scattering, as proposed by Naveh and Laikhtman [Euro. Phys. Lett., 55, 545-551 (2001)]. Experimental implications for the stability of proposed helical edge states will be discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Calcium Biofortification of Crops–Challenges and Projected Benefits

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    Despite Calcium (Ca) being an essential nutrient for humans, deficiency of Ca is becoming an ensuing public health problem worldwide. Breeding staple crops with higher Ca concentrations is a sustainable long-term strategy for alleviating Ca deficiency, and particular criteria for a successful breeding initiative need to be in place. This paper discusses current challenges and projected benefits of Ca-biofortified crops. The most important features of Ca nutrition in plants are presented along with explicit recommendations for additional exploration of this important issue. In order for Ca-biofortified crops to be successfully developed, tested, and effectively implemented in most vulnerable populations, further research is required

    The Price Impact of Order Book Events

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    We study the price impact of order book events - limit orders, market orders and cancelations - using the NYSE TAQ data for 50 U.S. stocks. We show that, over short time intervals, price changes are mainly driven by the order flow imbalance, defined as the imbalance between supply and demand at the best bid and ask prices. Our study reveals a linear relation between order flow imbalance and price changes, with a slope inversely proportional to the market depth. These results are shown to be robust to seasonality effects, and stable across time scales and across stocks. We argue that this linear price impact model, together with a scaling argument, implies the empirically observed "square-root" relation between price changes and trading volume. However, the relation between price changes and trade volume is found to be noisy and less robust than the one based on order flow imbalance

    Biofortification of major crop plants with iron and zinc - achievements and future directions

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    Biofortification is a long-term strategy of delivering more iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn) to those most in need. Plant breeding programs within the CGIAR and NARS have made major advances in Fe- and Zn-dense variety development and there have been successful releases of new biofortified varieties. Recent research effort has led to a substantial improvement in our knowledge of Fe and Zn homeostasis and gene regulation, resulting in the identification of candidate genes for marker assisted selection. International cooperation between the agricultural and nutrition community has been strengthened, with numerous implementation and partnership strategies developed and employed over the years. The evidence on the effectiveness of Fe and Zn biofortified crops is slowly building up and the results are encouraging. Biofortification continues to be scaled out and further work is required to reach the general aim of eradicating the hidden hunger of Fe and Zn deficiency in the world’s population and ensuring nutritional security

    Enhancement of the ν=5/2\nu = 5/2 Fractional Quantum Hall State in a Small In-Plane Magnetic Field

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    Using a 50-nm width, ultra-clean GaAs/AlGaAs quantum well, we have studied the Landau level filling factor ν=5/2\nu = 5/2 fractional quantum Hall effect in a perpendicular magnetic field BB \sim 1.7 T and determined its dependence on tilted magnetic fields. Contrary to all previous results, the 5/2 resistance minimum and the Hall plateau are found to strengthen continuously under an increasing tilt angle 0<θ<250 < \theta < 25^\circ (corresponding to an in-plane magnetic field 0 << BB_\parallel <0.8< 0.8 T). In the same range of θ\theta the activation gaps of both the 7/3 and the 8/3 states are found to increase with tilt. The 5/2 state transforms into a compressible Fermi liquid upon tilt angle θ>60\theta > 60^\circ, and the composite fermion series [2+p/(2p±1)p/(2p\pm1)], p=p = 1, 2 can be identified. Based on our results, we discuss the relevance of a Skyrmion spin texture at ν=5/2\nu = 5/2 associated with small Zeeman energy in wide quantum wells, as proposed by Woˊ\acute{\text o}js etet alal., Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 086801 (2010).Comment: 5+ pages, 3 figures, accepted for by Phy. Rev. Let

    Helical edge states in multiple topological mass domains

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    The two-dimensional topological insulating phase has been experimentally discovered in HgTe quantum wells (QWs). The low-energy physics of two-dimensional topological insulators (TIs) is described by the Bernevig-Hughes-Zhang (BHZ) model, where the realization of a topological or a normal insulating phase depends on the Dirac mass being negative or positive, respectively. We solve the BHZ model for a mass domain configuration, analyzing the effects on the edge modes of a finite Dirac mass in the normal insulating region (soft-wall boundary condition). We show that at a boundary between a TI and a normal insulator (NI), the Dirac point of the edge states appearing at the interface strongly depends on the ratio between the Dirac masses in the two regions. We also consider the case of multiple boundaries such as NI/TI/NI, TI/NI/TI and NI/TI/NI/TI.Comment: 11 pages, 15 figure

    Helical edge states in multiple topological mass domains

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    The two-dimensional topological insulating phase has been experimentally discovered in HgTe quantum wells (QWs). The low-energy physics of two-dimensional topological insulators (TIs) is described by the Bernevig-Hughes-Zhang (BHZ) model, where the realization of a topological or a normal insulating phase depends on the Dirac mass being negative or positive, respectively. We solve the BHZ model for a mass domain configuration, analyzing the effects on the edge modes of a finite Dirac mass in the normal insulating region (soft-wall boundary condition). We show that at a boundary between a TI and a normal insulator (NI), the Dirac point of the edge states appearing at the interface strongly depends on the ratio between the Dirac masses in the two regions. We also consider the case of multiple boundaries such as NI/TI/NI, TI/NI/TI and NI/TI/NI/TI.Comment: 11 pages, 15 figure

    Sleep Hygiene and Light Exposure Can Improve Performance Following Long-Haul Air Travel.

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    PURPOSE:To assess the efficacy of a combined light exposure and sleep hygiene intervention to improve team-sport performance following eastward long-haul transmeridian travel. METHODS:Twenty physically trained males underwent testing at 09:00 and 17:00 hours local time on 4 consecutive days at home (baseline) and the first 4 days following 21 hours of air travel east across 8 time zones. In a randomized, matched-pairs design, participants traveled with (INT; n = 10) or without (CON; n = 10) a light exposure and sleep hygiene intervention. Performance was assessed via countermovement jump, 20-m sprint, T test, and Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Level 1 tests, together with perceptual measures of jet lag, fatigue, mood, and motivation. Sleep was measured using wrist activity monitors in conjunction with self-report diaries. RESULTS:Magnitude-based inference and standardized effect-size analysis indicated there was a very likely improvement in the mean change in countermovement jump peak power (effect size 1.10, ±0.55), and likely improvement in 5-m (0.54, ±0.67) and 20-m (0.74, ±0.71) sprint time in INT compared with CON across the 4 days posttravel. Sleep duration was most likely greater in INT both during travel (1.61, ±0.82) and across the 4 nights following travel (1.28, ±0.58) compared with CON. Finally, perceived mood and motivation were likely worse (0.73, ±0.88 and 0.63, ±0.87) across the 4 days posttravel in CON compared with INT. CONCLUSIONS:Combined light exposure and sleep hygiene improved speed and power but not intermittent-sprint performance up to 96 hours following long-haul transmeridian travel. The reduction of sleep disruption during and following travel is a likely contributor to improved performance

    The influence of food consumption and socio-economic factors on the relationship between zinc and iron intake and status in a healthy population

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    Objective: To examine Zn and Fe nutritional status of a healthy population by means of anthropometric, dietary and biochemical measurements and to investigate the relationship of usual Zn and Fe dietary intakes to Zn and Fe status. In addition, to examine the impact of food choices and socio-economic factors on Fe and Zn dietary intakes and status with the aim to identify groups at risk of dietary deficiency and suggest factors that may influence the status of these nutrients. Design: Food consumption was assessed by 24 h recall questionnaires. Twenty biochemical parameters were measured, of which Hb, haematocrit, erythrocyte count and plasma concentrations of Fe and Zn were directly related to Fe and Zn nutrition. The prevalence of study participants with inadequate micronutrient intakes was calculated using the Estimated Average Requirement cut-point method. Setting: Serbia, Europe. Subjects: Apparently healthy adults (25-65 years of age). Results: Mean daily Zn and Fe intakes were 9.1mg and 11.6 mg for males and 7.3 mg and 9.4 mg for females, respectively. Five per cent of the study population had inadequate dietary Fe intake and 15-25% had inadequate Zn intake. Lower Hb concentrations were measured in women with lower Zn intakes. No differences in Fe and Zn intakes and status among various socio-economic groups were observed, except for Fe intake between the low-income and affluent groups. Conclusions: Regular follow-ups are needed to ensure that potential deficiencies of Zn and Fe do get recognized and addressed in a timely manner

    Hot Organic Molecules Toward a Young Low-Mass Star: A Look at Inner Disk Chemistry

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    Spitzer Space Telescope spectra of the low mass young stellar object (YSO) IRS 46 (L_bol ~ 0.6 L_sun) in Ophiuchus reveal strong vibration-rotation absorption bands of gaseous C2H2, HCN, and CO2. This is the only source out of a sample of ~100 YSO's that shows these features and the first time they are seen in the spectrum of a solar-mass YSO. Analysis of the Spitzer data combined with Keck L- and M-band spectra gives excitation temperatures of > 350 K and abundances of 10(-6)-10(-5) with respect to H2, orders of magnitude higher than those found in cold clouds. In spite of this high abundance, the HCN J=4-3 line is barely detected with the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope, indicating a source diameter less than 13 AU. The (sub)millimeter continuum emission and the absence of scattered light in near-infrared images limits the mass and temperature of any remnant collapse envelope to less than 0.01 M_sun and 100 K, respectively. This excludes a hot-core type region as found in high-mass YSO's. The most plausible origin of this hot gas rich in organic molecules is in the inner (<6 AU radius) region of the disk around IRS 46, either the disk itself or a disk wind. A nearly edge-on 2-D disk model fits the spectral energy distribution (SED) and gives a column of dense warm gas along the line of sight that is consistent with the absorption data. These data illustrate the unique potential of high-resolution infrared spectroscopy to probe organic chemistry, gas temperatures and kinematics in the planet-forming zones close to a young star.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; To appear in Astrophysical Journal Letter