432 research outputs found

    Einfluss der Retention auf die Weisheitszahnmineralisation

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    Zusammenfassung: In der zahnärztlichen Altersdiagnostik ist die radiologische Beurteilung der Weisheitszähne das wichtigste Kriterium bei der Frage nach der Vollendung des 18.Altersjahres. Als alleiniges Kriterium geben die Weisheitszähne auch bei abgeschlossenem Wurzelwachstum diesbezüglich keine rechtsgenügende Sicherheit. In der vorgestellten Arbeit wurde untersucht, ob bei retinierten Weisheitszähnen im Unterkiefer das Wurzelwachstum verzögert wird und damit die Wahrscheinlichkeit für ein vollendetes 18.Lebensjahr steigt. Es konnte mithilfe der logistischen Regression gezeigt werden, dass, verglichen mit den Fällen durchgebrochener dritter Molaren, bei retinierten Weisheitszähnen mit abgeschlossenem Wurzelwachstum eine Verzögerung von 0,6Jahren bei männlichen und 0,7Jahren bei weiblichen Untersuchten auftritt. Es konnte kein einziger Proband mit retinierten unteren Weisheitszähnen und abgeschlossenem Wurzelwachstum beidseits identifiziert werden, der jünger als 18Jahre war. Bei Vorliegen eines retinierten dritten Molaren mit abgeschlossenem Wurzelwachstum nur auf einer Seite konnte ein einzelner Explorand von unter 18Jahren festgestellt werden (17Jahre, 11 Monate!). Fazit: Können bei der zahnärztlichen Altersdiagnostik 2 retinierte Weisheitszähne mit abgeschlossenem Wurzelwachstum im Unterkiefer festgestellt werden, darf bei Mitteleuropäern ein Mindestalter von 18Jahren mit an Sicherheit grenzender Wahrscheinlichkeit angenommen werden. Ist ein retinierter Unterkieferweisheitszahn mit abgeschlossenem Wurzelwachstum vorhanden, ist das 18.Lebensjahr mit sehr großer Wahrscheinlichkeit vollende

    Dental age diagnostics by means of radiographical evaluation of the growth stages of lower wisdom teeth

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    The main criterion for dental age estimation in living adolescents and young adults is mineralization of third molars. A total of 1,260 orthopantomograms of 669 female and 591 male subjects aged between 15 and 22years was examined. Of the orthopantomograms, 1,137 were from patients with Swiss citizenship and 123 were from other European countries. The mineralization status of lower third molars was evaluated based on Demirjian's classification of stages. For the statistical assessment of data, logistic regression and mean value testing were used. The findings show that completed growth in wisdom teeth is observable at ages less than 18. Male individuals were approximately 1year ahead of females at stage H, and South East Europeans were approximately 6months ahead of Swiss (Central Europe) at stage H. Mean values led to false conclusions regarding the question of the attained age of 18. Therefore, regression analysis should be used for the statistical assessment of data in dental age diagnostic

    Einfluss der Retention auf die Weisheitszahnmineralisation

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    In dental age diagnostics radiological evaluation of third molars is the most important criterion to establish whether an individual has attained 18 years of age. However, completed root development of third molars as the only criterion is insufficient for an establishment of legal certainty. In the present paper it was investigated whether root development is slowed down in impacted lower third molars and thereby increases the probability that 18 years of age has been attained. By means of logistic regression a delay of 0.6 years in male subjects and 0.7 years in female subjects was shown in impacted third molars with completed root development compared to cases with erupted third molars. There was no case in which an individual with impacted lower third molars with completed root development on both sides was under the age of 18. In the presence of impacted third molars with completed root development on one side only one subject was under 18 years of age (17 years and 11 months!). Conclusion: If two impacted third molars with completed root development in the lower jaw are determined in dental age diagnostics, a minimum age of 18 years in central Europeans can be suspected beyond any reasonable doubt. If one impacted mandibular third molar with completed root development is present it is very likely that 18 years of age have been attained

    Enhanced Spontaneous Emission Into The Mode Of A Cavity QED System

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    We study the light generated by spontaneous emission into a mode of a cavity QED system under weak excitation of the orthogonally polarized mode. Operating in the intermediate regime of cavity QED with comparable coherent and decoherent coupling constants, we find an enhancement of the emission into the undriven cavity mode by more than a factor of 18.5 over that expected by the solid angle subtended by the mode. A model that incorporates three atomic levels and two polarization modes quantitatively explains the observations.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, to appear in May 2007 Optics Letter

    Foundation and empire : a critique of Hardt and Negri

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    In this article, Thompson complements recent critiques of Hardt and Negri's Empire (see Finn Bowring in Capital and Class, no. 83) using the tools of labour process theory to critique the political economy of Empire, and to note its unfortunate similarities to conventional theories of the knowledge economy

    Film support and the challenge of ‘sustainability’: on wing design, wax and feathers, and bolts from the blue

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    In recognition of the importance of film in generating both economic and cultural value, the UK Labour government set up a new agency – the United Kingdom Film Council (UKFC) – in 2000 with a remit to build a sustainable film industry. But, reflecting a plethora of differing expectations in relation to the purposes behind public support for film, the UKFC's agenda shifted and broadened over the organisation's lifetime (2000–11). Apparently unconvinced by the UKFC's achievements, the Coalition government which came to power in May 2010 announced the Council's abolition and reassigned its responsibilities as part of a general cost-cutting strategy. Based on original empirical research, this article examines how the UKFC's sense of strategic direction was determined, how and why the balance of objectives it pursued changed over time and what these shifts tell us about the nature of film policy and the challenges facing bodies that are charged with enacting it in the twenty-first century

    The 3H-labelling of bilirubin

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    Art work or money: Conflicts in the construction of a creative identity

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    The identity projects of novice creative practitioners must take account of the economy of art work. It has been suggested (McRobbie, 2002a) that in the contemporary cultural industries in the UK, a new understanding of the connection between creative work and money has replaced past 'anti-commercial' notions. This claim is investigated through a narrative-discursive analysis of interviews from a longitudinal study with current and recent Art and Design postgraduates. Their ongoing identity projects are shaped by established understandings of creative work and the prospects it offers for earning and employment, and also by more local discursive resources given by personal life contexts. An analysis of two interviews with a single speaker shows how these resources are taken up within her ongoing and distinctive identity project. Both old and new repertoires of art and money are in play in her talk. She must negotiate dilemmas and potentially troubled positionings in order to reconcile a creative identity with relationships and responsibilities towards others. Coherence is only achieved momentarily and is disrupted by new life circumstances. By investigating an identity project at the level of talk, the analysis shows the complexity of the speaker's work to construct and claim a creative identity