86 research outputs found

    Theory and performance of auxiliary discharge thermionic energy converters

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    Auxiliary discharge thermionic energy converter - gas discharge processes, and plasma parameter

    Low energy proton radiation damage to (AlGa)As-GaAs solar cells

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    Twenty-seven 2 times 2 sq cm (AlGa)As-GaAs solar cells were fabricated and subjected to 50 keV, 100 keV, and 290 keV of proton irradiation along with eighteen high efficiency silicon solar cells. The results of the study further corroborate the advantages for space missions offered by GaAs cells over state of the art silicon cells. Thus, even though the GaAs cells showed greater degradation when irradiated by protons with energy less than 5 MeV, the solar cells were normally protected from these protons by the glass covers used in space arrays. The GaAs cells also offered superior end of life power capability compared with silicon. The change in the open circuit voltage, short circuit current, spectral response, and dark 1-5 characteristics after irradiation at each proton energy and fluence were found to be consistent with the explanation of the effect of the protons. Also dark 1-5 characteristics showed that a new recombination center dominates the current transport mechanism after irradiation

    Electron Radiation Damage of (alga) As-gaas Solar Cells

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    Solar cells (2 cm by 2 cm (AlGa) As-GaAs cells) were fabricated and then subjected to irradiation at normal incidence by electrons. The influence of junction depth and n-type buffer layer doping level on the cell's resistance to radiation damage was investigated. The study shows that (1) a 0.3 micrometer deep junction results in lower damage to the cells than does a 0.5 micrometer junction, and (2) lowering the n buffer layer doping density does not improve the radiation resistance of the cell. Rather, lowering the doping density decreases the solar cell's open circuit voltage. Some preliminary thermal annealing experiments in vacuum were performed on the (AlGa)As-GaAs solar cells damaged by 1-MeV electron irradiation. The results show that cell performance can be expected to partially recover at 200 C with more rapid and complete recovery occurring at higher temperature. For a 0.5hr anneal at 400 C, 90% of the initial power is recovered. The characteristics of the (AlGa)As-GaAs cells both before and after irradiation are described

    Medium energy proton radiation damage to (AlGa)As-GaAs solar cells

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    The performance of (AlGa)As-GaAs solar cells irradiated by medium energy 2, 5, and 10 MeV protons was evaluated. The Si cells without coverglass and a number of GaAs solar cells with 12 mil coverglass were irradiated simultaneously with bare GaAs cells. The cell degradation is directly related to the penetration of depth of protons with GaAs. The influence of periodic and continuous thermal annealing on the GaAs solar cells was investigated

    GaAs solar cells for concentrator systems in space

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    Cells for operation in space up to more than 100 suns were made, and an AMO efficiency of 21% at 100 suns with these cells was obtained. The increased efficiency resulted not only from the higher open circuit voltage associated with the higher light intensity (higher short circuit current); it also benefitted from the increase in fill factor caused by the lower relative contribution of the generation recombination current to the forward bias current when the cell's operating current density is increased. The experimental cells exhibited an AMO efficiency close to 16% at 200 C. The prospect of exploiting this capability for the continuous annealing of radiation damage or for high temperature missions (e.g., near Sun missions) remains therefore open. Space systems with concentration ratios on the order of 100 suns are presently under development. The tradeoff between increased concentration ratio and increased loss due to the cell's series resistance remains attractive even for space applications at a solar concentrator ratio of 100 suns. In the design of contact configuration with low enough series resistance for such solar concentration ratios, the shallow junction depth needed for good radiation hardness and the thin AlGaAs layer thickness needed to avoid excessive optical absorption losses have to be retained

    Fabrication of high efficiency and radiation resistant GaAs solar cells

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    Systematic improvements in fabrication yield were obtained by appropriate control of the liquid phase epitaxial growth process, contact fabrication and surface preparation. To improve radiation hardness, the junction depth was decreased while overcoming the penalty in decreased solar cell efficiency which tends to go hand-in-hand with the reduction of junction depth in (AlGa) As-GaAs solar cells. Cells were made with an AMO efficiency of 18% and a junction depth of 0.5 micrometers, as compared to junction depths on the order of 1.0 micrometers. With respect to the damage caused by proton irradiation, the nature of the observed damage was correlated to the energy and penetration depth of the damaging protons

    Running quark mass in two flavor QCD

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    We present first results for the step scaling function sigma_P of the renormalization factor Z_P of the pseudoscalar density. The simulations are performed within the framework of the Schroedinger functional with two flavors of O(a) improved Wilson fermions. The knowledge of sigma_P is required to compute the renormalization group invariant quark masses. We also study the performance of a variant of the HMC algorithm using two pseudofermion fields.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, Lattice2002(spectrum

    Non-perturbative renormalization of the axial current with improved Wilson quarks

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    We present a new normalization condition for the axial current, which is derived from the PCAC relation with non-vanishing mass. Using this condition reduces the O(r_0 m) corrections to the axial current normalization constant Z_A for an easier chiral extrapolation in the cases, where simulations at zero quark-mass are not possible. The method described here also serves as a preparation for a determination of Z_A in the full two-flavor theory.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, Lattice2003(improve