3,631 research outputs found

    Contributions of order O(mquark2){\cal O}(m_{\rm quark}^2) to K3K_{\ell 3} form factors and unitarity of the CKM matrix

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    The form factors for the K3K_{\ell 3} semileptonic decay are computed to order O(p4)O(p^4) in generalized chiral perturbation theory. The main difference with the standard O(p4)O(p^4) expressions consists in contributions quadratic in quark masses, which are described by a single divergence-free low-energy constant, A3A_3. A new simultaneous analysis is presented for the CKM matrix element VusV_{us}, the ratio FK/FπF_K/F_{\pi}, K3K_{\ell 3} decay rates and the scalar form factor slope λ0\lambda_0. This framework easily accommodates the precise value for VudV_{ud} deduced from superallowed nuclear β\beta-decays

    Chiral two-loop pion-pion scattering parameters from crossing-symmetric constraints

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    Constraints on the parameters in the one- and two-loop pion-pion scattering amplitudes of standard chiral perturbation theory are obtained from explicitly crossing-symmetric sum rules. These constraints are based on a matching of the chiral amplitudes and the physical amplitudes at the symmetry point of the Mandelstam plane. The integrals over absorptive parts appearing in the sum rules are decomposed into crossing-symmetric low- and high-energy components and the chiral parameters are finally related to high-energy absorptive parts. A first application uses a simple model of these absorptive parts. The sensitivity of the results to the choice of the energy separating high and low energies is examined with care. Weak dependence on this energy is obtained as long as it stays below ~560 MeV. Reliable predictions are obtained for three two-loop parameters.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figures in .eps files, Latex (RevTex), our version of RevTex runs under Latex2.09, submitted to Phys. Rev. D,minor typographical corrections including the number at the end of the abstract, two sentences added at the end of Section 5 in answer to a referee's remar

    B\"acklund transformation for non-relativistic Chern-Simons vortices

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    A B\"acklund transformation yielding the static non-relativistic Chern-Simons vortices of Jackiw and Pi is presented.Comment: 7 pages plain Te

    Baryon chiral perturbation theory with virtual photons and leptons

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    We construct the general pion-nucleon SU(2) Lagrangian including both virtual photons and leptons for relativistic baryon chiral perturbation theory up to fourth order. We include the light leptons as explicit dynamical degrees of freedom by introducing new building blocks which represent these leptons.Comment: 11 page

    Hadronic Contributions to the Muon Anomaly in the Constituent Chiral Quark Model

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    The hadronic contributions to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon which are relevant for the confrontation between theory and experiment at the present level of accuracy, are evaluated within the same framework: the constituent chiral quark model. This includes the contributions from the dominant hadronic vacuum polarization as well as from the next--to--leading order hadronic vacuum polarization, the contributions from the hadronic light-by-light scattering, and the contributions from the electroweak hadronic ZγγZ\gamma\gamma vertex. They are all evaluated as a function of only one free parameter: the constituent quark mass. We also comment on the comparison between our results and other phenomenological evaluations.Comment: Several misprints corrected and a clarifying sentence added. Three figures superposed and two references added. Version to appear in JHE

    Hadronic light-by-light scattering contribution to the muon g-2: an effective field theory approach

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    The hadronic light-by-light contribution to a_{mu}, the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon, is discussed from the point of view of an effective low-energy theory. As an application, the coefficient of the leading logarithm arising from the two-loop graphs involving two anomalous vertices is computed, and found to be positive. This corresponds to a positive sign for the pion-pole contribution to the hadronic light-by-light correction to a_{mu}, and to a sizeable reduction of the discrepancy between the present experimental value of a_{mu} and its theoretical counterpart in the standard model.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure. v2: published versio

    Contribution of higher meson resonances to the electromagnetic π\pi-meson mass difference

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    Modifications of the DGMLY relation for calculation of electromagnetic π\pi-meson mass difference based on the Chiral Symmetry Restoration phenomenon at high energies as well as the Operator Product Expansion of quark densities for vector (ρ\rho) and axial-vector (a1a_1) meson fields difference are proposed. In the calculations higher meson resonances in vector and axial-vector channels are taken into account. It is shown that the inclusion of the first ρ\rho and a1a_1 radial excitations improves the results for electromagnetic π\pi-meson mass difference as compared with the previous ones. Estimations on the electromagnetic ρ\rho and a1a_1-meson decay constants and the constant L10L_{10} of effective chiral Lagrangian are obtained from the generalized Weinberg sum rules.Comment: Latex2e, 10 pages, submitted to Yad. Phy

    Compact 20-pass thin-disk amplifier insensitive to thermal lensing

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    We present a multi-pass amplifier which passively compensates for distortions of the spherical phase front occurring in the active medium. The design is based on the Fourier transform propagation which makes the output beam parameters insensitive to variation of thermal lens effects in the active medium. The realized system allows for 20 reflections on the active medium and delivers a small signal gain of 30 with M2^2 = 1.16. Its novel geometry combining Fourier transform propagations with 4f-imaging stages as well as a compact array of adjustable mirrors allows for a layout with a footprint of 400 mm x 1000 mm.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Heavy mass expansion, light-by-light scattering and the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon

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    Contributions from light-by-light scattering to (g_\mu-2)/2, the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon, are mediated by the exchange of charged fermions or scalar bosons. Assuming large masses M for the virtual particles and employing the technique of large mass expansion, analytical results are obtained for virtual fermions and scalars in the form of a series in (m_\mu /M)^2. This series is well convergent even for the case M=m_\mu. For virtual fermions, the expansion confirms published analytical formulae. For virtual scalars, the result can be used to evaluate the contribution from charged pions. In this case our result confirms already available numerical evaluations, however, it is significantly more precise.Comment: revtex4, eps figure

    Two-loop representations of low-energy pion form factors and pi-pi scattering phases in the presence of isospin breaking

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    Dispersive representations of the pi-pi scattering amplitudes and pion form factors, valid at two-loop accuracy in the low-energy expansion, are constructed in the presence of isospin-breaking effects induced by the difference between the charged and neutral pion masses. Analytical expressions for the corresponding phases of the scalar and vector pion form factors are computed. It is shown that each of these phases consists of the sum of a "universal" part and a form-factor dependent contribution. The first one is entirely determined in terms of the pi-pi scattering amplitudes alone, and reduces to the phase satisfying Watson's theorem in the isospin limit. The second one can be sizeable, although it vanishes in the same limit. The dependence of these isospin corrections with respect to the parameters of the subthreshold expansion of the pi-pi amplitude is studied, and an equivalent representation in terms of the S-wave scattering lengths is also briefly presented and discussed. In addition, partially analytical expressions for the two-loop form factors and pi-pi scattering amplitudes in the presence of isospin breaking are provided.Comment: 57 pages, 12 figure