222 research outputs found


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    U starijim hrvatskim rukopisima, književnim, jezikoslovnim i drugim djelima hrvatski se je jezik uglavnom nazivao ilirskim. Ta je tendencija postojala još iz renesansnoga doba, a u potpunosti je u hrvatskoj kulturi zaživjela nakon Tridentskoga sabora, odnosno tijekom katoličke obnove. Ključnu je ulogu u procesu standardizacije hrvatskoga jezika odigrao autor prve hrvatske gramatike – Pažanin Bartol Kašić. On usvojoj Gramatici normira naddijalektalni tip jezika štokavskeosnovice, a naziva ga ilirskim. Analiziravši stare hrvatske gramatike tijekom 17., 18. i početka 19. stoljeća uočavamo da se većina gramatičara ugledavala na svoje prethodnike, te da u povijesti hrvatskoga jezika proces standardizacije književnoga jezika možemo u kontinuitetu pratiti od prve hrvatske gramatike sve do ilirske slovnice Vjekoslava Babukića iz 1836. godine.In older Croatian manuscripts, in literary, linguistic and other works the Croatian language was generally called Illyrian. This tendency existed as far back as the Renaissance and came wholly to the fore in Croatian culture after the Trident council, that is during the period of the Catholic restoration. Bartol Kašić from Pag, the author of the first Croatian grammar, played a key role in the process of the standardization of the Croatian language. In his Grammar he standardized the language of the štokavian basis which superseded the dialects and named it Illyrian. Through an analysis of old Croatian grammars during the 17th, 18th and the beginning of the 19th century one notes that the majority of grammarians followed the example of their predecessors and that within the history of the Croatian language one can follow the continuity of the standardization of the literary language from the first Croatian grammar all the way up to the Illyrian grammar written by Vjekoslav Babukić in 1836

    Dualism in Prosaic Works by Boito Brothers

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    The subject of this thesis is a dualistic representation of the world in prosaic works of Scapigliati, Arrigo and Camillo Boito. The introductory part is devoted to the Italian unification period with an emphasis on important historical events, social changes and the emergence of new intellectual groupings. The thesis also describes the poetics of the group of Scapigliati, their common features, themes and characteristics of the main representatives. The analytical part of the work is of comparative character and is focused on selected works of brothers, illustrating their individual dualistic view of the world. In the final part there is an overall evaluation of analyzes and comparison of both authors in terms of dualistic elements present in the analyzed works.Předmětem této bakalářské práce je dualistické znázornění světa v prozách scapigliátů, Arriga a Camilla Boitových. Úvodní část je věnována období italského risorgimenta s důrazem na významné historické události, společenské změny a vznik nových seskupení intelektuálů. Dále je v práci popisována poetika skupiny scapigliátů, jejich společné rysy, témata a charakteritiska hlavních představitelů. Analytická část práce je komparativního charakteru a je zaměřená na vybraná díla bratrů, znázorňující jejich individuální dualistický pohled na svět. V závěrečné části je provedeno celkové hodnocení analýz a porovnání obou autorů z hlediska dualistických prvků přítomných v rozebraných dílech.Ústav románských studiíInstitute of Romance StudiesFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult


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    Janku Poliću Kamovu u hrvatskoj je kulturi imanentan pojam psovača, rušitelja društvenih i književnih kanona. Riječ je dakle o umjetniku koji se nije mogao nositi s uskogrudnom malograđanskom sredinom koju je stoljećima stvarala „muška“ prosvjetiteljska kultura. Dakle ako su avangardisti, negirajući umjetnički kanon novovjekovne umjetnosti, pripremili teren feminizmu, onda se može reći da je među prvima u hrvatskoj kulturi to učinio mladi hrvatski intelekutalac – Janko Polić Kamov. Problematizacija ženskoga u Kamovljevu književnome djelu (posebice u romanu Isušena kaljuža) u tom je smislu temelj ovoga rada. Naime objektivizacijom ženskoga na prvi bi se pogled Polića okarakteriziralo kao antifeminističku pojavu, no avangardnim očuđujućim izokretanjem vrijednosti on postiže upravo suprotno. U svome psihoanalitičkom putovanju s ktonskoga dna do apolonijske kaljuže on postiže androginu ravnotežu.In Croatian literature the term curser, destroyer of social and literary cannons is imminent for Janko Polić Kamov. That is the artist who could not cope with narrow-minded petty-bourgeois society which was being made for centuries by the “male” enlightening culture. Therefore, if avant-gardists, negating artistic cannon of modern-history art, prepared the field for feminism, then it can be said that Janko Polić Kamov – young Croatian intellectual – was the first one who did that. Problems of female in Kamov’s literary work (especially in the novel Isušena Kaljuža / The Dried Out Mire) are in that sense foundation of this paper. Namely, objectifying female at the first sight Polić would be characterized as antifeminist figure, but he achieved completely the opposite thing by avantgarde inverting of values. In his psychoanalytical traveling from the bottom to Apollonian mire he achieved androgynous balance


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    Janku Poliću Kamovu u hrvatskoj je kulturi imanentan pojam psovača, rušitelja društvenih i književnih kanona. Riječ je dakle o umjetniku koji se nije mogao nositi s uskogrudnom malograđanskom sredinom koju je stoljećima stvarala „muška“ prosvjetiteljska kultura. Dakle ako su avangardisti, negirajući umjetnički kanon novovjekovne umjetnosti, pripremili teren feminizmu, onda se može reći da je među prvima u hrvatskoj kulturi to učinio mladi hrvatski intelekutalac – Janko Polić Kamov. Problematizacija ženskoga u Kamovljevu književnome djelu (posebice u romanu Isušena kaljuža) u tom je smislu temelj ovoga rada. Naime objektivizacijom ženskoga na prvi bi se pogled Polića okarakteriziralo kao antifeminističku pojavu, no avangardnim očuđujućim izokretanjem vrijednosti on postiže upravo suprotno. U svome psihoanalitičkom putovanju s ktonskoga dna do apolonijske kaljuže on postiže androginu ravnotežu.In Croatian literature the term curser, destroyer of social and literary cannons is imminent for Janko Polić Kamov. That is the artist who could not cope with narrow-minded petty-bourgeois society which was being made for centuries by the “male” enlightening culture. Therefore, if avant-gardists, negating artistic cannon of modern-history art, prepared the field for feminism, then it can be said that Janko Polić Kamov – young Croatian intellectual – was the first one who did that. Problems of female in Kamov’s literary work (especially in the novel Isušena Kaljuža / The Dried Out Mire) are in that sense foundation of this paper. Namely, objectifying female at the first sight Polić would be characterized as antifeminist figure, but he achieved completely the opposite thing by avantgarde inverting of values. In his psychoanalytical traveling from the bottom to Apollonian mire he achieved androgynous balance

    World Resurrection as an Utopian Idea in the Travelogue »Symphonies of the Adriatic, Italy, Paris and London« by Josip Kosor

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    U radu se interpretira putopis »Simfonije Jadrana, Italije, Pariza i Londona« Josipa Kosora u ključu avangardne utopijske ideje obnove svijeta. Kosorov »transcendentni utopizam« (Oraić Tolić) interpretirat će se na primjeru specifičnoga, hibridnog putopisnog žanra i to interpretacijskim čitanjem dominanti koje uvjetuju njegovu utopijsku misao – estetika (pejzaž), duhovnost (umjetnost), moral (sloboda). Interpretacijom se u tom smislu želi dokazati da je Josip Kosor već na izmaku avangardno-ekspresionističkih strujanja u hrvatskoj književnosti ostao vjeran utopijskoj ideji o obnovi svijeta.In the paper is interpreted the travelogue »Symphonies of the Adriatic, Italy, Paris and London« by Josip Kosor in the key of the expressionist and utopian idea of the world. The beauty of the landscape, art, vision of messianic personalities, and finally the reflection of ethics as inseparable categories of beauty, encourage the author to reflect on the aesthetics and mysticism

    Citatni dijalog s gradom u zbirci Pjesni na dubrovačku Luka Paljetka

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    Na primjeru zbirke pjesama Pjesni na dubrovačku Luka Paljetka autorica nastoji prikazati pjesnički intertekstualno-citatni model kao jedan od dominantnih stilskih književnih postupaka u razdoblju postmoderne. Paljetak se već svojom prvom zbirkom Nečastivi iz ruže (1968) deklarirao kao »nasljedovatelj« humanističko-renesansne razigrane europske kulture. Ipak, zbirka Pjesni na dubrovačku zaseban je i gotovo amblematičan oblik njemu svojstvenih postmodernističkih modela intertekstualne citatnosti i ludizma

    Role of Krleža’s essay on Zadar goldsmithing in creating cultural and national identity of Zadar after the Second World War

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    U radu se interpretira esej Miroslava Krleže posvećen zadarskoj srednjovjekovnoj umjetnosti Zlato i srebro Zadra te njegov utjecaj na stvaranje identitetske slike grada nakon Drugoga svjetskog rata. U Krležinim esejima iščitava se autorov modernistički, još uvijek utopijski stav o nacionalnoj povijesti i konstituiranju nacionalnog identiteta na temeljima dugostoljetne kulturne baštine. Krleža avangardno pristupa srednjovjekovnoj umjetnosti pronalazeći u filigranskim artefaktima zadarskoga zlatarstva poruku bunta i samosvijesti hrvatske kulture u kontekstu europskih civilizacija. Boraveći među zadarskim ruševinama neposredno nakon Drugoga svjetskog rata u njegovu zlatu Krleža stvara sliku novog identiteta grada, sliku konačno slobodnoga i hrvatskoga /slavenskoga Zadra.The paper analyzes essay written by Miroslav Krleža and dedicated to Zadar medieval art The Gold and Silver of Zadar and its influence on creating identity image of the city after the Second World War. Author’s modern, still utopian attitude to national history and creating the national identity on the foundations of centuries long cultural heritage is reflected in Krleža’s essays. He approaches medieval art in the avantgarde way finding in the filigree art designs of Zadar goldsmithing the message of rebellion and self-consciousness of the Croatian culture in the context European civilizations. Spending his time among Zadar ruins right after the Second World War Krleža created in his “gold” the image of the new city identity, image of the finally free and Croatian/ Slavic Zadar