51 research outputs found


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    Once the criminal procedure has been initiated, the mechanism of criminal-law protection of social values is set in motion, imposing immediate restrictions оn the fundamental human rights of the accused. To ensure that the judgment rendered in criminal proceedings is fully legitimate, the legislator has to ensure that the defendant has the opportunity to articulate his/her position оn the matter at issue. The legislator has to balance the public interest of the state to punish the criminal offender аnd the fundamental human rights аnd freedoms of individuals who are subjected to the criminal-law repression. To this effect, it is necessaryto create an optimal institutional setting which would embody these opposing goals. The defendant’s fundamental human rights and freedoms may be restricted only if the judgment imposing such restrictions has been the result of а confrontation of arguments between the prosecutor and the defendant in proceedings instituted before an independent criminal court which has fully observed the principles of legality, impartial justice and fairness. Thisis the essence of the right to а fair trial, which is contained in the international human rights’ protection documents and the supreme legal acts of the states based оn the rule of law. The right to а fair trial comprises the right of the injured party (the “victim” of unfair criminal proceedings) to seek compensation from the state for wrongful conviction. This right is considered infringed if there has been а serious omission in the course of proceedings which is detrimental to the defendant’s interests. It encompasses the rights arising from wrongful conviction and wrongfully applied procedural repression measures. As such, thisright is envisaged in the most important international law documents in the field of human rights’ protection


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    In the legal system of the Republic of Serbia, the Act on Juvenile Criminal Offenders and Protection of Minors in Criminal Law366 (hereinafter: the Juvenile Offenders’ Act), fully regulates the criminal law status of juvenile delinquents. Thus, autonomous juvenile criminal law was established as an instrument for protecting the society from juvenile delinquency, but also as a set of rules on the criminal law protection of juveniles. Although the Juvenile Offenders’ Act envisages diversion measures, the judiciary’s reaction to juvenile delinquency most frequently entails educational measures, but there is also an exceptional possibility of punishing juvenile offenders. International law standards pertaining to the rights of children and minors mandate a restrictive approach to punishing juvenile offenders. Therefore, this paper will look at the conformity of the normative framework of juvenile prison in Serbian law with the guidelines provided in the international catalog of juvenile rights


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    Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) contains a series of guarantees that together represent the right to a fair trial. According to the ECHR case law Article 6 of the European Convention applies to proceedings concerning "civil rights and obligations", as well as to proceedings concerning the "criminal charge" (autonomous concepts from Courts practice). According to the linguistic interpretation of the Convention, as well as the earlier practice of the European Court, the guarantees of the right to a fair trial refer only to the accused in the criminal proceedings. However, under the influence of the tendency to protect the rights of the injured party in criminal proceedings, which was promoted by the Council of Europe, the practice of the Court, by applying the "convention as a living instrument" principle, extends the scope of the application of Article 6 to the injured party. The authors deal with a critical analysis of the relevant case law of the Court in this domain, as well as the implications to the national law on the position of the injured party in the criminal proceedings. &nbsp


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    The right to privacy is one of the fundamental human rights. However, the illumination of modern types of crime (especially organized crime) requires the use of technical achievements that necessarily limit the privacy of the persons to whom these measures have been applied. Thanks to scientific and technological progress, interpersonal contacts take place with the absence of the time distance required to move information from the sender to the recipient. It is realistic to expect that the authority of criminal proceedings can hardly resist the temptation to supplement evidence with the insight into the intimacy of the defendant (or suspect). Thus, achievements of scientific and technological progress are the legacy that makes it easier and adorn human life, but it is also "restless Faust" who is tempting a man at every step. Certainly scientific and technical achievements "provoke" the legislator, as well as the police and judicial authorities in the process of clarifying the criminal case. A delicate task is set before the legislator. The provisions of the law must be such as to provide for the suppression of perpetrators of criminal offenses (especially organized crime), who in the performance of their activities of criminal character use the most modern scientific and technical achievements. On the other hand, a border must be determined, dividing legally from unlawful interference with private life, which must not be crossed by the police and judicial authorities, engaged in the criminal prosecution of perpetrators of criminal offenses

    Boka kotorska and the coast between Montenegro and the great powers 1797-1814

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    U radu se predočava glavni pravac vanjskopolitičkog djelovanja mitropolita Petra I. Petrovića usmjeren k Boki kotorskoj i primorju, u nastojanju povezivanja s Crnom Gorom u jedan državni organizam. Odnosi velikih sila, crnogorskog mitropolita, kao i lokalnog stanovništva – i katoličkog i pravoslavnog, u odnosu na status Boke i primorja u kompleksnom i dinamičnom razdoblju Napoleonovih ratova posebice su u fokusu analize. Rad je baziran na neobjavljenim i objavljenim povijesnim izvorima različite provenijencije i opsežnoj historiografskoj literaturi.The main foreign policy activity of Metropolitan Petar I Petrović was directed towards the Bay of Kotor and the coast in an effort to connect them with Montenegro into one state organism. Although Montenegro\u27s area was small and economically weak at that time, Metropolitan Petar I Petrović counted on the desire of the neighbouring coastal population to unite with Montenegro. So he directed his country\u27s foreign policy to the struggle for the liberation and annexation of coastal Montenegro related to it ethnically, historically, economically. The connections between the mainland and the coastal part of today\u27s Montenegro had always been alive, with intensive exchange trade, especially on the markets in Kotor and Risan. In the strategic, economic, and cultural sense, unification with Boka would have been the most valuable gain for the Montenegrin state, cramped in a small and ungenerous area with a "military camp" mentality. The Bay of Kotor was part of the Venetian and Mediterranean cultural circle and did not lag behind others in terms of civilization. But on the Adriatic coast, the interests of the great European powers also intersected. The Metropolitan tried to use the fall of the Venetian Republic in 1797 when Montenegro took possession of Budva for the first time. The failure of this action due to the great powers\u27 decision did not shake Peter I, who strengthened his spiritual and political influence over the Orthodox population in Boka and the coast. French and Austrian diplomacy tried to suppress Russian influence in the Balkans and Montenegro. Peter I thought about the benefits he could derive from connecting with the French aspirations in the east, so he established communication with the French. In these diplomatic moves, an educated citizen of Dubrovnik, Secretary Franjo Dolći, significantly influenced him. Following the Peace of Požun (Pressburg), Austria handed over this region to France. Earlier in 1806, the Russian fleet, backed by Montenegrins and the local population, had occupied the coast and held it until the middle of 1807. This was followed by a period of French rule in the Bay of Kotor, which was marked by frequent border conflicts between Montenegrins and the French and Bokelj\u27s hostile attitude towards the French authorities. When a new anti-Napoleonic coalition was formed in 1813, Peter I came into contact with the English in order to fight against the French together. The unification of Montenegro and the Bay of Kotor was proclaimed on October 29, 1913, at the assembly in Dobrota. The commander of the English Hosta Squadron handed over the keys to Kotor to the Montenegrin Metropolitan. However, in May 1814, the Russian tsar informed Peter I that the allies had decided to make this region part of the Austrian state, which was accepted as an injustice by the Montenegrins and most of the coastal population. The three Metropolitan\u27s military-political actions on the coast did not yield results due to unfavourable international circumstances, mutual diplomatic-political calculations and relationships, which conditioned the decisions of the great European powers. The paper is based on unpublished and published historical sources of various provenances and extensive historiographical literature

    A Contribution to the Population Study of Boka Kotorska: Anthroponymy of Orahovac

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    Orahovac je u arhivskim dokumentima zasvjedočen potkraj 14. stoljeća, dok su njegovi stanovnici registrovani više puta ranije (1326-1337), ali kao mještani Darantuma, koji je u to doba obuhvatao i Orahovac. Ovo naselje su tokom kasnijih stoljeća naselili većinom Crnogorci i nekoliko porodica iz Hercegovine i Stare Srbije, dok je procenat ostalih zanemariv. U raspoloživoj istorijskoj i etnološkoj građi prevladavaju hrišćanska, ali registrujemo i nešto narodnih, teofornih i zaštitnih imena. Najzastupljenija su imena Nikola i Jovan, potom Luka, Petar, Marko, Saverio, Andrija i Špiro, dok su ostala registrovana samo jednom ili dvaput. Prezimena su, uz nekoliko izuzetaka, patronimična i uglavnom su izvedena sufi ksacijom.The first mention of Orahovac in the archival documents dates from the end of the fourteenth century although the name of Darantum, larger area of which Orahovac was formerly part, may be traced even earlier. Throughout history, this place was mainly populated by Montenegrins, as well as rare families from Herzegovina and Old Serbia. In the accessible historical and ethnological materials, Christian saintly names are dominant, in addition to popular, theophoric and protective names. The most common names are: Nikola and Jovan, followed by Luka, Petar, Marko, Saverio, Andrija, Špiro. Surnames are mostly of patronymic origin, derived from the name by suffixation


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    Studies have shown that in everyday school activities the predominating forms of learning are characterized by individualism and competition. Such atmosphere of individualism and competition can hardly have a positive influence on the development and stimulation of students’ competence in teaching literature. The focus of interactive learning is not only on cognitive competences, which the traditional teaching insists on, but also on the emotional, social and working competences, which are developed in the process of reception and interpretation of literary and artistic texts. This paper presents the results of experimental research of the effects of interactive learning on the development of students’ reading skills in teaching literature. The effects of interactive learning are expressed through a higher degree of development of cognitive, emotional, social and working competences of students.Istraživanja su pokazala da u svakodnevnim školskim dešavanjima dominiraju oblici učenja koje karakteriše individualizam i takmičenje. Teško da atmosfera individualizma i takmičenja može uticati na razvijanje i podsticanje kompetencija učenika u nastavi književnosti. Fokus interaktivnog učenja nije samo na kognitivnim kompetencijama na čemu insistira uobičajena nastava nego i na emocionalnim, socijalnim i radno-akcionim kompetencijama. U radu su prezentovani rezultati eksperimentalnog istraživanja uticaja interaktivnog učenja na razvijenost kompetencija učenika u nastavi književnosti. Efekti interaktivnog učenja ispoljavaju se kroz veći stepen razvijenosti kognitivnih,emocionalnih, socijalnih i radno-akcionih kompetencija učenika

    Multilateral Initiatives in the Balkans Between 1995 and 2015

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    Osnovna je tema rada analiza multilateralne suradnje na Balkanu od vreme-na potpisivanja Dejtonskog sporazuma iz 1995. godine do današnjih dana. Rad se posebno bavi interpretiranjem ideološkog sadržaja suvremenih ideja o balkanskom povezivanju i njihove političke pozadine. Analitički fokus rada usmjeren je ka opisu intenziteta i kvalitete ovdašnje multilaterale kroz Vijeće za regionalnu suradnju, platformu CEFTA, crnogorsku inicijativu WB6 te cje-lokupan euroatlantski integrativni okvir.The main topic of this paper is the analysis of multilateral cooperation in the Balkans, from the time of the signing of Dayton Agreement in 1995 to the present day. The paper interprets the ideological contents of the modern idea of the Balkan Union and its political background. The analytical focus of this paper is aimed to describe the intensity and quality of current multilateral cooperation, through the Regional Cooperation Council, CEFTA platform, Montenegrin Initiative WB6, and the entire Euro-Atlantic integration fra-mework

    Multilateralne inicijative na Balkanu u razdoblju između 1995. i 2015. godine

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    Osnovna je tema rada analiza multilateralne suradnje na Balkanu od vreme-na potpisivanja Dejtonskog sporazuma iz 1995. godine do današnjih dana. Rad se posebno bavi interpretiranjem ideološkog sadržaja suvremenih ideja o balkanskom povezivanju i njihove političke pozadine. Analitički fokus rada usmjeren je ka opisu intenziteta i kvalitete ovdašnje multilaterale kroz Vijeće za regionalnu suradnju, platformu CEFTA, crnogorsku inicijativu WB6 te cje-lokupan euroatlantski integrativni okvir.The main topic of this paper is the analysis of multilateral cooperation in the Balkans, from the time of the signing of Dayton Agreement in 1995 to the present day. The paper interprets the ideological contents of the modern idea of the Balkan Union and its political background. The analytical focus of this paper is aimed to describe the intensity and quality of current multilateral cooperation, through the Regional Cooperation Council, CEFTA platform, Montenegrin Initiative WB6, and the entire Euro-Atlantic integration fra-mework

    Evropski nalog za hapšenje kao mehanizam ekstradicije u međunarodnoj krivičnopravnoj saradnji

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    The subject of the paper is the European Arrest Warrant as a Model of Extradition of EU Member States, established by the EU Council Framework Decision (2002/584/ PUP) of 13 June 2002 about the surrender procedure between the EU Member States. The introductory part of the paper gave a brief overview of the idea of the unification of Europe after the II World War and in this regard the adoption of the EUW as a substitute for slow and insufficiently effective extradition. The central part of the paper contains an exposition of its concept, legislative framework, substantive and procedural legal conditions for publication and content. The EAW can not be issued for all offenses, but only for the works listed in the Catalog 32. The principle of double punishment has been abolished for some serious crimes, as well as the prohibition of the extradition of its own citizens for some financial crimes. In the concluding part pointed to the role of EAW in the construction and functioning of the EU's single judicial area.Predmet rada je Evropski nalog za hapšenje (u daljem tekstu: EUN) kao model ekstradicije država članica Evropske unije, uspostavljen Okvirnom odlukom Veća EU (2002/584/PUP) od 13. 6. 2002. o postupku predaje između država članica EU. U uvodnom delu rada je dat kratak osvrt na ideju ujedinjenja Evrope posle II svetskog rata i s tim u vezi usvajanje EUN kao supstituta spore i nedovoljno efikasne ekstradicije. Centralni deo rada sadrži izlaganje o njegovom pojmu, legislativnom okviru, materijalnim i procesnim pravnim uslovima za izdavanje i sadržini. Evropski nalog za hapšenje ne može se izdati za sva krivična dela, već samo za dela navedena u Katalogu 32. Načelo dvostruke kažnjivosti je ukinuto za pojedina teška krivična dela, kao i zabrana izručenja vlastitih državljana za neka finansijska krivična dela. U zaključnom delu je ukazano na ulogu EUN u izgradnji i funkcionisanju jedinstvenog pravosudnog prostora EU