736 research outputs found

    On the limit of linear viscoelastic response in the flow between eccentric rotating disks

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    The dependence on frequency of the limiting value of strain, ΨL, for which linear Viscoelastic response occurs in eccentric rotating disks (ERD) flow is studied theoretically and experimentally. The theoretical investigations are based upon the general simple-fluid theory of Coleman and Noll. It is shown that according to this theory ΨL becomes independent of angular velocity, ω, at relatively high frequencies, whereas ΨL becomes inversely proportional to at sufficiently low frequencies. The results of previous investigations, based upon some special rheological models, are discussed. The behavior predicted by the simple-fluid theory is confirmed by experiments on polyisobutylene solutions

    Psalm Reception History Assignment, For Early British Literature Survey or Studies in Renaissance Literature courses

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    Psalm Reception History Assignment, For Early British Literature Survey or Studies in Renaissance Literature course

    Quantitative and Qualitative Stability Analysis of Polyrhythmic Circuits

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    FLT3 inhibition in acute myeloid leukaemia

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    FMS-like tyrosine kinase 3 (FLT3) is a receptor tyrosine kinase that appears to play a significant role in leukaemogenesis. Activating mutations of FLT3 are present in approximately one-third of acute myeloid leukaemia patients and are associated with adverse clinical outcome, while many nonmutated cases also show evidence of FLT3 activation. FLT3 thus represents a potentially exciting molecular therapeutic target. A number of small-molecule tyrosine kinase inhibitors with anti-FLT3 activity have been developed and several of these compounds have entered early phase clinical trials where clinical anti-leukaemic activity has been demonstrated. The depth and duration of clinical responses to FLT3 inhibitor monotherapy have been modest, however, and a number of mechanisms by which blasts may acquire resistance have been proposed. Based on preclinical evidence of synergy with conventional chemotherapy, several combination trials are now underway. FLT3 inhibition may also be effective used in combination with other molecularly targeted agents, in postchemotherapy stem-cell-directed maintenance therapy and in MLL-rearranged infant acute lymphoblastic leukaemia

    Creating Community among Colleagues: A Call to Collaboration

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    Teaching has traditionally been a lonely enterprise. Working in isolation is commonplace. Collaboration among teachers is rare, particularly at the high school level. How can Christian high schools be more purposeful in developing an ethos in which collaboration among faculty is encouraged and expected? Teachers will need to be taught how to collaborate. Teachers will have to develop attitudes of openness and trust. Administrative leadership will need to implement structures and strategies that promote a collaborative environment. Christians are called to live in community with each other. To that end much can and should be done to promote collaboration among teachers in Christian high schools

    The hypolipidaemic effect of inulin: when animal studies help to approach the human problem

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    State-of-the-Art Review of Bibliographic Control of Higher Education in Canada

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    During the last two decades the quantity and variety of materials providing information on higher education in Canada have increased greatly. Nevertheless, researchers, administrators, instructors and students find it difficult to identify and locate relevant items. The following article reports on a survey of Canadian agencies and institutions collecting higher education materials; identifies four problem areas - definitions, collection policies, accessibility, and collection co- ordination; and recommends further information exchange and the compilation of a more complete directory of collections in higher education.Au cours des deux dernières décennies on a assisté à une augmentation consi-dérable de la quantité et de la variété de l'information ayant trait à l'enseigne-ment supérieur au Canada. Cependant, l'identification et la localisation de ces documents ne sont pas pour autant sans poser des problèmes aux chercheurs, administrateurs, enseignants, et étudiants. L'article suivant signale les résultats d'une enquête portant sur les organismes et établissements canadiens qui recueil-lent des documents relatifs à l'enseignement supérieur. Il identifie quatre caté-gories de problèmes - définitions, politiques de développement des fonds, acces-sibilité des documents, et coordination des collections — et recommande l'inten-sification des échanges d'information ainsi que la compilation d'un répertoire plus complet pour donner accès à ces collections
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