178 research outputs found

    Self-reported gait unsteadiness in mildly impaired neurological patients: an objective assessment through statistical gait analysis

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    Background Self-reported gait unsteadiness is often a problem in neurological patients without any clinical evidence of ataxia, because it leads to reduced activity and limitations in function. However, in the literature there are only a few papers that address this disorder. The aim of this study is to identify objectively subclinical abnormal gait strategies in these patients. Methods Eleven patients affected by self-reported unsteadiness during gait (4 TBI and 7 MS) and ten healthy subjects underwent gait analysis while walking back and forth on a 15-m long corridor. Time-distance parameters, ankle sagittal motion, and muscular activity during gait were acquired by a wearable gait analysis system (Step32, DemItalia, Italy) on a high number of successive strides in the same walk and statistically processed. Both self-selected gait speed and high speed were tested under relatively unconstrained conditions. Non-parametric statistical analysis (Mann-Whitney, Wilcoxon tests) was carried out on the means of the data of the two examined groups. Results The main findings, with data adjusted for velocity of progression, show that increased double support and reduced velocity of progression are the main parameters to discriminate patients with self-reported unsteadiness from healthy controls. Muscular intervals of activation showed a significant increase in the activity duration of the Rectus Femoris and Tibialis Anterior in patients with respect to the control group at high speed. Conclusions Patients with a subjective sensation of instability, not clinically documented, walk with altered strategies, especially at high gait speed. This is thought to depend on the mechanisms of postural control and coordination. The gait anomalies detected might explain the symptoms reported by the patients and allow for a more focused treatment design. The wearable gait analysis system used for long distance statistical walking assessment was able to detect subtle differences in functional performance monitoring, otherwise not detectable by common clinical examination

    Extension of the rigidā€constraint method for the heuristic suboptimal parameter tuning to ten sensor fusion algorithms using inertial and magnetic sensing

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    The orientation of a magnetoā€inertial measurement unit can be estimated using a sensor fusion algorithm (SFA). However, orientation accuracy is greatly affected by the choice of the SFA parameter values which represents one of the most critical steps. A commonly adopted approach is to fineā€tune parameter values to minimize the difference between estimated and true orientation. However, this can only be implemented within the laboratory setting by requiring the use of a concurrent goldā€standard technology. To overcome this limitation, a Rigidā€Constraint Method (RCM) was proposed to estimate suboptimal parameter values without relying on any orientation reference. The RCM method effectiveness was successfully tested on a singleā€parameter SFA, with an average error increase with respect to the optimal of 1.5 deg. In this work, the applicability of the RCM was evaluated on 10 popular SFAs with multiple parameters under different experimental scenarios. The average residual between the optimal and suboptimal errors amounted to 0.6 deg with a maximum of 3.7 deg. These encouraging results suggest the possibility to properly tune a generic SFA on different scenarios without using any reference. The synchronized dataset also including the optical data and the SFA codes are available online

    Evaluation of time-series registration methods in dynamic area telethermometry for breast cancer detection

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    Automated motion reduction in 3D dynamic infrared imaging is on demand in many applications. Few methods for registering time-series dynamic infrared frames have been proposed. Almost all such methods are feature based algorithms requiring manual intervention. We apply different automated registration methods based on spatial displacement to 11 datasets of Breast Dynamic Infrared Imaging (DIRI) and evaluate the results in terms of both the image similarity and anatomical consistency of the transformation. The aim is to optimize the registration strategy for breast DIRI in order to improve the spectral analysis of temperature modulation; thus facilitating the acquisition procedure in a Dynamic Area Telethermometry framework. The results show that symmetric diffeomorphic demons registration outperforms both warped frames similarity and smoothness of deformation fields; hence proving effective for time-series dynamic infrared registration

    Muscle Synergy Assessment during Single-Leg Stance

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    In the study of muscle synergies during the maintenance of single-leg stance there are several methodological issues that must be taken into account before muscle synergy extraction. In particular, it is important to distinguish between epochs of surface electromyography (sEMG) signals corresponding to "well-balanced" and "unbalanced" single-leg stance, since different motor control strategies could be used to maintain balance. The aim of this work is to present and define a robust procedure to distinguish between "well-balanced" and "unbalanced" single-leg stance to be chosen as input for the algorithm used to extract muscle synergies. Our results demonstrate that the proposed approach for the selection of sEMG epochs relative to "well-balanced" and "unbalanced" single-leg stance is robust with respect to the selection of the segmentation threshold, revealing a high consistency in the number of muscle synergies and high similarity among the weight vectors (correlation values range from 0.75 to 0.97). Moreover, differences in terms of average recruitment levels and balance control strategies were detected, suggesting a slightly different modular organization between "well-balanced" and "unbalanced" single-leg stance. In conclusion, this approach can be successfully used as a pre-processing step before muscle synergy extraction, allowing for a better assessment of motor control strategies during the single-leg stance task

    Wearable sensors for gait analysis

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    Systems based on inertial sensors are increasingly used in motion analysis due to their low cost, portability and wearability. However, since accuracy is crucial in clinical gait analysis, it is important to assess it in new systems. The aim of this study is to compare the performances of a magnetic and inertial sensors system (MIMUs) to a gold standard, the electromechanical system STEP32. Results shows that spatio-temporal parameters are accurately estimated by the MIMUs system. Joint kinematics does not reach the accuracy of the STEP32 system. In fact, although MIMUs measurements on the knee and hip joints are clinically acceptable, they are not yet reliable for the ankle joint

    Muscle synergies for the control of single-limb stance with and without visual information in young individuals

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    Purpose: Single-limb stance is a demanding postural task featuring a high number of daily living and sporting activities. Thus, it is widely used for training and rehabilitation, as well as for balance assessment. Muscle activations around single joints have been previously described, however, it is not known which are the muscle synergies used to control posture and how they change between conditions of normal and lack of visual information. Methods: Twenty-two healthy young participants were asked to perform a 30 s single-limb stance task in open-eyes and closed-eyes condition while standing on a force platform with the dominant limb. Muscle synergies were extracted from the electromyographical recordings of 13 muscles of the lower limb, hip, and back. The optimal number of synergies, together with the average recruitment level and balance control strategies were analyzed and compared between the open- and the closed-eyes condition. Results: Four major muscle synergies, two ankle-dominant synergies, one knee-dominant synergy, and one hip/back-dominant synergy were found. No differences between open- and closed-eyes conditions were found for the recruitment level, except for the hip/back synergy, which significantly decreased (p = 0.02) in the closed-eyes compared to the open-eyes condition. A significant increase (p = 0.03) of the ankle balance strategy was found in the closed-eyes compared to the open-eyes condition. Conclusion: In healthy young individuals, single-limb stance is featured by four major synergies, both in open- and closed-eyes condition. Future studies should investigate muscle synergies in participants with other age groups, as well as pathological conditions

    Wearable sensors for gait analysis: Comparison between a MIMUs system and a gold standard electromechanical system

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    Systems based on inertial sensors are increasingly used in motion analysis due to their low cost, portability and wearability. However, since accuracy is crucial in clinical gait analysis, it is important to assess it in new systems. The aim of this study is to compare the performances of a magnetic and inertial sensors system (MIMUs) to a gold standard, the electromechanical system STEP32. Results shows that spatio-temporal parameters are accurately estimated by the MIMUs system. Joint kinematics does not reach the accuracy of the STEP32 system. In fact, although MIMUs measurements on the knee and hip joints are clinically acceptable, they are not yet reliable for the ankle joint
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