103 research outputs found

    Pukotine na valjkastom ležaju

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    Bearings are among the most important components of electromotors, pumps, compressors and other processing equipment. After 30 years of work some non-destructive and metallographic examinations were carried out on a single-row cylindrical roller-bearing. A non-destructive liquid-penetrant testing revealed crack indications on an inner ring groove. When a sample of the roller-bearing outer ring was cut out for metallographic examination, new cracks were discovered that were not detected by the non-destructive testing. However, with the examination of the non-failed bearing it is possible to obtain useful information that can help us to decide how much of the remaining population of bearings with the same geometry and loading should be examined.Ležajevi su veoma značajne komponente elektromotora, crpki, kompresora i ostale procesne opreme. Na jednorednom valjkastom cilindričnom ležaju, koji je bio u pogonu 30 godina bile su izvedene kontrole bez razaranja i metalografska kontrola. Sa metodom tekućih pentranata su se otkrile indikacije pukotina u žlijebu unutraÅ”njeg prstena. Kada je bio iz vanjskog prstena uzet uzorak za metalografsko ispitivanje otkrivene su bile nove pukotine, koje nisu bile detektirane kontrolom bez razaranja. Sa ispitivanjem ležaja koji nije otkazao tako je moguće dobiti korisne informacije, koje nam mogu pomoći o odluci koliki će biti broj ispitanih ležajeva između ostale populacije s jednakom geometrijom i opterećenjem

    Relationship between emotional states and food choice

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    Registration of buldings in real-estate register

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    The goal of the diploma paper was to present the participants the process regarding the real- estate registration, namely from the recording a building in land register, recording a bulding into property register to recording a building into a cadastre. The diploma paper presents the problem- solving during the period of last ten years, which has brought along many changes to the newly developed real-estate register. Simultaneously the real-estate registers have also been change and suplemented. New changes always cause to solve past problems and at the same time open door for new problems and knowledge. The result of the diploma paper is shown in the awareness of real-estate owners and their trustees, and finally in the legislation, which should in case of owners' inactivity tend to the currency of land survey register

    Photogrammetric capture and data processing for generating a 3D model of a traffic accident scene

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    Photogrammetry is a science, used in many different areas. In this thesis, its application in documentation of traffic accidents is presented, where a 3D model of the scene is generated from photos. The working process includes surveying measurements, taking photos of the calibration field and the traffic accident scene, photogrammetric measurements and generation of a 3D model. The first part introduces the theory about this area and presents the experience about this work in Slovenia and around the world. Briefly is presented also the use of terrestrial laser scanning, by means of examples. The thesis is mostly about the presentation and description of field work and phases for creating the final three-dimensional model of a traffic accident scene. There is also a detailed description of work, done in the PhotoModeler program, which I used in my practical example

    Alternativni modeli ispitivanja toksičnosti ksenobiotika

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    The alternatives to whole-animal testing include endpoint assays, cell and tissue cultures, use of tissue slices, toxicokinetic modelling, and structure-activity relationships and databases. The use of in vitro systems (subcellular fractions, cell lines, primary cell cultures, tissue slices, organ cultures, etc.) as research tools in toxicology is widespread. In the past few years, the apoptosis phenomena were followed by very precise intracellular changes where, through programmed cell death, a cell can be removed from a population. The in vitro systems are ideally suited for investigations of the molecular, cellular and physiological mechanisms of chemically induced toxicity, which cannot readily be studied in vivo for known target organ and target species toxicity studies and for answering specific questions about toxic effects. The main justification for developing in vitro toxicity tests is that they will make toxicology a more scientifically based practice. It is increasingly apparent that the development and incorporation of stepwise testing strategies, combining experimental data from a range of alternative methods (physicochemical techniques, quantitative structure-activity relationships - QSAR, metabolic and kinetic modelling and in vitro tests), provide the most advanced way to predict toxicity, reducing at the same time the number of laboratory animals used for testing.Alternativni sustavi ispitivanja toksičnosti na životinjama obuhvaćaju postupke koji uključuju stanice i kulture, uporabu dijelova tkiva, toksikokinetičko modeliranje, kao i odnose aktivnosti prema strukturi ksenobiotika. Uporaba in vitro sustava (staničnih frakcija, staničnih linija, primarnih staničnih kultura, dijelova tkiva, kulture organa itd.) ima Å”iroku primjenu u toksikoloÅ”kim istraživanjima. U posljednjih nekoliko godina fenomen apoptoze može se pratiti prema vrlo preciznim unutarstaničnim promjenama te utvrđena programirana smrt stanice iskoristiti u uklanjanju takvih stanica iz populacije. In vitro sustavi idealno se rabe u istraživanjima molekularnih, staničnih i fizioloÅ”kih mehanizama toksičnosti izazvanih kemikalijama, dok in vivo studije toksičnosti ne mogu dati te odgovore. Glavna potvrda razvoja i praćenja toksičnosti spojeva u in vitro testovima jest znanstvena utemeljenost toksikologije. Razvoj i uvođenje strategija testiranja koje primjenjuju kombinaciju eksperimentalnih podataka iz niza alternativnih metoda (fizikalno-kemijske tehnike, QSAR tehnike, metaboličko i kinetičko modeliranje) omogućuje najefikasniju procjenu toksičnosti, kao i istodobno smanjenje broja laboratorijskih životinja potrebnih u postupcima testiranja toksičnosti spojeva

    Molekularni mehanizmi i morfoloŔka obilježja autofagije

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    Autofagija je evolucijski dobro očuvan katabolički proces koji se događa u svim eukariotskim stanicama, a u kojem stanica razgradnjom oÅ”tećenih makromolekula i organela, između ostalog, osigurava hranjive tvari i energiju za održavanje vitalnih funkcija. Radi održavanja homeostaze, autofagija se na bazalnoj razini odvija neprestano u gotovo svim stanicama. Različiti fizioloÅ”ki podražaji (oÅ”tećenja organela, nakupljanja proteinskih agregata, hipoksija, oksidacijski stres, upala i dr.) induciraju proces autofagije. Ipak, dokazano je da su nedostatak nutrijenata i energetski stres najsnažniji regulatori procesa autofagije. Pokretanjem autofagije stanice se ā€žbraneā€œ recikliranjem hranjivih sastojaka i/ili razgradnjom oÅ”tećenih organela. Uslijed prekomjerne eliminacije organela i citoplazmatskog sadržaja, prekomjerne mitofagije (selektivne razgradnje mitohondrija) i posljedičnog nedostatka energije, aktivacija autofagije može rezultirati i staničnom smrću (tzv. stanična smrt ovisna o autofagiji). Istraživanja su ukazala na važnost autofagije u očuvanju zdravlja kod bakterijskih i virusnih infekcija, karcinoma, neurodegenerativnih, metaboličkih i upalnih bolesti. Pojam autofagije najčeŔće se odnosi na najviÅ”e istražen oblik autofagije - makroautofagiju. Osim o tom obliku autofagije, u ovom preglednom radu dan je uvid u mehanizme i obilježja mikroautofagije i autofagije posredovane Å”aperonom (CMA)

    Opstati ili umrijeti ā€“ regulacija stanične smrti

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    Stanično umiranje je temeljni bioloÅ”ki proces, koji je u fizioloÅ”kom smislu embrionalnoga razvoja i obnove tkiva, te kao patoloÅ”ki odgovor na ozljedu stanica i infekciju patogenima, uključen u mehanizme koji kontroliraju razvoj, homeostazu i imunoloÅ”ku regulaciju viÅ”estaničnih organizama. Stanice mogu umrijeti slučajnom (bioloÅ”ki nekontrolirani procesi) ili reguliranom (genetski kontrolirani molekularni procesi) staničnom smrću. Stanična smrt odvija se različitim mehanizmima koji dovode do pojave različitih morfoloÅ”kih promjena u stanicama zahvaćenim tim procesima. Nedavna otkrića u tom području i detekcija sve većeg broja novih oblika regulirane stanične smrti, rezultirala su novom sustavnom klasifikacijom i nomenklaturom različitih tipova stanične smrti. U ovom preglednom radu dan je uvid u sustav klasifikacije, mehanizme i obilježja glavnih tipova stanične smrti: nekroze, apoptoze i autofagije
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