100 research outputs found


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    The Styrian hen is an autochthonous chicken breed in Slovene and Austrian Styria. The article describes it as an independent genetic form similar to adherents of Mediterranean order as well as its genotypic traits together with breed standards. Its economic potential is modest in camparison to the intensive crossbreeds, therefore its conservation depends on fanciers. Hence the study of this breed is important from ethnographic point of view


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    Na Kmetijskem inŔtitutu Slovenije že od leta 1987, v okviru strokovnih nalog v kmetijstvu, od leta 1999 pa v okviru programa za nacionalni monitoring, spremljamo onesnaženost kmetijskih pridelkov s pesticidi. Stalno spremljanje je zaradi intenzivne proizvodnje kmetijskih pridelkov in večje rabe kemijskih sredstev za varstvo rastlin nujno. V okviru nacionalnega monitoringa smo v letih 2001 in 2002 analizirali vsebnost ostankov pesticidov v 301 vzorcu sadja in zelenjave iz osmih pridelovalnih območij Slovenije.Agricultural Institute of Slovenia has been monitoring the pollution of agricultural products with residues of pesticides as part of professional projects in agriculture since 1987, and as part of national monitoring programme since 1999. Constant measurements are necessary because of intensive production of agricultural products and expanded use of chemical substances for plant protection. In the years 2001 and 2002 we have analysed the presence of pesticide residues in 301 samples of fruit and vegetables from eight different growing areas of Slovenia as part of national monitoring

    The influence of cultivation method on nitrate content in some lettuce samples

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    The use of nitrogen fertilizers is one of the main effects for the accumulation of nitrates in plants. Conventional agriculture, in comparison to integrated and organic farming, causes greater environmental pollution and poorer quality of crops. Within the framework of the research, we studied the influence of the method of cultivation on the content of nitrates in the samples of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.). The samples were received directly from growing areas from different parts of Slovenia and analysed in the laboratory for the nitrate content (NO3-) according to the accredited method. The samples from conventional cultivation showed the highest sample representation (51 %), with values in the highest concentration range (1000 - 2500 mg of NO3- kg-1, one sample exceeded 2500 mg kg-1 fresh mass). Within the framework of integrated cultivation, there were less such samples (34 %), and among the samples from organic cultivation no sample exceeded 1000 mg of NO3- kg-1. Of 88 analysed samples, one sample exceeded the statutory limit value applicable to lettuce of the type Iceberg ('Ljubljanska ledenka'). On average, the Iceberg samples contained more nitrates than other types of lettuce.</p

    Vascular Health and Cardiovascular Outcomes: Focus on Perindopril and its Combinations

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    Endotelna disfunkcija najranija je vaskularna abnormalnost, a uključena je u sve faze kardiovaskularnog kontinuuma. Osim sposobnosti snizivanja arterijskoga tlaka, antihipertenzivni lijekovi u idealnom slučaju trebaju imati dodatna svojstva zaÅ”tite endotela. Čini se da među inhibitorima angiotenzin-konvertaze perindopril ima najsnažnije protektivne učinke na endotel. Amlodipin je dobro poznat po svojemu ateroprotektivnom učinku. Klinički dokazi pokazuju da perindopril i amlodipin pojedinačno mogu usporiti progresiju kardiovaskularne bolesti, uz dugoročne blagotvorne učinke liječenja na mortalitet. Taj je učinak jači i Å”iri ako se oba lijeka primjenjuju zajedno. Važnim se doima rano propisivanje perindoprila i amlodipina jer se većina koristi od liječenja obama lijekovima događa u ranim ili srednjim fazama kardiovaskularnog kontinuuma. Klinički dokazi također podupiru blagotvorni učinak na vaskularni endotel kakav pruža trojna kombinacija perindoprila i amlodipina s indapamidom.Endothelial dysfunction is the earliest vascular abnormality and it is involved in all stage of the cardiovascular continuum. Antihypertensive compounds should ideally have additional endothelial protective properties beyond their ability to reduce blood pressure. Among angiotensinconverting enzyme inhibitors, perindopril appears to have the greatest endothelial protective effects. Amlodipine is well known for its atheroprotective effect. Clinical evidence has shown that perindopril and amlodipine could individually interrupt and slow the progression of cardiovascular disease with long-term beneficial effects of treatment on mortality. The effect is enhanced and broadened if both agents are used together. Early prescription of perindopril and amlodipine appears to be important, as most of the treatment benefits of both agents occur in the early or middle stages of the cardiovascular continuum. Clinical evidence also supports the beneficial effect on the vascular endothelium offered by the triple combination of perindopril and amlodipine with indapamide

    Fixed dose combination of perindopril and indapamide in the treatment of arterial hypertension.

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    Adherence of patients to therapy has in the past years been identified as one of the major factors influencing blood pressure (BP) control in treated population. The use of fixed dose combinations improves ad- herence, and consequentially increases the rate of BP control. The fixed dose combination of perindopril and indapamide deserves special attention because of the large-scale outcome trials which have shown its advantages beyond blood pressure lowering as well as improved cardiovascular prognosis. The results of the clinical trials have also been confirmed in daily clinical practice. With its fixed dose combination of perindopril and indapamide Krka offers the opportunity of individualized therapy either for start or for continuation of antihypertensive treatment

    Reaching the targets with perindopril: hypertension and beyond.

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    Među 67 analiziranih čimbenika visoki arterijski tlak (AT) identificiran je kao glavni čimbenik rizika za smrtni ishod i invalidnost. Kontrola vrijednosti AT-a joÅ” je uvijek daleko od razine koja bi bila nužna za smanjenje kardiovaskularnog rizika, a liječenje bolesnika s arterijskom hipertenzijom i dalje je izazov u svakodnevnoj kliničkoj praksi. Smanjenje učestalosti kardiovaskularnih događaja tijekom liječenja perindoprilom potkrepljuje koncept dodatnih zaÅ”titnih kardiovaskularnih učinaka perindoprila i uz snizivanje vrijednosti AT-a. Učinkovita kontrola AT-a, kao Å”to je to dokazano u kliničkim studijama s Krkinim perindoprilom i njegovim ksnim kombinacijama doza s indapamidom i amlodipinom, zajedno s dobrom podnoÅ”ljivoŔću i pogodnim jednodnevnim doziranjem, u pacijenata dovodi do pozitivnog učinka na ustrajnost liječenja, Å”to je ključan korak prema postizanju ciljnih vrijednosti AT-a.High blood pressure has been identified as the leading risk factor, among 67 studied, for death and disability. Blood pressure control is still far from what would be necessary to reduce the cardiovascular risk. The treatment of hypertensive patients remains a challenging issue in daily clinical practice. The reduction in cardiovascular events with perindopril supports the concept of cardiovascular protective effects of perindopril beyond blood pressure lowering. Effective blood pressure con- trol, as demonstrated in clinical studies with Krkaā€™s perindopril and its sed-dose combinations with indapamide and amlodipine, together with good tolerability and convenient once-daily dosing, have a positive impact on patientsā€™ adherence to the treatment ā€“ which is a crucial step towards reaching the blood pressure targets

    Mechanosensitive Expression of a Lipoxygenase Gene in Wheat

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    Potential distribution of a climate sensitive species, the White-winged Snowfinch Montifringilla nivalis in Europe

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    The White-winged Snowfinch Montifringilla nivalis nivalis is assumed to be highly threatened by climate change, but this high elevation species has been little studied and the current breeding distribution is accurately known only for a minor portion of its range. Here, we provide a detailed and spatially explicit identification of the potentially suitable breeding areas for the Snowfinch. We modelled suitable areas in Europe and compared them with the currently known distribution. We built a distribution model using 14,574 records obtained during the breeding period that integrated climatic, topographic and land-cover variables, working at a 2-km spatial resolution with MaxEnt. The model performed well and was very robust; average annual temperature was the most important occurrence predictor (optimum between c.-3Ā°C and 0Ā°; unsuitable conditions below -10Ā° and above 5Ā°). The current European breeding range estimated by BirdLife International was almost three times greater than that classified as potentially suitable by our model. Discrepancies between our model and the distribution estimated by BirdLife International were particularly evident in eastern Europe, where the species is poorly monitored. Southern populations are likely more isolated and at major risk because of global warming. These differences have important implications for the supposed national responsibility for conservation of the species and highlight the need for new investigations on the species in the eastern part of its European range
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