5 research outputs found
Nanoscale-controlled architecture for the development of ultrasensitive lectin biosensors applicable in glycomics
In this mini-review the most advanced patterning protocols and transducing schemes for the development of ultrasensitive label-free and label-based lectin biosensors for the glycoprofiling of disease markers and some cancerous cells are described. The performance of such lectin biosensors with interfacial properties tuned to the nanoscale are critically compared to the most sensitive immunoassay format of analysis, and challenges for the future are discussed. In addition the key elements for further development of these devices are considered, with a view to improvement of their robustness and practical applicability.APVV 0282-11 and VEGA 2/0162/14 provided by the Slovak grant agencies. European Research Council (ERC Grant Agreement No. 311532) and from the European Union Seventh Framework Program (FP/2007�2013 with Grant Agreement No. 317420). NPRP grant 6-381-1-078 from the Qatar National Research Fund (a member of the Qatar Foundation).Scopu
Graphene oxide-based electrochemical label-free detection of glycoproteins down to aM level using a lectin biosensor
A label-free ultrasensitive impedimetric biosensor with lectin immobilised on graphene oxide (GO) for the detection of glycoproteins from 1 aM is shown here. This is the first time a functional lectin biosensor with lectin directly immobilised on a graphene-based interface without any polymer modifier has been described. The study also shows that hydrophilic oxidative debris present on GO has a beneficial effect on the sensitivity of (8.46 - 0.20)% per decade for the lectin biosensor compared to the sensitivity of (4.52 - 0.23)% per decade for the lectin biosensor built up from GO with the oxidative debris washed out.Scopu