72 research outputs found

    Design for Propaganda Kiosk

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    Maquette for Radio-Announcer

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    The effect of foam rolling speed on hamstring muscle length

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    FizioterapijaVeselības aprūpePhysiotherapyHealth CarePētījuma mērķis: Noteikt, vai ir kāds konkrēts pašmasāžas ātrums ar miofasciālo pašmasāžas rulli, kas visefektīvāk uzlabo hamstringu muskulatūras garumu. Aktualitāte: Hamstringu muskulatūras traumas ir viena no visbiežāk sastopamām traumām sportā, kas noved pie liela treniņu skaita zuduma – gan amatieru, gan profesionālajā sportā. Kā viens no riska faktoriem, kas noved pie hamstringu muskulatūras traumas, ir saīsināta šī grupas muskulatūra (Liu et al., 2012). Kā populārs inventārs sporta nodarbībās sabiedrībā ir kļuvis miofasciālais pašmasāžas rullis (MPR). Nesenie pētījumi (Wiewelhove et al., 2019) apstiprina, ka pašmasāžas veikšana ar MPR īslaicīgi uzlabo muskuļu lokanību, elastību un garumu, nesamazinot muskuļu darba spējas. Ja rullēšanās tiek salīdzināta ar manuālo masāžu, tad jāmin manuālās masāžas būtiskākie principi, tas ir, spiediens, ilgums, ātrums un veids, kāda veic masāžu (Zeidlers, 2006). Literatūrā ir pētīta dažādu ilgumu un dažādu spiedienu pašmasāžas ietekme, izmantojot MPR, uz hamstringu muskulatūras garumu, tomēr nav pētījumu, kur pētītu tieši dažādu pašmasāžas ātrumu ietekmi uz hamstringu muskulatūras garuma palielināšanu. Metodes: Kvantitatīvā šķērsgriezuma pētījumā piedalījās 21 ikdienā fiziski aktīvs dalībnieks vecumā no 18 – 25 gadiem (11 vīrieši un 10 sievietes). Dalībnieku vidējais vecums: 20,7 gadi. Dalībniekiem bija jāveic 60 sekunžu pašmasāža ar MPR kādā no trīs dažādiem ātrumiem: 5 cikli minūtē, 10 cikli minūtē un 20 cikli minūtē (katrā grupā n=7). Lai noteiktu dažādu pašmasāžas ātrumu ietekmi uz hamstringu garumu, dalībnieki veica aktīvu ceļa iztaisnošanas testu (ACIT) pirms un pēc pašmasāžas veikšanas. Rezultāti: Katram pētījuma dalībniekam tika novērots hamstringu garuma uzlabojums pēc pašmasāžas veikšanas, neatkarīgi no pašmasāžas ātruma (vidējais uzlabojums = 6,6°; +9,5%). Tomēr pētījumā netika novērota statistiski nozīmīga korelācija starp pašmasāžas ātrumu un hamstringu garuma uzlabojumu (r = -0,140). Secinājumi: Starp pētītajiem trīs dažādiem pašmazāžas ātrumiem ar MPR, nav viena visefektīvākā ātruma, kurš vislabāk uzlabo hamstringu muskulatūras garumu. Tādējādi, nav pierādīts, ka pareizāk būtu rullēties lēnā vai ātrā tempā, lai efektīvāk uzlabotu muskuļu garumu. Praktiskais pielietojums: Pētījums var kalpot par pamatu, lai veidotu MPR izmantošanas vadlīnijas. Atslēgas vārdi: Miofasciālais pašmasāžas rullis, hamstringi, hamstringu garums, pašmasāžas ātrums, rullēšanās.The aim of study: To determine, if there is a particular foam rolling speed, which improves hamstring length the most effectively. Introduction: Hamstring strain injury is one of the most common injuries in sports – both in amateur and professional. It leads to a significant loss of trainings. One of the risk factors for a hamstring injury is a low flexibility in hamstrings (Liu et al., 2012). Nowadays myofascial foam rollers have gained big popularity among physically active people. Recent studies (Wiewelhove et al., 2019) confirms that foam rolling has a positive short-term effect on muscle flexibility and elasticity and length, and that it does not decrease muscle performance. If foam rolling is being compared to the manual massage, then it’s worth mentioning manual massage’s basic elements: pressure, duration, speed and type of massage that is being applied (Zeidlers, 2006). There has been several research done, which studies different duration and pressure foam rolling effect on hamstring muscle length, but there are no studies which would specifically study different foam rolling speed effects on hamstring muscle length. Methods: In this quantitative-based cross-sectional study there were in total of 21 physically active participants in ages 18 – 25 years old (average age: 20,7 years), 11 males and 10 females. Participants had to do 60 second foam rolling in one out of three different speeds: 5 cycles per minute, 10 cycles per minute, 20 cycles per minute. In each of the groups there were 7 participants. Active knee extension test was used before and after the foam rolling to assess what kind of effect did each of the three foam rolling speeds had on hamstring length. Results: Each of the participants showed improvements on hamstring length in each of the groups after foam rolling. Average hamstring length improvement: 6,6°; +9,5%. Though there was not a statistically significant correlation found between foam rolling speed and hamstring muscle length improvement (r = -0,140). Conclusion: Among three different foam rolling speeds, there is not one specific speed, which would improve hamstring length the most effectively. Therefore it cannot be proven, that either fast or slow foam rolling is better and more effective than each other. Implications: This study can serve as a potential base for foam rolling guideline creation. Key words: Foam rolling, hamstrings, hamstring flexibility, hamstring length, foam rolling speed, myofascial foam roller

    Illustration from the Book "Lenin and the Children"

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    The preparation of rat‐liver mitochondria by conventional differential centrifugation and by zonal Centrifugation, after various disruption procedures: A comparative study

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    Rat liver was subjected to three different, disruption procedures (homogenization, explosive decompression, and Chaikoff press) and mitochondria were subsequently isolated by conventional differential Centrifugation and by zonal Centrifugation. The properties of these mitochondria were investigated by polarographic measurement of oxygen uptake and they were examined by electron microscopy. All three methods of disruption gave mitochondria which showed respiratory control. Nitrogen cavitation gave the most reproducible conditions for cell breakage and zonal Centrifugation gave good separation of subcellular organdies in extracts produced by this method. Some separation of the heterogenous mitochondrial populations was achieved by zonal Centrifugation

    Energy Poverty : Computing the silent problem of developed countries

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    Energy poverty is a new term in the Swedish context, though it is becoming increasingly more relevant because of inflation and higher prices for electricity. Because research on the matter is scarce in developed countries such as Sweden and similar contexts in the EU, it creates uncertainty whether there is a ‘correct’ way of conducting energy poverty research. This paper aims to come up with a definition of energy poverty in the Swedish context of Uppsala municipality and construct a model calculating energy poverty that is applicable for developed countries, with regard to local contexts and localities of datasets. Consequently, the results should support an estimate of the prevalence of energy poverty given the case study of Uppsala municipality, furthermore, what socioeconomic factors might be in correlation with energy poverty. The results were achieved through a collection of income and energy consumption datasets. First, each area's energy use was estimated, and then the cost for consumed energy use was calculated based on which energy carriers were most common. The proportion of household income relating to energy bill expenditure and a linear regression model of socioeconomic factors was then computed. Data collection on consumption and income data is challenging due to this information, to some extent, being confidential. The results include a definition of energy poverty as 10% of income spent on the energy bill, which means that 9,78% of the population of Uppsala municipality is in energy poverty. The affected areas are Tuna Backar, Ultuna, Bäcklösa, Kåbo, Flogsta Ekeby and Rosendal. Three socioeconomic factors showed to have the highest correlation rate with energy poverty including gross income, pre-high school has the highest education and whether someone is on social welfare provision. The conclusion of this paper is that energy poverty can be defined as A household that has problems accommodating their basic energy needs, and that inability negatively affects their everyday life. This inability must have a conjunction with limiting social or/and economic factors. Furthermore, a significant part of the household's income must go to cover energy bills. However, to fully capture the meaning of energy poverty further research is needed

    On the Size of the DNA in the Mammalian Chromosome

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