23 research outputs found

    A strongly consistent transformation from UML interactions to PEPA nets

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    A seamless approach suitable for both design and analysis of mobile and distributed software systems is a challenge. In this paper we provide a new constructive approach that links interaction diagrams in UML to PEPA nets, a performance modelling technique which offers capabilities for capturing notions such as location, synchronisation and message passing. Our formally defined transformation is defined in such a way that a PEPA net model realises the same language as a given Interaction Overview Diagram in UML. Furthermore, the languages are strongly consistent, in other words, there is a one-to-one correspondence between the traces of both models.</p

    Analyse de la sûreté de fonctionnement d'un Data Center

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    International audienceSummary In this article, we investigate the reliability and the production availability of a Data Center. Several factors may affect the availability of Data Centers, the most important being the electrical energy production and the temperature variations within the data center room. The temperature variations are due to the cooling system which is responsible of extracting the heat from this room. First, we analyze electrical and thermal subsystems using Production Trees, a new modeling methodology for availability analysis of production systems. Then we analyze the different interactions between these subsystems.Dans cet article, nous étudions la fiabilité et la disponibilité de production d'un Data Center. Plusieurs facteurs peuvent affecter la disponibilité des Data Centers, les plus importants étant la production de l'énergie électrique et les variations de température dans la salle des serveurs. Les variations de température sont dûes au système de refroidissement qui est en charge de l'extraction de la chaleur dans cette salle. Dans un premier temps, nous analysons individuellement les sous-systèmes électriques et thermiques en utilisant les Arbres de Production, une nouvelle méthodologie de modélisation pour l'analyse de la disponibilité des systèmes de production. Ensuite, nous analysons les différentes interactions entre ces sous-systèmes

    An Ontology-based Approach to Generate the Advanced Driver Assistance Use Cases of Highway Traffic

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    International audienceAutonomous vehicles perceive the environment with different kinds of sensors (camera, radar, lidar...). They must evolve in an unpredictable environment and a wide context of dynamic execution, with strong interactions. In order to generate the safety of the autonomous vehicle, its occupants and the others road users, it is necessary to validate the decisions of the algorithms for all the situations that will be met. These situations are described and generated as different use cases of automated vehicles. In this work, we propose an approach to generate automatically use cases of autonomous vehicle for highway. This approach is based on a three layers hierarchy, which exploits static and mobile concepts we have defined in the context of three ontologies: highway, weather and vehicle. The highway ontology and the weather ontology conceptualize the environment in which evolves the autonomous vehicle, and the vehicle ontology consists of the vehicle devices and the control actions. To apply our approach, we consider a running example about the insertion of a vehicle by the right entrance lane of a highway

    Strongly Consistent Languages for Modelling Mobility

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    A seamless approach suitable for both design and analysis of mobile and distributed software systems is a challenge. The object-based Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a popular medium for effective design of most systems. PEPA nets are a recent performance modelling technique which offers capabilities for capturing notions such as location, synchronisation and message passing, and are thus suited for performance modelling of mobile and distributed software. In this paper, we provide a new constructive approach that links both models by deriving a PEPA net which realises the same language (legal set of traces) as a given Interaction Overview Diagram (IOD) in UML2. We prove that the languages are strongly consistent (equivalent) by establishing the one-to-one correspondence between the traces of the models

    Specification and analysis of railway systems using a scenario-oriented language

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    Les systèmes industriels tels que les systèmes ferroviaires sont de plus en plus complexes. Cependant, leur spécification demeure manuelle et rédigée en langage naturel, source d’ambigüité et erreurs. Ces erreurs se répercutent sur l’ensemble du cycle de vie du système, notamment l’analyse de sûreté qui repose sur l’expertise des ingénieurs sûreté et l’analyse effectuée sur d’anciens projets. Dans cet article, nous proposons une approche basée sur les scénarios afin de modéliser l’architecture et le comportement du système. A partir de cette vue fonctionnelle, nous proposons une méthode de propagation de fautes afin de générer des scénarios défaillants et évaluer leur impact sur le système.Due to their complexity, industrial systems as railway systems are hard to specify, validate and even harder to maintain. Still, the specification of such systems is written in a natural language, which is source of ambiguity and errors. These errors may have an impact on the overall system life-cycle, especially safety analysis that is based on the expertise of safety engineers that relate on the previous projects analyses. In this article, we propose a scenario-based approach to specify the architecture and behavior of systems. Therefore, we implement a fault propagation technique to generate failure scenarios based on the system behavior and evaluate the impact of such failures on the system

    Modelling Mobility with UML2.0 and PEPA Nets

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    We show how UML2.0 together with PEPA nets can be used to model dynamic aspects of mobile applications. UML2.0 provides a new form of high-level description of interactions called interaction overview diagram. The combination of interaction overview diagrams and sequence diagrams is naturally translated into PEPA nets, a performance modelling language. In this way, the designers using UML can analyse their models formally using available tools for PEPA net

    Modelling Mobility with UML2.0 and PEPA Nets

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    We show how UML2.0 together with PEPA nets can be used to model dynamic aspects of mobile applications. UML2.0 provides a new form of high-level description of interactions called interaction overview diagram. The combination of interaction overview diagrams and sequence diagrams is naturally translated into PEPA nets, a performance modelling language. In this way, the designers using UML can analyse their models formally using available tools for PEPA net

    Synthesising PEPA nets from IODs for performance analysis

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    The object-based Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a popular medium for effective design of most systems. PEPA nets are a performance modelling technique which offers capabilities for capturing notions such as location, synchronisation and message passing, and are thus suited for performance modelling of mobile and distributed software. In this paper, we provide a new constructive approach that links both models by deriving a PEPA net which realises the same language (legal set of traces) as a given Interaction Overview Diagram (IOD) in UML2. We prove that the languages are strongly consistent (equivalent) by establishing the one-to-one correspondence between the traces of the models

    Synthesising PEPA nets from IODs for performance analysis

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    The object-based Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a popular medium for effective design of most systems. PEPA nets are a performance modelling technique which offers capabilities for capturing notions such as location, synchronisation and message passing, and are thus suited for performance modelling of mobile and distributed software. In this paper, we provide a new constructive approach that links both models by deriving a PEPA net which realises the same language (legal set of traces) as a given Interaction Overview Diagram (IOD) in UML2. We prove that the languages are strongly consistent (equivalent) by establishing the one-to-one correspondence between the traces of the models