3 research outputs found

    Influence of augmentation on the performance of the double ResNet-based model for chest X-ray classification

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    Purpose: A pandemic disease elicited by the SARS-CoV-2 virus has become a serious health issue due to infecting millions of people all over the world. Recent publications prove that artificial intelligence (AI) can be used for medical diagnosis purposes, including interpretation of X-ray images. X-ray scanning is relatively cheap, and scan processing is not computationally demanding. Material and methods: In our experiment a baseline transfer learning schema of processing of lung X-ray images, including augmentation, in order to detect COVID-19 symptoms was implemented. Seven different scenarios of augmentation were proposed. The model was trained on a dataset consisting of more than 30,000 X-ray images. Results: The obtained model was evaluated using real images from a Polish hospital, with the use of standard metrics, and it achieved accuracy = 0.9839, precision = 0.9697, recall = 1.0000, and F1-score = 0.9846. Conclusions: Our experiment proved that augmentations and masking could be important steps of data pre-processing and could contribute to improvement of the evaluation metrics. Because medical professionals often tend to lack confidence in AI-based tools, we have designed the proposed model so that its results would be explainable and could play a supporting role for radiology specialists in their work

    Analiza danych GWAS przy użyciu algorytmów uczenia maszynowego – przegląd literatury

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    Machine learning is a part of field concerned with AI. The main goal of machine learning algorithms is to create automatic system that improves itself with the use of its experience (given data) to gain new knowledge. Genome-Wide Association Studies compare whole genomes of different individuals in order to see if any of genetic variants are correlated with a trait. Using ML for GWAS analysis can be beneficial for scientists. It has been proved several times in various ways.Uczenie maszynowe jest dziedziną nauki związaną ze sztuczną inteligencją. Głównym celem algorytmów uczenia maszynowego jest stworzenie automatycznego systemu, który poprawia się dzięki wykorzystaniu swojego doświadczenia (danych) w celu zdobycia nowej wiedzy. Badania asocjacyjne całego genomu (GWAS) porównują całe genomy różnych osobników, aby sprawdzić, czy którykolwiek z wariantów genetycznych jest skorelowany z cechą. Wykorzystanie ML do analizy GWAS może być korzystne dla naukowców. Zostało to udowodnione na różne sposoby