5 research outputs found

    Methods of Risk Protection Used by Polish Farmers

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    To answer the research question: what methods of protection against risk do Polish farmers use depending on the farm type, the sample was divided into clusters depending on farm characteristics. The results show that small farms use completely different risk management tools than medium and large farms, no matter what their main product is. There is also a significant difference between farms that have relatively large share of off-farm income and the remaining ones. Summing up, policy makers should prepare a diversified offer of risk management tools for farmers, depending on their needs.risk in agriculture, risk management, family farms,


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    The term “social innovation” gained popularity within scholars, however its definitions differ to a large extent; the most promising one says about a change in attitudes and behaviour of a group of people that in relation to the group’s horizon leads to new and improved ways of collaborative action. This paper tries to answer the question whether thematic villages, where the inhabitants jointly decide on a topic and prepare unique tourist attractions based mainly on local cultural, natural, and social heritage, can be called social innovations. It is concluded that thematic villages fulfill the abovementioned definition of social innovations

    Methods of Risk Protection Used by Polish Farmers

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    To answer the research question: what methods of protection against risk do Polish farmers use depending on the farm type, the sample was divided into clusters depending on farm characteristics. The results show that small farms use completely different risk management tools than medium and large farms, no matter what their main product is. There is also a significant difference between farms that have relatively large share of off-farm income and the remaining ones. Summing up, policy makers should prepare a diversified offer of risk management tools for farmers, depending on their needs