5 research outputs found

    International Aspect of Legal Regulation of Corruption Offences Commission on the Example of Law Enforcement Agencies and Banking System of Ukraine

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    International Aspect of Legal Regulation of Corruption Offences Commission on the Example of Law Enforcement Agencies and Banking System of Ukraine [Text] / O.M. Reznik, A.M. Klochko, V.V. Pakhomov, O.O. Kosytsia // Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics. - 2017. - Vol. 8, №1. - P. 169-177.The article analyzes the legislation such countries as Ukraine, the Russian Federation (hereafter – RF) and the Republic of Belarus, norms of which provide a system of measures to combat corruption as well as responsibility for such kind of offences. Moreover the article considers such burning question as counteraction of such kinds of offences and also different legislative approaches on the definition of “corruption” in the countries mentioned above. We consider the criminal-legal norms as provided in the Criminal Code of Ukraine, establishing the responsibility for obtaining of unlawful benefit by the officials. We study the provisions of the current legislation of Ukraine aimed at prevention of corruption in the society. The special attention is given to the concepts of «illegal benefit» and «bribe», the key differences of these terms are defined. Also an attention is paid to the terms «officials» and «law enforcement officials». This article also discusses some features of committing crimes by the officials of the banking institutions. It is noted that the committing of such crimes is the problem promoting the destabilization of the banking system. The underlying mechanisms and the high latency of these crimes, being made mostly by organized criminal groups, entail negative consequences for the economy of each individual country and in general all over the world

    Науково-методичні рекомендації щодо особливостей розслідування незаконного переправлення осіб через державний кордон України

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    Науково-методичні рекомендації щодо особливостей розслідування незаконного переправлення осіб через державний кордон України // Законодавче забезпечення правоохоронної діяльності : навчальний посібник / за заг. ред. В. В. Сокуренка. – Харків : Стильна типографія, 2017. – С. 192-278. - (До 100-річчя підготовки охоронців правопорядку у Харкові).Надано науково-методичні рекомендації щодо особливостей розслідування незаконного переправлення осіб через державний кордон України.Scientific and methodical recommendations on the peculiarities of the investigation of illegal transportation of persons across the state border of Ukraine.Предоставлено научно-методические рекомендации по особенностям расследования незаконной переправки лиц через государственную границу Украины

    Design and testing of iodine cells for metrological laser application

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    The design and performance of iodine vapor cells for frequency stabilized laser applications are presented. The traditional design of iodine vapor cell and special development of cell for fluorescence applications are studied. The sets of eight iodine cells developed and filled in Institute of Physics NAS Ukraine were tested in the He-Ne/¹²⁷I₂ frequency stabilized lasers. The nonlinear resonance width and contrasts for different cells were measured. The beat frequency method was used for study of laser output frequency differencies for lasers stabilization using different cells. The results of iodine cells testing shown that for glass cells prepared more than 8 years ago the resonance width is appr. 2.2 MHz and frequency differencies are in the rather narrow area ≤15 kHz. The standard uncertainty of the frequency stabilized He-Ne/¹²⁷I₂ lasers is 11.7 kHz. The tests shown that developed cells meet the demands to applications in metrological lasers

    Optimization of base crystals for silicon solar cells of various destinations

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    The spectral dependences of reflection coefficient R(λ) for various light-receiving surface texture types ("inverted pyramids" and "V-grooves") of single crystal silicon wafers are presented as well as output and diode parameters of solar cells (SC) with p- and n-type silicon base crystals (Si-BC). Basing on comparative analysis of R(λ) dependences, the selection of an optimum type of Si-BC light-receiving surface texture is substantiated. Comparing the output and diode parameters of SC with Si-BC of p- and n-type conductivity, the development expediency of high-efficiency Si-SC with the n-type conductivity single crystals is substantiated