6 research outputs found

    Kinetics of heavy metal sorption on macroporous vinylpyridine based copolymer

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    Sorption of copper, nickel and cobalt on macroporous crosslinked copolymer of 4- vinylpyridine and ethylene glycol dimethacrylate, PVPE, was studied. The kinetics models (pseudo-first and pseudo-second order equations) were applied to the data obtained from batch sorption experiments at room temperature. The sorption of heavy metals was found to proceed according to pseudo-second order kinetics.Physical chemistry 2006 : 8th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 26-29 September 200

    Predicting of lead distribution and immobilization in soil of the region of lignite mining (Rudovci, Serbia)

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    Lead distribution and immobilization in cultivated soils in Rudovci, Serbia was investigated. Sampling was carried out by the method recommended by ICP-Forests Manual, 2006, Part III Sampling and analysis of Soil. The sampling geometry was systematically designed with a random component. The maximum sampling depth was 100 cm and lead distribution was monitored during 425 days. First sample was taken after 50 days and every single next sample was taken after 50 days except for the last sample which was taken after 25 days. Before the profile contamination, physical and chemical soil analysis has been done. The cation exchange capacity of the soil was done because media affect mobility cations (anions) in soil. The effect of immobilizations of Pb is highest in the second horizons where the depth of investigating soil is 25-50 cm

    Predicting of lead distribution and immobilization in soil of the region of lignite mining (Rudovci, Serbia)

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    Lead distribution and immobilization in cultivated soils in Rudovci, Serbia was investigated. Sampling was carried out by the method recommended by ICP-Forests Manual, 2006, Part III Sampling and analysis of Soil. The sampling geometry was systematically designed with a random component. The maximum sampling depth was 100 cm and lead distribution was monitored during 425 days. First sample was taken after 50 days and every single next sample was taken after 50 days except for the last sample which was taken after 25 days. Before the profile contamination, physical and chemical soil analysis has been done. The cation exchange capacity of the soil was done because media affect mobility cations (anions) in soil. The effect of immobilizations of Pb is highest in the second horizons where the depth of investigating soil is 25-50 cm

    Kinetičko modelovanje sorpcije teških metala kopolimerom sa osnovom vinil piridina

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    Commercial macroporous poly(4-vinylpyridine-co-divinylbenzene) [P4VPD], known as Reillex-425, was characterized by mercury porosimetry, nitrogen physisorption, Fourier transformed infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and elemental analysis. Sorption rates of P4VPD for Cu(II), Co(II) and Cr(VI) ions were determined in static non-competitive experiments, at room temperature (298 K). Rapid sorption was observed, especially for Co(II), with half time, t1/2, of 1.5 min and high experimental maximal capacity, Qmax, of 3.08 mmol g-1. Four kinetic models (pseudo-first and pseudo-second order model, intraparticle diffusion and Boyd model) were used for analyzing metal sorption by P4VPD. Metal ions sorption is well represented by the pseudo-second-order model, with definite influence of pore and film diffusion on sorption rates.Komercijalni makropozni poli(4-vinilpiridin-co-divinilbenzen) [P4VPD], Reillex- 425, bez dodatne funkcionalizacije korišćen je za ispitivanje mogućnosti sorpcije teških metala iz vodenih rastvora. Na taj način su izbegnuti neki problemi do kojih može doći prilikom uvođenja funkcionalnih grupa selektivnih za određene jone metala u polimerne sorbente, kao što su nepoželjne sporedne reakcije i promena porozne strukture. P4VPD je okarakterisan živinom porozimetrijom, određivanjem adsorpciono-desorpcionih niskotemperaturnih izotermi azota, infracrvenom spektroskopijom (FTIR) i elementalnom analizom. U statičkim eksperimentima su određene brzine sorpcije Cu(II), Co(II) i Cr(VI) jona pomoću P4VPD pri nekompetitivnim uslovima i pri sobnoj temperaturi (298 K). Zapažena je brza sorpcija ispitivanih jona, naročito u slučaju Co(II), pri čemu su zapažene vrednosti poluvremena sorpcije, t1/2, od 1,5 min i visoka vrednost maksimalnog kapaciteta sorpcije, Qmax, od 3,08 mmol g-1 (181 mg g-1). Prilikom analiziranja sorpcije ispitivanih metala pomoću P4VPD korišćena su četiri kinetička modela (model pseudo-prvog i pseudo-drugog reda, model difuzije unutar čestica i Bojdov model). Pokazalo se da sorpciju jona metala najbolje opisuje model pseudo-drugog reda, pošto je za ovaj model dobijeno odlično slaganje eksperimentalnih i teorijskih vrednosti kapaciteta sorpcije, kao i vrednosti R2 ≥ 0,99. Analiza eksperimentalnih rezultata pomoću modela difuzije unutar čestica pokazala je da difuzija kroz pore nije jedini stupanj koji određuje brzinu sorpcije i ukazala na delimičan uticaj graničnog sloja na sorpciju teških metala pomoću poroznog kopolimera

    Red mud-fly ash-based geopolymers as an eco-friendly material for immobilization of toxic pollutants (Pb and Cu) from wastewater

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    The use of waste materials as a precursor for synthesizing geopolymer materials is increasingly being utilized. This research aimed to examine the potential use of red mud-fly ash geopolymers to remove toxic pollutants such as copper and lead ions from wastewater. Samples of different ratios of red mud (RM) and fly ash (FA) were synthesized through alkaline activation. Based on compressive strength a geopolymer (RMFAGP1) with the highest value of 29.54 MPa, was chosen for further research. The physical-chemical characterization of RMFAGP1 in terms of mineral composition and structure was performed using XRD, DRIFT and SEM analysis. BET analysis was used to define porosity, as well as the specific surfaces necessary for efficient adsorption. The batch equilibration method was used to determine the PZC value, which serves as a guide for predicting the adsorption process. The best adsorption efficiency was achieved at pH =4 (88,5%) i.e. at pH=5 (99,4%) for Cu and Pb, respectively. The performed analyses indicate that waste materials, such as red mud and fly ash, can be used as raw materials for obtaining a geopolymer that can effectively immobilize Pb and Cu from wastewater, offering a low-cost and eco-friendly solution.Употреба отпадних материјала као прекурсора за синтезу геополимерних материјала се све више користи. Ово истраживање је имало за циљ да испита потенцијалну употребу геополимера на бази црвеног муља и летећег пепела за уклањање токсичних загађивача као што су јони бакра и олова из отпадних вода. Алкалном активацијом синтетисани су. узорци различитих односа црвеног муља и летећег пепела. За даља истраживања изабран је геополимер (RMFAGP1) који има највећу вредност притисне чврстоће од 29,54 МPа. Физичкохемијска карактеризација RMFAGP1 извршена је коришћењем XRD, DRIFT i FESEM metoda. BET анализа је коришћена за дефинисање порозности, као и специфичне површине неопходне за ефикасну адсорпцију. За одређивање вредности pHtnn коришћен је метод уравнотежавања посебних проба, који је водич за предвиђање процеса адсорпције. Најбоља ефикасност адсорпције постигнута је при pH =4 (88,5%), односно при pH=5 (99,4%) за Cu и Pb, респективно. Урађене анализе указују да се отпад, попут црвеног муља и летећег пепела, може користити као сировина за добијање геополимера који се може ефикасно користити као економски и еколошки прихватљив материјал за имобилизацију Cu и Pb из отпадних вод

    Kinetic modeling of heavy metal sorption by vinyl pyridine based copolymer

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    Commercial macroporous poly(4-vinylpyridine-co-divinylbenzene) [P4VPD], known as REILLEX-425 was characterized by mercury porosimetry, nitrogen physisorption, Fourier transformed infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and elemental analysis. Sorption rates of P4VPD for Cu(II), Co(II) and Cr(VI) ions were determined in static non-competitive experiments, at room temperature (298 K). Rapid sorption was observed, especially for Co(II), with half time, t1/2, of 1.5 min and high experimental maximal capacity, Qmax, of 3.08 mmol g-1. Four kinetic models (pseudo-first and pseudo-second order model, intraparticle diffusion and Boyd model) were used for analyzing metal sorption by P4VPD. Metal ions sorption is well represented by the pseudo-second-order model, with definite influence of pore and film diffusion on sorption rates. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III43009