1 research outputs found

    Yield in eucalyptus slab for use in the obtainment of battens

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    The present work aimed to evaluate the yield in eucalyptus slabs for obtaining battens to be used as raw material in the production of higher added value products. For this purpose, 15 logs of E. grandis and 15 logs of E. saligna, which were separated into three diametric classes of five logs for each species, were used: diametric class 1 (25 - 32 cm), diametric class 2 (33- 39 cm) and diametric class 3 (> 40 cm). Afterwards, they were cubed and evaluated for their taper, and were deployed on a band saw. The slabs were removed to evaluate the quality, yield and yield of slabs obtained for each species studied. The obtained results indicated that a medium classification of the specific gravity obtained, with good dimensional stability of E. grandis and E. saligna wood. The taper of the logs and the yields observed were not significant in both species. However, the yields in slabs and yields in battens had a slight decrease by the increasing of the diameters of the logs. Thus, logs with greater yield in slabs had smaller yields in battens. Therefore, it is possible to use slabs for battens production mainly in the industries that process high amounts of logs