473 research outputs found

    Cryogenic scanning force microscopy of quantum Hall samples: Adiabatic transport originating in anisotropic depletion at contact interfaces

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    Anisotropic magneto resistances and intrinsic adiabatic transport features are generated on quantum Hall samples based on an (Al,Ga)As/GaAs heterostructure with alloyed Au/Ge/Ni contacts. We succeed to probe the microscopic origin of these transport features with a cryogenic scanning force microscope (SFM) by measuring the local potential distribution within the two-dimensional electron system (2DES). These local measurements reveal the presence of an incompressible strip in front of contacts with insulating properties depending on the orientation of the contact/2DES interface line relatively to the crystal axes of the heterostructure. Such an observation gives another microscopic meaning to the term 'non-ideal contact' used in context with the Landauer-B\"uttiker formalism applied to the quantum Hall effect.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Density of States of GaAs-AlGaAs Heterostructures Deduced from Temperature Dependend Magnetocapacitance Measurements

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    Abstract We have analyzed the density of states of a two dimensional electron gas in a GaAs- AlGaAs hetereostructure by measuring the magnetocapacitance in magnetic fields up to 6 Tesla at temperatures below 10 K. The experimental data are well described by a Gaussian-like density of states where the linewidth à is proportional to B

    Correlated electron tunneling through two separate quantum dot systems with strong capacitive interdot coupling

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    A system consisting of two independently contacted quantum dots with strong electrostatic interaction shows interdot Coulomb blockade when the dots are weakly tunnel coupled to their leads. It is studied experimentally how the blockade can be overcome by correlated tunneling when tunnel coupling to the leads increases. The experimental results are compared with numerical renormalization group calculations using predefined (measured) parameters. Our results indicate Kondo correlations due to the electrostatic interaction in this double quantum dot system.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, published in Phys. Rev. Lett. Oct. 30t

    Radiation induced zero-resistance states in GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures: Voltage-current characteristics and intensity dependence at the resistance minima

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    High mobility two-dimensional electron systems exhibit vanishing resistance over broad magnetic field intervals upon excitation with microwaves, with a characteristic reduction of the resistance with increasing radiation intensity at the resistance minima. Here, we report experimental results examining the voltage - current characteristics, and the resistance at the minima vs. the microwave power. The findings indicate that a non-linear V-I curve in the absence of microwave excitation becomes linearized under irradiation, unlike expectations, and they suggest a similarity between the roles of the radiation intensity and the inverse temperature.Comment: 3 color figures; publishe

    An ultra-bright atom laser

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    We present a novel, ultra-bright atom-laser and ultra-cold thermal atom beam. Using rf-radiation we strongly couple the magnetic hyperfine levels of 87Rb atoms in a magnetically trapped Bose-Einstein condensate. At low rf-frequencies gravity opens a small hole in the trapping potenital and a well collimated, extremely bright atom laser emerges from just below the condensate. As opposed to traditional atom lasers based on weak coupling, this technique allows us to outcouple atoms at an arbitrarily large rate. We demonstrate an increase in flux per atom in the BEC by a factor of sixteen compared to the brightest quasi-continuous atom laser. Furthermore, we produce by two orders of magnitude the coldest thermal atom beam to date (200 nK).Comment: 20 pages, 9 figures, supplementary material online at http://www.bec.g

    Electrical Transport in High Quality Graphene pnp Junctions

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    We fabricate and investigate high quality graphene devices with contactless, suspended top gates, and demonstrate formation of graphene pnp junctions with tunable polarity and doping levels. The device resistance displays distinct oscillations in the npn regime, arising from the Fabry-Perot interference of holes between the two pn interfaces. At high magnetic fields, we observe well-defined quantum Hall plateaus, which can be satisfactorily fit to theoretical calculations based on the aspect ratio of the device.Comment: to appear in a special focus issue in New Journal of Physic

    How branching can change the conductance of ballistic semiconductor devices

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    We demonstrate that branching of the electron flow in semiconductor nanostructures can strongly affect macroscopic transport quantities and can significantly change their dependence on external parameters compared to the ideal ballistic case even when the system size is much smaller than the mean free path. In a corner-shaped ballistic device based on a GaAs/AlGaAs two-dimensional electron gas we observe a splitting of the commensurability peaks in the magnetoresistance curve. We show that a model which includes a random disorder potential of the two-dimensional electron gas can account for the random splitting of the peaks that result from the collimation of the electron beam. The shape of the splitting depends on the particular realization of the disorder potential. At the same time magnetic focusing peaks are largely unaffected by the disorder potential.Comment: accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Novel metallic and insulating states at a bent quantum Hall junction

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    A non-planar geometry for the quantum Hall (QH) effect is studied, whereby two quantum Hall (QH) systems are joined at a sharp right angle. When both facets are at equal filling factor nu the junction hosts a channel with non-quantized conductance, dependent on nu. The state is metallic at nu = 1/3, with conductance along the junction increasing as the temperature T drops. At nu = 1, 2 it is strongly insulating, and at nu = 3, 4 shows only weak T dependence. Upon applying a dc voltage bias along the junction, the differential conductance again shows three different behaviors. Hartree calculations of the dispersion at the junction illustrate possible explanations, and differences from planar QH structures are highlighted.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, text + figs revised for clarit