8 research outputs found

    Risk of climate-induced damage in historical textiles

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    Eleven wool and silk historic textiles and two modern artist's canvases were examined to determine their water vapour adsorption, moisture dimensional response and tensile behaviour. All the textiles showed a similar general pattern of moisture response. A rise in ambient relative humidity (RH) from dry conditions produced expansion of a textile until a certain critical RH level after which a contraction occurred to a greater or lesser degree depending on the yarn crimp and the weave geometry. The largest expansion recorded between the dry state and 80% RH was 1.2 and 0.9% for wool and silk textiles, respectively. The largest shrinkage of 0.8% at high RH range was experienced by a modern linen canvas. Two potential damage mechanisms related to the moisture response of the textiles鈥攕tress building as a result of shrinkage of the textile restrained in its dimensional response and the fretting fatigue when yarns move with friction one against another鈥攚ere found insignificant in typical textile display environments unless the textiles are severely degraded or excessively strained in their mounting

    Secrets of the "Self-portrait" by Henryk Siemiradzki - contribution to the research on the artist's method

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    "Autoportret" Henryka Siemiradzkiego, znajduj膮cy si臋 w zbiorach MNK, datowany na drug膮 po艂ow臋 lat siedemdziesi膮tych XIX w., jest jednym z dw贸ch znanych, olejnych portret贸w/wizerunk贸w w艂asnych artysty. Wed艂ug badaczy, jest to prawdopodobnie studium do autoportretu, zam贸wionego u Siemiradzkiego przez Galeri臋 Uffizi we Florencji. Obraz nie jest uko艅czony. Zabiegi konserwatorskie przeprowadzone w 2010 r. sta艂y si臋 impulsem do dok艂adnego zbadania tak wyj膮tkowego obiektu. Na podstawie zdj臋膰 w promieniowaniu analitycznym stwierdzono obecno艣膰 jeszcze dw贸ch szkicowych kompozycji pod portretem m臋偶czyzny. Analiza budowy technologicznej i techniki wykonania, po艂膮czone z identyfikacj膮 sk艂adu warstw malarskich, zaprawy i podobrazia, pozwoli艂y okre艣li膰 warsztat malarski, z jakim mamy do czynienia w "Autoportrecie". Wnioski potwierdzaj膮 tez臋, 偶e mo偶e to by膰 wy艂膮cznie praca przygotowawcza do zam贸wionego dzie艂a. Rozpoznana budowa obrazu raczej wyklucza mo偶liwo艣膰, aby by艂a to jego ostateczna, lecz nieuko艅czona wersja. Je艣li autoportret Siemiradzkiego dla znamienitej galerii rzeczywi艣cie powsta艂 to, jak do tej pory nie zosta艂 odnaleziony. Niemniej, badane studium pozostaje jedn膮 z najlepszych prac portretowych artysty ukazuj膮c rys psychologiczny oraz temperament malarski autora.The "Self-portrait" by Henryk Siemiradzki, currently in the collection of the NMK, dated back to the second half of the 1870s, is one of the two known, oil self-portraits/likenesses of the artist. According to scientists, it is likely to be a study for a self-portrait, commissioned from Siemiradzki by the Uffizi Gallery in Florence. The painting has never been finished. Conservation treatment carried out in 2010, gave an impulse for a thorough examination of such a unique object. On the basis of photographs using analytical radiation, it was revealed that two more sketchy compositions existed beneath the portrait of the man. The analysis of its technological structure and technique of execution, combined with identification of the composition of layers of paint, ground and underpainting, allowed for determining the painting method we are dealing with in the "Self-portrait". Conclusions seem to confirm the thesis, that it might only be a preparatory study for the commissioned work. The identified structure of the painting seems to rule out the possibility that it could be its final but unfinished version. If the self-portrait of Siemiradzki for the eminent gallery had really been painted, then it has not been found yet. Nevertheless, the examined study remains one of the best portrait works of the artist revealing the psychological traits and the painting disposition of its author

    Construction and use of microclimatic frames in the National Museum in Krakow

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    Ramy mikroklimatyczne to specjalnie skonstruowane obudowy dla dzie艂 sztuki, kt贸rych celem jest stworzenie autonomicznego klimatu w otoczeniu obiektu. Muzeum Narodowe w Krakowie (MNK) przygotowa艂o uniwersaln膮 konstrukcj臋 ramy, kt贸rej wykonanie jest mo偶liwe przez personel wi臋kszo艣ci muze贸w. Materia艂y u偶yte do zbudowania ramy zosta艂y tak dobrane, aby zapewni膰 bezpieczn膮 ekspozycj臋 obiekt贸w w d艂ugim okresie. Wykorzystuj膮c oryginaln膮 ram臋 obrazu zminimalizowano ingerencj臋 w odbi贸r estetyczny dzie艂a. Badania wykonane w rzeczywistych warunkach muzealnych potwierdzi艂y skuteczno艣膰 ram mikroklimatycznych w zabezpieczeniu malarstwa tablicowego przed zagro偶eniami zwi膮zanymi ze znacznymi wahaniami mikroklimatu powszechnie wyst臋puj膮cymi w muzeach. Przeprowadzona ocena zwi膮zana z potencjalnym ryzykiem kondensacji wilgoci wewn膮trz ramy pokaza艂a, 偶e ramy mikroklimatyczne mog膮 by膰 u偶ywane praktycznie w wi臋kszo艣ci muze贸w. Ponadto wskazano podstawowe czynniki wp艂ywaj膮ce na podj臋cie decyzji o zastosowaniu ram mikroklimatycznych. Ramy mikroklimatyczne s膮 rozwi膮zaniem pasywnym i przez to poprawa bezpiecze艅stwa eksponowania i przechowywania obiekt贸w jest realizowana ekonomiczne. Dlatego te偶 u偶ycie ram mikroklimatycznych mo偶e sta膰 si臋 narz臋dziem umo偶liwiaj膮cym obni偶enie zu偶ycia energii i zwi膮zanych z tym koszt贸w.Microclimatic frames are specialty constructed cases for art masterpieces, whose aim is creating an autonomic climate in the object surrounding. The National Museum in Krakow (NMK) prepared a universal frame structure which is possible to make by the staff of most museums. Materials used for building the frame were selected in such a way as to ensure safe exhibition of objects for long periods. By using the original frame of the painting, interference into the esthetic reception of the work was minimised. Research carried out in real-life museum conditions confirmed the effectiveness of microclimatic frames in protecting panel paintings against the dangers connected with considerable fluctuations of microclimate so commonly occurring in museums. The evaluation carried out in connection with the potential risk of moisture condensation inside the frame showed that microclimatic frames can be used practically in most museums. Moreover, basic factors affecting the decision concerning the use of microclimatic frames were indicated. Microclimatic frames are a passive solution because of which improvement in the safety of exhibiting and storing artistic objects is economically realised. Therefore, the use of microclimatic frames can become an instrument allowing for reducing the use of electricity and costs connected with it

    Risk of climate-induced damage in historic textiles

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    Eleven wool and silk historic textiles and two modern artist's canvases were examined to determine their water vapour adsorption, moisture dimensional response and tensile behaviour. All the textiles showed a similar general pattern of moisture response. A rise in ambient relative humidity (RH) from dry conditions produced expansion of a textile until a certain critical RH level after which a contraction occurred to a greater or lesser degree depending on the yarn crimp and the weave geometry. The largest expansion recorded between the dry state and 80% RH was 1.2 and 0.9% for wool and silk textiles, respectively. The largest shrinkage of 0.8% at high RH range was experienced by a modern linen canvas. Two potential damage mechanisms related to the moisture response of the textiles-stress building as a result of shrinkage of the textile restrained in its dimensional response and the fretting fatigue when yarns move with friction one against another-were found insignificant in typical textile display environments unless the textiles are severely degraded or excessively strained in their mounting