82 research outputs found


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    Цель. В работе был предпринято исследование текстов «Сочинений» К. Маркса и Ф. Энгельса, направленное на раскрытие содержания и объема категории «потребность».Метод или методология проведения работы. Среди методов исследования были использованы количественные методы – контент-анализ, а также качественный анализ текстов.Результаты. Были выделены конкретные теоретические положения, сформулированные К. Максом и Ф. Энгельсом относительно формирования, развития и классификации потребностей населения. Выявлено, что в трудах К. Маркса и Ф. Энгельса более детально рассмотрены потребности населения в капиталистическом обществе. Их рассмотрение реализуется в рамках классового подхода, обозначенного антитезой «рабочие – буржуазия», чем и объясняется категоричность и схематизм в описании потребностей данных классов. Доказано, что в трудах К. Маркса и Ф. Энгельса отсутствуют конкретные положения, относительно векторности и объемов развития потребностей населения в коммунистическом обществе. Коммунистическое будущее прописано исключительно на контрасте с капиталистической реальностью, это обусловило идеализм в его описании.Область применения результатов. Результаты исследования могут быть востребованы в философских, социологических и исторических исследованиях, касающихся проблематики марксизма.Purpose. The paper analyzes the “Compositions” of K. Marx and F. Engels aimed at revealing the content and volume of the category “need”.Methodology. Among the research methods were used quantitative methods-content analysis, as well as qualitative analysis of texts.Results. Specific theoretical provisions formulated by K. Marx and F. Engels concerning the formation, development and classification of population needs were identified. It is revealed that in the writings of K. Marx and F. Engels, the needs of the population in capitalist society are considered in more detail. Their review is implemented within the framework of the class approach, labeled the antithesis of “workers – bourgeoisie”, which explains the flatness and sketchiness in describing the needs of these classes. It is proved that in the works of K. Marx and F. Engels there are no specific provisions regarding the vector and volume of development of the needs of the population in the Communist society. The Communist future is written solely in contrast to the capitalist reality, which led to idealism in its description.Practical implications. The results of the study may be in demand in philosophical, sociological and historical studies concerning the problems of Marxism

    Consumer Deviations of Townspeople on the Pages of Domestic Print Media in the second half of the 1940s

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    Тhe article analyzes the specifics and forms of textual and visual presentation of consumer deviations of citizens (stylistic behavior, excessive passion for fashion, philistinism, the desire to buy goods for a fee, etc.). the Source basis of the research was the materials of magazines: “Crocodile”, “Change”, the newspaper “Pravda» It was revealed that the quantitative expression of subjects on the pages of Russian periodicals correlated with the dynamics of the country’s political campaign against cosmopolitanism.В статье предпринят анализ специфики и форм текстовой и визуальной презентации потребительских девиаций горожан (стиляжничества, излишней увлеченности модой, мещанства, стремления приобрести товары по блату и пр.). Источниковую основу исследования составили материалы журналов: «Крокодил», «Смена», газеты «Правда». Выявлено, что количественная выраженность на страницах отечественной периодики сюжетов исследуемой тематики коррелировала с динамикой проводимой в стране политической кампании по борьбе с космополитизмом.Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке РФФИ (проект гранта № 20-09-00216 А : «Визуальные стандарты образа жизни советского городского населения после мировых войн: компаративный анализ», руководитель: А. В. Трофимов)

    Manifestation of systemic toxicity in rats after a short-time inhalation of lead oxide nanoparticles

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    Outbred female rats were exposed to inhalation of lead oxide nanoparticle aerosol produced right then and there at a concentration of 1.30 ± 0.10 mg/m3 during 5 days for 4 h a day in a nose-only setup. A control group of rats were sham-exposed in parallel under similar conditions. Even this short-time exposure of a relatively low level was associated with nanoparticles retention demonstrable by transmission electron microscopy in the lungs and the olfactory brain. Some impairments were found in the organism’s status in the exposed group, some of which might be considered lead-specific toxicological outcomes (in particular, increase in reticulocytes proportion, in δ-aminolevulinic acid (δ-ALA) urine excretion, and the arterial hypertension’s development). © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Funding: This work was funded by the budget of the Ekaterinburg Medical Research Center for Prophylaxis and Health Protection in Industrial Workers

    Effects of combined action of cadmium and physical load on the hematological blood parameters of rats

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    The purpose of the study – to evaluate the effect of combined action of cadmium and physical load on the hematological blood parameters of rats.Цель исследования – оценить влияние сочетанного воздействия кадмия и физической нагрузки на гематологические показатели крыс в эксперименте

    Pathomorphological changes in rat kidneys after subchronic exposure to nanoparticles

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    The purpose of the study is to study pathomorphological kidney damage in rats after exposure to element oxide nanoparticles.Цель исследования – изучить патоморфологические повреждения почек у крыс после воздействия элементоксидных наночастиц (ЭО НЧ)

    Assessment of selenium oxide nanoparticles effects on the rats behavioural responses and the bioprophylaxis positive effects (experimental data)

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    The purpose of the study was to study toxic effects of selenium oxide nanoparticles (SeONP) on behavioural reactions of rats and to find a way of their correction by biological prophylactic methods.Цель исследования – изучение токсического воздействия наночастиц оксида селена (НЧ SeO) на поведенческие реакции крыс и поиск пути коррекции этого воздействия методами биологической профилактики

    Toxic effects of low-level long-term inhalation exposures of rats to nickel oxide nanoparticles

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    Rats were exposed to nickel oxide nanoparticles (NiO-NP) inhalation at 0.23 ± 0.01 mg/m3 for 4 h a day 5 times a week for up to 10 months. The rat organism responded to this impact with changes in cytological and some biochemical characteristics of the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid along with a paradoxically little pronounced pulmonary pathology associated with a rather low chronic retention of nanoparticles in the lungs. There were various manifestations of systemic toxicity, including damage to the liver and kidneys; a likely allergic syndrome as indicated by some cytological signs; transient stimulation of erythropoiesis; and penetration of nickel into the brain from the nasal mucous membrane along the olfactory pathway. Against a picture of mild to moderate chronic toxicity of nickel, its in vivo genotoxic effect assessed by the degree of DNA fragmentation in nucleated blood cells (the RAPD test) was pronounced, tending to increasing with the length of the exposure period. When rats were given orally, in parallel with the toxic exposure, a set of innocuous substances with differing mechanisms of expected bioprotective action, the genotoxic effect of NiO-NPs was found to be substantially attenuated. © 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.For modeling chronic intoxication development under low-level but long-term inhalation exposures to NiO nanoparticles, the experiments were carried out on outbred white female rats from our own breeding colony with an initial body weight of 150–220 g, with a minimum of 12 animals in exposed and control groups. Rats were housed in conventional conditions, breathed unfiltered air, and were fed standard balanced food. The experiments were planned and implemented in accordance with the “International guiding principles for biomedical research involving animals” developed by the Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences (1985) and were approved by the Ethics Committee of the Ekaterinburg Medical Research Center Medical for Prophylaxis and Health Protection in Industrial Workers