2,337 research outputs found

    Moving At-Risk Teenagers Out of High-Risk Neighborhoods: Why Girls Fare Better Than Boys

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    neighborhood effects; social experiment; mixed methods; youth risk behavior

    Spacetime perspective of Schwarzschild lensing

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    We propose a definition of an exact lens equation without reference to a background spacetime, and construct the exact lens equation explicitly in the case of Schwarzschild spacetime. For the Schwarzschild case, we give exact expressions for the angular-diameter distance to the sources as well as for the magnification factor and time of arrival of the images. We compare the exact lens equation with the standard lens equation, derived under the thin-lens-weak-field assumption (where the light rays are geodesics of the background with sharp bending in the lens plane, and the gravitational field is weak), and verify the fact that the standard weak-field thin-lens equation is inadequate at small impact parameter. We show that the second-order correction to the weak-field thin-lens equation is inaccurate as well. Finally, we compare the exact lens equation with the recently proposed strong-field thin-lens equation, obtained under the assumption of straight paths but without the small angle approximation, i.e., with allowed large bending angles. We show that the strong-field thin-lens equation is remarkably accurate, even for lightrays that take several turns around the lens before reaching the observer.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Thermodynamical Properties of a Rotating Ideal Bose Gas

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    In a recent experiment, a Bose-Einstein condensate was trapped in an anharmonic potential which is well approximated by a harmonic and a quartic part. The condensate was set into such a fast rotation that the centrifugal force in the corotating frame overcompensates the harmonic part in the plane perpendicular to the rotation axis. Thus, the resulting trap potential became Mexican-hat shaped. We present an analysis for an ideal Bose gas which is confined in such an anharmonic rotating trap within a semiclassical approximation where we calculate the critical temperature, the condensate fraction, and the heat capacity. In particular, we examine in detail how these thermodynamical quantities depend on the rotation frequency.Comment: Author Information under http://www.theo-phys.uni-essen.de/tp/ags/pelster_dir

    Proof by analogy in mural

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    One of the most important advantages of using a formal method of developing software is that one can prove that development steps are correct with respect to their specification. Conducting proofs by hand, however,can be time consuming to the extent that designers have to judge whether a proof of a particular obligation is worth conducting. Even if hand proofs are worth conducting, how do we know that they are correct? One approach to overcoming this problem is to use an automatic theorem proving system to develop and check our proofs. However, in order to enable present day theorem provers to check proofs, one has to conduct them in much more detail than hand proofs. Carrying out more detailed proofs is of course more time consuming. This paper describes the use of proof by analogy in an attempt to reduce the time spent on proofs. We develop and implement a proof follower based on analogy and present two examples to illustrate its characteristics. One example illustrates the successful use of the proof follower. The other example illustrates that the follower's failure can provide a hint that enables the user to complete a proof

    Disorder-Induced Shift of Condensation Temperature for Dilute Trapped Bose Gases

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    We determine the leading shift of the Bose-Einstein condensation temperature for an ultracold dilute atomic gas in a harmonic trap due to weak disorder by treating both a Gaussian and a Lorentzian spatial correlation for the quenched disorder potential. Increasing the correlation length from values much smaller than the geometric mean of the trap scale and the mean particle distance to much larger values leads first to an increase of the positive shift to a maximum at this critical length scale and then to a decrease.Comment: Author information under http://www.theo-phys.uni-essen.de/tp/ags/pelster_di

    Attosecond control of electron dynamics in carbon monoxide

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    Laser pulses with stable electric field waveforms establish the opportunity to achieve coherent control on attosecond timescales. We present experimental and theoretical results on the steering of electronic motion in a multi-electron system. A very high degree of light-waveform control over the directional emission of C+ and O+ fragments from the dissociative ionization of CO was observed. Ab initio based model calculations reveal contributions to the control related to the ionization and laser-induced population transfer between excited electronic states of CO+ during dissociation

    Degradation investigation in a postbuckling composite stiffened fuselage panel

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    COCOMAT is a four-year project under the European Commission 6th Framework Programme that aims to exploit the large strength reserves of composite structures through a more accurate prediction of collapse. Accordingly, one of the COCOMAT work packages involves the design of test panels with a focus on investigating the progression of composite damage mechanisms. This paper presents the collaborative results of some of the partners for this task. Different design alternatives were investigated for fuselage-representative test panels. Non-linear structural analyses were performed using MSC.Nastran and ABAQUS/Standard. Numerical predictions were also made applying a stress-based adhesive degradation model, previously implemented into a material user subroutine for ABAQUS/Standard. Following this, a fracture mechanics analysis using MSC.Nastran was performed along all interfaces between the skin and stiffeners, to examine the stiffener disbonding behaviour of each design. On the basis of the structural and fracture mechanics analyses, a design was selected as being the most suitable for the experimental investigation within COCOMAT. Though the COCOMAT panels have yet to be manufactured and tested, experimental data on the structural performance and damage mechanisms were available from a separate project for a panel identical to the selected design. This data was compared to the structural, degradation and fracture mechanics predictions made using non-linear finite element solutions, and the application of the design within the COCOMAT project was discussed

    Metal micro drilling combining high power femtosecond laser and trepanning head

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    Trepanning heads are well known to be efficient in high aspect drilling and to provide a precise control of the hole geometry. Secondly, femtosecond lasers enable to minimize the heat effects and the recast layer on sidewalls but are typically used on thin sheet. The combination of both present a high potential for industrial applications such as injector or cooling holes where the bore sidewall topology has a major influence on the dynamics of the gas flow. In this paper we present results using this combination. The effect of pulse energy, repetition rate and revolution speed of the head on both geometry and roughness are discussed. The quality of the sidewall is checked by roughness measurement and by metallographic analysis (SEM; chemical etching, micro hardness)

    Null Cones in Schwarzschild Geometry

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    Light cones of Schwarzschild geometry are studied in connection to the Null Surface Formulation and gravitational lensing. The paper studies the light cone cut function's singularity structure, gives exact gravitational lensing equations, and shows that the "pseudo-Minkowski" coordinates are well defined within the model considered.Comment: 31 pages, 5 figure
