6 research outputs found

    Influence of sexually transmitted infections in a horse breeding

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    The most frequent problems in horses reproduction are generally divided into those of infectious and non infectious etiology. Common causes of infectious diseases are usual­ly viruses and bacteria, and less frequently protozoa, mykoplasma and fungi. In this work there are presented the most important fact about sexually transmitted diseases, their clinical picture, risk factors, preventive measures as well as measures to prevent and eradicate the diseases. The biggest risk factor for sexually transmitted diseases in horses are breeding stallions, both in natural mating and in artificial insemination. Therefore, in order to prevent genital infections in horses, it is essential that the stallions used for breeding are healthy (non-infected). That can be determined with certainty only if the stallions are examined (tested) just before the breeding season on most frequent sexually transmitted diseases (CEM,EAV). It is well known that in most cases the clinical picture of sexually transmitted diseses is not manifested on genitals. As well, variations in clinical picture can be expected also in mares, depending on the stage of the disease and its etiology. Harms arising from sexually transmitted diseases can be divided into direct and indirect. Direct damage occurs in the form of endometritis, miscarriage, stillbirths and births of weak foals, and indirect in restricting the traffic of infected and suspicios animals, isolation of the infected ones as well as medical treatment and interrupting mating

    Equine viral arteritis

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    Equine viral arteritis (EVA) is a contagious disease of equids caused by equine artheritis virus (EAV), widespread in most countries in the world, where patients are diagnosed. The infection usually starts asymptomatic. Clinical signs indicate respiratory infection of different intensity and also abortions are present at different stages of gestation. Large prevalence of this disease in the world has become a growing economic problem. The disease is specific to a particular kind of animals, and it affects only equids (horses, donkeys, mules, mule and zebras). In countries where the infection has been confirmed, the percentage of positive animals differ. Likewise, there is difference in percentage among certain animal kinds. The highest percentage of positive animals has been found in totters and the lowest in cold-blooded

    Association of Mycoplasma canis with fertility disorders in dogs

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    The role of Mycoplasma canis in canine fertility disorders is still poorly understood. As infection is often asymptomatic, there is an increasing need for appropriate diagnostic methods and treatment plans that would allow the reliable detection of M. canis infection and rapid alleviation of infection symptoms in affected dogs. In this study, we included 14 dogs with fertility problems and 16 dogs without fertility disorder signs. We compared clinical examination data and selected laboratory parameters (hematology and biochemistry) between the groups. We performed PCR-based detection of M. canis and 16S rRNA gene-based microbiota profiling of DNA isolated from vaginal and preputial swabs. Dog sera were tested for the presence of M. canis-specific antibodies. Hematological and selected biochemical parameters showed no differences between groups. PCR-based detection of M. canis in the samples was consistent with the results of 16S microbiota profiling. Several other bacterial taxa were also identified that could potentially be involved in different fertility disorders. Serological methods were not accurate enough since high cross-reactivity rates were observed. In the future, more accurate and efficient methods will be needed to determine the role of M. canis and its true role in the pathogenesis of specific fertility disorders in dogs

    A de novo variant in OTX2 in a lamb with otocephaly

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    Background:Otocephaly is a rare lethal malformation of the first branchial arch. While the knowledge on the causes of otocephaly in animals is limited, different syndromic forms in man are associated with variants of the PRRX1 and OT X2 genes.Case presentation:A stillborn male lamb of the Istrian Pramenka sheep breed showed several congenital crani-ofacial anomalies including microstomia, agnathia, aglossia, and synotia. In addition, the lamb had a cleft palate, a small opening in the ventral neck region, a cystic oesophagus and two hepatic cysts. The brain was normally developed despite the deformed shape of the head. Taken together the findings led to a diagnosis of otocephaly. Whole-genome sequencing was performed from DNA of the affected lamb and both parents revealing a heterozy-gous single nucleotide variant in the OT X2 gene (Chr7: 71478714G > A). The variant was absent in both parents and therefore due to a de novo mutation event. It was a nonsense variant, XM_015097088.2:c.265C > Twhich leads to an early premature stop codon and is predicted to truncate more than 70% of the OT X2 open reading frame (p.Arg89*).Conclusions:The genetic findings were consistent with the diagnosis of the otocephaly and provide strong evi-dence that the identified loss-of-function variant is pathogenic due to OT X2 haploinsufficiency. The benefits of trio-based whole-genome sequencing as an emerging tool in veterinary pathology to confirm diagnosis are highlighted

    Basic exploratory study of bisphenol A (BPA) dietary administration to Istrian Pramenka rams and male toxicity investigation

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    Bisphenol A (BPA), an endocrine-disrupting chemical and environmental pollutant, has been reported by many researchers to induce male reproductive toxicity in different experimental models. In this study, we investigated whether long-term exposure for two months to 25 ug/kg body weight (low dose) of BPA affects spermatogenesis or sperm quality in young Istrian Pramenka rams exposed via diet. We evaluated body and testicular weights, histopathology of testes and epididymides, and sperm analyses, and compared these parameters between the group of treated rams and the control group of rams. Although there were some differences between the two groups, these differences were not large or statistically significant. The only statistically significant difference was the lower epithelial height of seminiferous tubules in treated rams, compared to control rams. In addition to assessing toxicity, BPA concentrations in the blood plasma of treated rams were determined after the first administration, and the toxicokinetic parameters of total BPA were calculated. In this study, no major signs of altered reproduction in rams were detected