563 research outputs found

    Structural Operational Semantics for Stochastic Process Calculi

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    A syntactic framework called SGSOS, for defining well-behaved Markovian stochastic transition systems, is introduced by analogy to the GSOS congruence format for nondeterministic processes. Stochastic bisimilarity is guaranteed a congruence for systems defined by SGSOS rules. Associativity of parallel composition in stochastic process algebras is also studied within the SGSOS framework

    Causality in the Semantics of Esterel: Revisited

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    We re-examine the challenges concerning causality in the semantics of Esterel and show that they pertain to the known issues in the semantics of Structured Operational Semantics with negative premises. We show that the solutions offered for the semantics of SOS also provide answers to the semantic challenges of Esterel and that they satisfy the intuitive requirements set by the language designers

    Analysis of Boolean Equation Systems through Structure Graphs

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    We analyse the problem of solving Boolean equation systems through the use of structure graphs. The latter are obtained through an elegant set of Plotkin-style deduction rules. Our main contribution is that we show that equation systems with bisimilar structure graphs have the same solution. We show that our work conservatively extends earlier work, conducted by Keiren and Willemse, in which dependency graphs were used to analyse a subclass of Boolean equation systems, viz., equation systems in standard recursive form. We illustrate our approach by a small example, demonstrating the effect of simplifying an equation system through minimisation of its structure graph

    Learning nominal automata

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    We present an Angluin-style algorithm to learn nominal automata, which are acceptors of languages over infinite (structured) alphabets. The abstract approach we take allows us to seamlessly extend known variations of the algorithm to this new setting. In particular we can learn a subclass of nominal non-deterministic automata. An implementation using a recently developed Haskell library for nominal computation is provided for preliminary experiments

    Dysphagia lusoria in children

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    Layer by layer - Combining Monads

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    We develop a method to incrementally construct programming languages. Our approach is categorical: each layer of the language is described as a monad. Our method either (i) concretely builds a distributive law between two monads, i.e. layers of the language, which then provides a monad structure to the composition of layers, or (ii) identifies precisely the algebraic obstacles to the existence of a distributive law and gives a best approximant language. The running example will involve three layers: a basic imperative language enriched first by adding non-determinism and then probabilistic choice. The first extension works seamlessly, but the second encounters an obstacle, which results in a best approximant language structurally very similar to the probabilistic network specification language ProbNetKAT

    Rate-Based Transition Systems for Stochastic Process Calculi

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    A variant of Rate Transition Systems (RTS), proposed by Klin and Sassone, is introduced and used as the basic model for defining stochastic behaviour of processes. The transition relation used in our variant associates to each process, for each action, the set of possible futures paired with a measure indicating their rates. We show how RTS can be used for providing the operational semantics of stochastic extensions of classical formalisms, namely CSP and CCS. We also show that our semantics for stochastic CCS guarantees associativity of parallel composition. Similarly, in contrast with the original definition by Priami, we argue that a semantics for stochastic π-calculus can be provided that guarantees associativity of parallel composition

    RPO, Second-order Contexts, and Lambda-calculus

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    First, we extend Leifer-Milner RPO theory, by giving general conditions to obtain IPO labelled transition systems (and bisimilarities) with a reduced set of transitions, and possibly finitely branching. Moreover, we study the weak variant of Leifer-Milner theory, by giving general conditions under which the weak bisimilarity is a congruence. Then, we apply such extended RPO technique to the lambda-calculus, endowed with lazy and call by value reduction strategies. We show that, contrary to process calculi, one can deal directly with the lambda-calculus syntax and apply Leifer-Milner technique to a category of contexts, provided that we work in the framework of weak bisimilarities. However, even in the case of the transition system with minimal contexts, the resulting bisimilarity is infinitely branching, due to the fact that, in standard context categories, parametric rules such as the beta-rule can be represented only by infinitely many ground rules. To overcome this problem, we introduce the general notion of second-order context category. We show that, by carrying out the RPO construction in this setting, the lazy observational equivalence can be captured as a weak bisimilarity equivalence on a finitely branching transition system. This result is achieved by considering an encoding of lambda-calculus in Combinatory Logic.Comment: 35 pages, published in Logical Methods in Computer Scienc

    Learning automata with side-effects

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    Automata learning has been successfully applied in the verification of hardware and software. The size of the automaton model learned is a bottleneck for scalability, and hence optimizations that enable learning of compact representations are important. This paper exploits monads, both as a mathematical structure and a programming construct, to design and prove correct a wide class of such optimizations. Monads enable the development of a new learning algorithm and correctness proofs, building upon a general framework for automata learning based on category theory. The new algorithm is parametric on a monad, which provides a rich algebraic structure to capture non-determinism and other side-effects. We show that this allows us to uniformly capture existing algorithms, develop new ones, and add optimizations
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