150 research outputs found

    Dynamic Critical Behavior of the Swendsen-Wang Algorithm: The Two-Dimensional 3-State Potts Model Revisited

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    We have performed a high-precision Monte Carlo study of the dynamic critical behavior of the Swendsen-Wang algorithm for the two-dimensional 3-state Potts model. We find that the Li-Sokal bound (τint,E≄const×CH\tau_{int,E} \geq const \times C_H) is almost but not quite sharp. The ratio τint,E/CH\tau_{int,E} / C_H seems to diverge either as a small power (≈0.08\approx 0.08) or as a logarithm.Comment: 35 pages including 3 figures. Self-unpacking file containing the LaTeX file, the needed macros (epsf.sty, indent.sty, subeqnarray.sty, and eqsection.sty) and the 3 Postscript figures. Revised version fixes a normalization error in \xi (with many thanks to Wolfhard Janke for finding the error!). To be published in J. Stat. Phys. 87, no. 1/2 (April 1997

    Precise Measurement of the Neutron Magnetic Form Factor GnM in the Few-GeVÂČ Region

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    The neutron elastic magnetic form factor was extracted from quasielastic electron scattering on deuterium over the range Q2 = 1.0–4.8  GeV2 with the CLAS detector at Jefferson Lab. High precision was achieved with a ratio technique and a simultaneous in situ calibration of the neutron detection efficiency. Neutrons were detected with electromagnetic calorimeters and time-of-flight scintillators at two beam energies. The dipole parametrization gives a good description of the dat

    Measurement of ep→epπᔒ Beam Spin Asymmetries Above the Resonance Region

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    The beam spin asymmetry (BSA) in the exclusive reaction →ep→epπ0 was measured with the CEBAF 5.77 GeV polarized electron beam and Large Acceptance Spectrometer (CLAS). The xB,Q2,t , and ϕ dependences of the π0 BSA are presented in the deep inelastic regime. The asymmetries are fitted with a sinϕ function and their amplitudes are extracted. Overall, they are of the order of 0.04–0.11 and roughly independent of t . This is the signature of a nonzero longitudinal-transverse interference. The implications concerning the applicability of a formalism based on generalized parton distributions, as well as the extension of a Regge formalism at high photon virtualities, are discussed

    The Effect of Partner Sex: Nondisclosure of HIV Status to Male and Female Partners Among Men who Have Sex with Men and Women (MSMW)

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    A common concern within HIV prevention is that HIV positive MSMW do not disclose their HIV status to female partners who are thus at increased risk for HIV infection. The present study uses unique data to examine whether MSMW disclose more often to male rather than female partners. Data were collected on most recent male and/or female primary partner and four most recent casual partners from 150 MSMW (50 African American, 50 Latino, 50 White). MSMW reported on 590 partners (31% female; 69% male). Disclosure was coded as disclosure before sex, disclosure after sex, or nondisclosure. A series of multinomial logistic regressions with partners clustered within respondents were conducted to evaluate effects of respondent characteristics and partner characteristics on timing of disclosure. In bivariate and multivariate analyses there were no significant differences in odds of disclosure to male and female partners before or after sex. Although MSMW were substantially less likely to disclose to HIV negative partners before sex compared to HIV positive partners regardless of sex, when we fully interacted the multivariate model by partner sex, the odds of disclosure to HIV negative male partners compared to HIV positive male partners before sex were significantly higher than the odds of disclosure to HIV negative female partners compared to HIV positive female partners. Patterns of mutual nondisclosure and nonreciprocal disclosure were observed with both primary and casual partners. The paper makes additional methodological contributions to the measurement and analysis of disclosure

    Genotoksičnost metalnih nanočestica: osvrt na podatke istraĆŸivanja In vivo

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    With increasing production and application of a variety of nanomaterials (NMs), research on their cytotoxic and genotoxic potential grows, as the exposure to these nano-sized materials may potentially result in adverse health effects. In large part, indications for potential DNA damaging effects of nanoparticles (NPs) originate from inconsistent in vitro studies. To clarify these effects, the implementation of in vivo studies has been emphasised. This paper summarises study results of genotoxic effects of NPs, which are available in the recent literature. They provide indications that some NP types cause both DNA strand breaks and chromosomal damages in experimental animals. Their genotoxic effects, however, do not depend only on particle size, surface modifi cation (particle coating), and exposure route, but also on exposure duration. Currently available animal studies may suggest differing mechanisms (depending on the duration of exposure) by which living organisms react to NP contact. Nevertheless, due to considerable inconsistencies in the recent literature and the lack of standardised test methods - a reliable hazard assessment of NMs is still limited. Therefore, international organisations (e.g. NIOSH) suggest utmost caution when potential exposure of humans to NMs occurs, as long as evidence of their toxicological and genotoxic effect(s) is limited.S povećanjem proizvodnje i primjene niza različitih nanomaterijala (NM) raste i potreba istraĆŸivanja njihovih mogućih citotoksičnih i genotoksičnih učinaka kao i drugih ĆĄtetnih učinaka na zdravlje u uvjetima profesionalne ili opće izloĆŸenost ljudi. Indikacije potencijanog oĆĄtećenja DNA kojeg uzrokuju nanočestice u velikoj mjeri proizlaze iz nedosljednih in vitro ispitivanja. Kako bi se razjasnili ti učinci, naglaĆĄena je potreba provedbe in vivo ispitivanja. Ovaj pregledni rad saĆŸima rezultate procjene genotoksičnih učinaka nanočestica koji su objavljeni u novijoj stručnoj i znanstvenoj literaturi. Navedeni rezultati pokazuju da određene nanočestice uzrokuju lomove u molekuli DNA i oĆĄtećuju kromosome u eksperimentalnim ĆŸivotinjama. Njihovi genotoksični učinci ne ovise samo o veličini čestice, modifi kaciji povrĆĄine (oblaganje čestice) i načinu izlaganja, već i o trajanju izloĆŸenosti nanočesticama. Postojeća istraĆŸivanja provedena na ĆŸivotinjama upućuju na različite mehanizme koji ovise o trajanju izlaganja i pomoću kojih ĆŸivi organizmi reagiraju na doticaj s nanočesticama. Međutim postoje brojne nedosljednosti u novijoj literaturi, a standardne testne metode nisu dostupne pa je stoga pouzdanija procjena opasnosti od izlaganja nanomaterijalima u ljudi joĆĄ uvijek veoma ograničena. Stoga se u međunarodnim dokumentima savjetuje oprez prilikom svakog izlaganja ljudi nanomaterijalima kako bi se spriječili mogući opći toksični genotoksični učinci

    Geospatial Semantics: Why, of What, and How?

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    Abstract. Why are notions like semantics and ontologies suddenly getting so much attention, within and outside geospatial information communities? The main reason lies in the componentization of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) into services, which are supposed to interoperate within and across these communities. Consequently, I look at geospatial semantics in the context of semantic interoperability. The paper clarifies the relevant notion of semantics and shows what parts of geospatial information need to receive semantic speci-fications in order to achieve interoperability. No attempt at a survey of ap-proaches to provide semantics is made, but a framework for solving interopera-bility problems is proposed in the form of semantic reference systems. Particular emphasis is put on the need and possible ways to ground geospatial semantics in physical processes and measurements. 1. Introduction: Wh

    Semantic execution meets geospatial web services: A pilot application

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    Geospatial web services can be enhanced with semantic web service techniques in order to solve the existing interoperability issues in the geospatial domain. Therefore a large number of services can be composed to provide meaningful results to complex geospatial queries, but as the complexity grows, the users face serious performance problems. On top of existing geospatial web services we adopt the WSMO/L/X framework which provides a model to define machine and human-understandable semantic descriptions, full support for mediation and a simple language to choreograph the execution of a composition of several geospatial web services. Our research focus is on the semantic execution and its performance inside the WSMX platform. Our core contributions are: (1) providing a solution for automated semantic execution of geospatial queries; and (2) providing a combination of techniques and improvements to the efficiency aspect
