28 research outputs found

    Stromal fibroblasts shape the myeloid phenotype in normal colon and colorectal cancer and induce CD163 and CCL2 expression in macrophages

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) accounts for about 10% of cancer deaths worldwide. Colon carcinogenesis is critically influenced by the tumor microenvironment. Cancer associated fibroblasts (CAFs) and tumor associated macrophages (TAMs) represent the major components of the tumor microenvironment. TAMs promote tumor progression, angiogenesis and tissue remodeling. However, the impact of the molecular crosstalk of tumor cells (TCs) with CAFs and macrophages on monocyte recruitment and their phenotypic conversion is not known in detail so far. In a 3D human organotypic CRC model, we show that CAFs and normal colonic fibroblasts are critically involved in monocyte recruitment and for the establishment of a macrophage phenotype, characterized by high CD163 expression. This is in line with the steady recruitment and differentiation of monocytes to immunosuppressive macrophages in the normal colon. Cytokine profiling revealed that CAFs produce M-CSF, and IL6, IL8, HGF and CCL2 secretion was specifically induced by CAFs in co-cultures with macrophages. Moreover, macrophage/CAF/TCs co-cultures increased TC invasion. We demonstrate that CAFs and macrophages are the major producers of CCL2 and, upon co-culture, increase their CCL2 production twofold and 40-fold, respectively. CAFs and macrophages expressing high CCL2 were also found in vivo in CRC, strongly supporting our findings. CCL2, CCR2, CSF1R and CD163 expression in macrophages was dependent on active MCSFR signaling as shown by M-CSFR inhibition. These results indicate that colon fibroblasts and not TCs are the major cellular component, recruiting and dictating the fate of infiltrated monocytes towards a specific macrophage population, characterized by high CD163 expression and CCL2 production

    About olfactory expressions and their generating process

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    Abstract In humans the expression of lactase changes during post-natal development, leading to phenotypes known as lactase persistence and non-persistence. Polymorphisms within the lactase gene (LCT) enhancer, in particular the −13910C > T, but also others, are linked to these phenotypes. We were interested in identifying dynamic mediators of LCT regulation, beyond the genotype at −13910C > T. To this end, we investigated two levels of lactase regulation in human intestinal samples obtained from New England children and adolescents of mixed European ancestry: differential expression of transcriptional regulators of LCT, and variations in DNA methylation, and their relation to phenotype. Variations in expression of CDX2, POU2F1, GATA4, GATA6, and HNF1α did not correlate with phenotype. However, an epigenome-wide approach using the Illumina Infinium HM450 bead chip identified a differentially methylated position in the LCT promoter where methylation levels are associated with the genotype at −13910C > T, the persistence/non-persistence phenotype and lactase enzymatic activity. DNA methylation levels at this promoter site and CpGs in the LCT enhancer are associated with genotype. Indeed, taken together they have a higher power to predict lactase phenotypes than the genotype alone

    Identification and Validation of a Diagnostic and Prognostic Multi-Gene Biomarker Panel for Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma

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    Late diagnosis and systemic dissemination essentially contribute to the invariably poor prognosis of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC). Therefore, the development of diagnostic biomarkers for PDAC are urgently needed to improve patient stratification and outcome in the clinic. By studying the transcriptomes of independent PDAC patient cohorts of tumor and non-tumor tissues, we identified 81 robustly regulated genes, through a novel, generally applicable meta-analysis. Using consensus clustering on co-expression values revealed four distinct clusters with genes originating from exocrine/endocrine pancreas, stromal and tumor cells. Three clusters were strongly associated with survival of PDAC patients based on TCGA database underlining the prognostic potential of the identified genes. With the added information of impact of survival and the robustness within the meta-analysis, we extracted a 17-gene subset for further validation. We show that it did not only discriminate PDAC from non-tumor tissue and stroma in fresh-frozen as well as formalin-fixed paraffin embedded samples, but also detected pancreatic precursor lesions and singled out pancreatitis samples. Moreover, the classifier discriminated PDAC from other cancers in the TCGA database. In addition, we experimentally validated the classifier in PDAC patients on transcript level using qPCR and exemplify the usage on protein level for three proteins (AHNAK2, LAMC2, TFF1) using immunohistochemistry and for two secreted proteins (TFF1, SERPINB5) using ELISA-based protein detection in blood-plasma. In conclusion, we present a novel robust diagnostic and prognostic gene signature for PDAC with future potential applicability in the clinic

    Delineating the Dynamic Transcriptome Response of mRNA and microRNA during Zebrafish Heart Regeneration

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    Heart diseases are the leading cause of death for the vast majority of people around the world, which is often due to the limited capability of human cardiac regeneration. In contrast, zebrafish have the capacity to fully regenerate their hearts after cardiac injury. Understanding and activating these mechanisms would improve health in patients suffering from long-term consequences of ischemia. Therefore, we monitored the dynamic transcriptome response of both mRNA and microRNA in zebrafish at 1–160 days post cryoinjury (dpi). Using a control model of sham-operated and healthy fish, we extracted the regeneration specific response and further delineated the spatio-temporal organization of regeneration processes such as cell cycle and heart function. In addition, we identified novel (miR-148/152, miR-218b and miR-19) and previously known microRNAs among the top regulators of heart regeneration by using theoretically predicted target sites and correlation of expression profiles from both mRNA and microRNA. In a cross-species effort, we validated our findings in the dynamic process of rat myoblasts differentiating into cardiomyocytes-like cells (H9c2 cell line). Concluding, we elucidated different phases of transcriptomic responses during zebrafish heart regeneration. Furthermore, microRNAs showed to be important regulators in cardiomyocyte proliferation over time