6 research outputs found

    The "Spalakh" astronomical television system

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    The description of the new astronomical television system “Spalakh” is cited. The system is intended for fast phenomena observations with exact link to time scale. The results of laboratory and actual tests of the system are given

    Observations of stars occultations by the Moon with the "Spalakh" television system

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    On the television observations of lunar occultations of the stars and reductions made in 2003–2004 at the Astronomical Observatory of the Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University are reported. Observations are executed with the help of the “Spalakh” system with fixation Universal Time for each frame. On the exact moment of occultations is reported

    Project of the network for occultation phenomena television observations

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    The project aimed at the equipment of observational stations of the existing network by the analogous television devices is proposed. Possibilities of a new observation program using the method of occultations for studying the kinematics of multiple star systems, Solar System small bodies, as well as figure of the marginal zone of the Moon are considered

    The photometrical system and positional accuracy of the CCD camera ST7 of Lisnyki Observational Station

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    The results of testing of CCD ST7 camera are reported. Determinations of photometrical system and positional accuracy were made by processing of open cluster Stock 1 observations at the AZT-8 telescope of the Lisnyki Observational Station

    On changes in the spectra of Comet C/1999 S4 (LINEAR) on July 22−28, 2002

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    Some spectra of Comet C/1999 S4 (LINEAR) are obtained with the UAGS spectrograph (long slit and CCD) installed on the 1-m Zeiss reflector of the SAO RAS (the Northern Caucasus, Nizhny Arkhyz) on July 23/24, 26/27, and 27/28, 2000. Sophisticated identification of emission lines in the spectra of Comet C/1999 S4 (LINEAR) is made. Emission lines of the molecules C₂, C₃, CN, NH, CH, NH₂, CO⁺, H₂O⁺, and others were identified in the spectra of Comet C/1999 S4 (LINEAR) derived on July 22/23, 2000 before splitting the cometary nucleus. Analysis of the CCD spectra obtained on July 27/28, 2000 reveals very weak emission lines superposed on the solar reflection spectrum, unlike the case of spectra obtained with the same instrument on July 22/23. From analysis of the surface brightness profile of C₂ along the slit, the velocity of expansion of two secondary fragments (V = 10 km/hr) and energy of fragment expansion (E = 8.7 · 10¹⁵ erg) are estimated. The luminescence cometary continuum is detected by a level of 26% at 5000 Å in the spectra of the comet. Possible mechanisms of nucleus splitting are discussed

    Exploration of spectra of periodic Comet 153P/Ikeya−Zhang

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    We present preliminary results of study of middle-resolution optical spectra of Comet 153P/Ikeya–Zhang obtained on May 5, 2002 with the help of the 2.12-m reflector of the Guillermo Haro Astrophysical Observatory. Emission lines of the molecules C₂, C₃, CN, NH₂, CO (Asundi and triplet bands), and H₂O⁺ are identified in these spectra. On the basis of the intensity distribution along the slit of the spectrograph in C₂, C₃, CN emission lines we determined the velocities expansion and life times of these molecules