1,376 research outputs found

    Comment on Path Integral Derivation of Schr\"odinger Equation in Spaces with Curvature and Torsion

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    We present a derivation of the Schr\"odinger equation for a path integral of a point particle in a space with curvature and torsion which is considerably shorter and more elegant than what is commonly found in the literature.Comment: LaTeX file in sr

    Phase diagram for interacting Bose gases

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    We propose a new form of the inversion method in terms of a selfenergy expansion to access the phase diagram of the Bose-Einstein transition. The dependence of the critical temperature on the interaction parameter is calculated. This is discussed with the help of a new condition for Bose-Einstein condensation in interacting systems which follows from the pole of the T-matrix in the same way as from the divergence of the medium-dependent scattering length. A many-body approximation consisting of screened ladder diagrams is proposed which describes the Monte Carlo data more appropriately. The specific results are that a non-selfconsistent T-matrix leads to a linear coefficient in leading order of 4.7, the screened ladder approximation to 2.3, and the selfconsistent T-matrix due to the effective mass to a coefficient of 1.3 close to the Monte Carlo data

    Brownian motion of Massive Particle in a Space with Curvature and Torsion and Crystals with Defects

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    We develop a theory of Brownian motion of a massive particle, including the effects of inertia (Kramers' problem), in spaces with curvature and torsion. This is done by invoking the recently discovered generalized equivalence principle, according to which the equations of motion of a point particle in such spaces can be obtained from the Newton equation in euclidean space by means of a nonholonomic mapping. By this principle, the known Langevin equation in euclidean space goes over into the correct Langevin equation in the Cartan space. This, in turn, serves to derive the Kubo and Fokker-Planck equations satisfied by the particle distribution as a function of time in such a space. The theory can be applied to classical diffusion processes in crystals with defects.Comment: LaTeX, http://www.physik.fu-berlin.de/kleinert.htm

    Five-Loop Vacuum Energy Beta Function in phi^4 Theory with O(N)-Symmetric and Cubic Interactions

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    The beta function of the vacuum energy density is analytically computed at the five-loop level in O(N)-symmetric phi^4 theory, using dimensional regularization in conjunction with the MSbar scheme. The result for the case of a cubic anisotropy is also given. It is pointed out how to also obtain the beta function of the coupling and the gamma function of the mass from vacuum graphs. This method may be easier than traditional approaches.Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX; "note added" fixe

    Bose-Einstein Condensation Temperature of Homogenous Weakly Interacting Bose Gas in Variational Perturbation Theory Through Seven Loops

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    The shift of the Bose-Einstein condensation temperature for a homogenous weakly interacting Bose gas in leading order in the scattering length `a' is computed for given particle density `n.' Variational perturbation theory is used to resum the corresponding perturbative series for Delta/Nu in a classical three-dimensional scalar field theory with coupling `u' and where the physical case of N=2 field components is generalized to arbitrary N. Our results for N=1,2,4 are in agreement with recent Monte-Carlo simulations; for N=2, we obtain Delta T_c/T_c = 1.27 +/- 0.11 a n^(1/3). We use seven-loop perturbative coefficients, extending earlier work by one loop order.Comment: 8 pages; typos and errors of presentation fixed; beautifications; results unchange

    Criterion for Dominance of Directional over Size Fluctuations in Destroying Order

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    For systems exhibiting a second-order phase transition with a spontaneously broken continuous O(N)-symmetry at low temperature, we give a criterion for judging at which temperature T_K long-range directional fluctuations of the order field destroy the order when approaching the critical temperature from below. The temperature T_K lies always significantly below the famous Ginzburg temperature T_G at which size fluctuations of finite range in the order field become important.Comment: Author Information under http://www.physik.fu-berlin.de/~kleinert/institution.html . Latest update of paper also at http://www.physik.fu-berlin.de/~kleinert/re3.html#29

    Reentrant Phenomenon in Quantum Phase Diagram of Optical Boson Lattice

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    We calculate the location of the quantum phase transitions of a bose gas trapped in an optical lattice as a function of effective scattering length a_{\eff} and temperature TT. Knowledge of recent high-loop results on the shift of the critical temperature at weak couplings is used to locate a {\em nose} in the phase diagram above the free Bose-Einstein critical temperature Tc(0)T_c^{(0)}, thus predicting the existence of a reentrant transition {\em above} Tc(0)T_c^{(0)}, where a condensate should form when {\em increasing} a_{\eff}. At zero temperature, the transition to the normal phase produces the experimentally observed Mott insulator.Comment: Author Information under http://www.physik.fu-berlin.de/~kleinert/institution.htm

    Perturbation Theory for Path Integrals of Stiff Polymers

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    The wormlike chain model of stiff polymers is a nonlinear σ\sigma-model in one spacetime dimension in which the ends are fluctuating freely. This causes important differences with respect to the presently available theory which exists only for periodic and Dirichlet boundary conditions. We modify this theory appropriately and show how to perform a systematic large-stiffness expansions for all physically interesting quantities in powers of L/ξL/\xi, where LL is the length and ξ\xi the persistence length of the polymer. This requires special procedures for regularizing highly divergent Feynman integrals which we have developed in previous work. We show that by adding to the unperturbed action a correction term Acorr{\cal A}^{\rm corr}, we can calculate all Feynman diagrams with Green functions satisfying Neumann boundary conditions. Our expansions yield, order by order, properly normalized end-to-end distribution function in arbitrary dimensions dd, its even and odd moments, and the two-point correlation function

    Magnetic permeability of near-critical 3d abelian Higgs model and duality

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    The three-dimensional abelian Higgs model has been argued to be dual to a scalar field theory with a global U(1) symmetry. We show that this duality, together with the scaling and universality hypotheses, implies a scaling law for the magnetic permeablity chi_m near the line of second order phase transition: chi_m ~ t^nu, where t is the deviation from the critical line and nu ~ 0.67 is a critical exponent of the O(2) universality class. We also show that exactly on the critical lines, the dependence of magnetic induction on external magnetic field is quadratic, with a proportionality coefficient depending only on the gauge coupling. These predictions provide a way for testing the duality conjecture on the lattice in the Coulomb phase and at the phase transion.Comment: 11 pages; updated references and small changes, published versio

    Strings with Negative Stiffness and Hyperfine Structure

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    We propose a new string model by adding a higher-order gradient term to the rigid string, so that the stiffness can be positive or negative without loosing stability. In the large-D approximation, the model has three phases, one of which with a new type of generalized "antiferromagnetic" orientational correlations. We find an infrared-stable fixed point describing world-sheets with vanishing tension and Hausdorff dimension D_H=2. Crumpling is prevented by the new term which suppresses configurations with rapidly changing extrinsic curvature.Comment: Author Information under http://www.physik.fu-berlin.de/~kleinert/institution.html . Latest update of paper also at http://www.physik.fu-berlin.de/~kleinert/kleiner_re27