39 research outputs found

    Logarithm laws for flows on homogeneous spaces

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    We prove that almost all geodesics on a noncompact locally symmetric space of finite volume grow with a logarithmic speed -- the higher rank generalization of a theorem of D. Sullivan (1982). More generally, under certain conditions on a sequence of subsets AnA_n of a homogeneous space G/ΓG/\Gamma (GG a semisimple Lie group, Γ\Gamma a non-uniform lattice) and a sequence of elements fnf_n of GG we prove that for almost all points xx of the space, one has fnxAnf_n x\in A_n for infinitely many nn. The main tool is exponential decay of correlation coefficients of smooth functions on G/ΓG/\Gamma. Besides the aforementioned application to geodesic flows, as a corollary we obtain a new proof of the classical Khinchin-Groshev theorem in simultaneous Diophantine approximation, and settle a related conjecture recently made by M. Skriganov

    Equidistribution of expanding translates of curves and Dirichlet's theorem on Diophantine approximation

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    We show that for almost all points on any analytic curve on R^{k} which is not contained in a proper affine subspace, the Dirichlet's theorem on simultaneous approximation, as well as its dual result for simultaneous approximation of linear forms, cannot be improved. The result is obtained by proving asymptotic equidistribution of evolution of a curve on a strongly unstable leaf under certain partially hyperbolic flow on the space of unimodular lattices in R^{k+1}. The proof involves ergodic properties of unipotent flows on homogeneous spaces.Comment: 26 page

    Decay of correlations for maps with uniformly contracting fibers and logarithm law for singular hyperbolic attractors

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    We consider two dimensional maps preserving a foliation which is uniformly contracting and a one dimensional associated quotient map having exponential convergence to equilibrium (iterates of Lebesgue measure converge exponentially fast to physical measure). We prove that these maps have exponential decay of correlations over a large class of observables. We use this result to deduce exponential decay of correlations for the Poincare maps of a large class of singular hyperbolic flows. From this we deduce logarithm laws for these flows.Comment: 39 pages; 03 figures; proof of Theorem 1 corrected; many typos corrected; improvements on the statements and comments suggested by a referee. Keywords: singular flows, singular-hyperbolic attractor, exponential decay of correlations, exact dimensionality, logarithm la

    Equidistribution for higher-rank Abelian actions on Heisenberg nilmanifolds

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    2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 37C85, 37A17, 37A45; Secondary: 11K36, 11L07.We prove quantitative equidistribution results for actions of Abelian subgroups of the (2g + 1)-dimensional Heisenberg group acting on compact (2g + 1)-dimensional homogeneous nilmanifolds. The results are based on the study of the C∞-cohomology of the action of such groups, on tame estimates of the associated cohomological equations and on a renormalization method initially applied by Forni to surface flows and by Forni and the second author to other parabolic flows. As an application we obtain bounds for finite Theta sums defined by real quadratic forms in g variables, generalizing the classical results of Hardy and Littlewood [25, 26] and the optimal result of Fiedler, Jurkat, and Körner [17] to higher dimension.This work was partially done while L. Flaminio visited the Isaac Newton Institute in Cambridge, UK. He wishes to thank the Institute and the organizers of the program Interactions between Dynamics of Group Actions and Number Theory for their hospitality. L. Flaminio was supported in part by the Labex CEMPI (ANR-11-LABX-07). S. Cosentino was partially supported by CMAT - Centro de Matematica da Universidade do Minho, financed by the Strategic Project PEst-OE/MAT/UI0013/2014