34 research outputs found

    Synthesis, Structure and Reactivity of a Mononuclear N,N,O-Bound Fe(II) α-Keto-Acid Complex

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    A bulky, tridentate phenolate ligand (ImPh2NNOtBu) was used to synthesise the first example of a mononuclear, facial, N,N,O-bound iron(II) benzoylformate complex, [Fe(ImPh2NNOtBu)(BF)] (2). The X-ray crystal structure of 2 reveals that the iron centre is pentacoordinate (τ=0.5), with a vacant site located cis to the bidentate BF ligand. The Mössbauer parameters of 2 are consistent with high-spin iron(II), and are very close to those reported for α-ketoglutarate-bound non-heme iron enzyme active sites. According to NMR and UV-vis spectroscopies, the structural integrity of 2 is retained in both coordinating and non-coordinating solvents. Cyclic voltammetry studies show that the iron centre has a very low oxidation potential and is more prone to electrochemical oxidation than the redox-active phenolate ligand. Complex 2 reacts with NO to form a S=3/2 {FeNO}7 adduct in which NO binds directly to the iron centre, according to EPR, UV-vis, IR spectroscopies and DFT analysis. Upon O2 exposure, 2 undergoes oxidative decarboxylation to form a diiron(III) benzoate complex, [Fe2(ImPh2NNOtBu)2(μ2-OBz)(μ2-OH)2]+ (3). A small amount of hydroxylated ligand was also observed by ESI-MS, hinting at the formation of a high-valent iron(IV)-oxo intermediate. Initial reactivity studies show that 2 is capable of oxygen atom transfer reactivity with O2, converting methyl(p-tolyl)sulfide to sulfoxide

    Deuterated N2Py2 Ligands : Building More Robust Non-Heme Iron Oxidation Catalysts

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    Fe(N2Py2)/H 2 O 2 /AcOH catalytic systems provide powerful tools for efficient C-H and C=C bond oxidations (N2Py2 = bis-alkylamine-bis-pyridine ligand). Yet, the stability of these catalysts under the oxidizing conditions still remains a problem. The generally accepted catalyst decomposition pathway of Fe(N2Py2) complexes is through oxidative dimerization to form inactive oxo-bridged Fe 2 (μ-O)(N2Py2) 2 dimers. Detailed ESI-MS analysis has now shown a catalyst decomposition pathway of ligand oxidation via C-H oxidation on the 2-pyridinylmethylene sites, followed by dissociation of the oxidized ligand from the iron center. By deuterating the 2-pyridinylmethylene sites of a series of N2Py2 ligands with variations on both alkylamine and pyridine fragments, providing access to the corresponding Fe(N2Py2-D 4 ) complexes, longer catalysts lifetimes are achieved in catalytic oxidation reactions with all complexes. As a consequence, improved substrate conversions and product yields were consistently observed in both aliphatic C-H oxidations and alkene epoxidations. Kinetic and catalytic studies revealed that deuteration does not change the intrinsic reactivity and product selectivity of Fe(N2Py2) complexes. In addition, different Fe(N2Py2-D 4 ) complexes provide different improvements in catalytic performances and lifetimes, responding to the differences in ligand rigidity and robustness of the corresponding nondeuterated N2Py2 ligands. Accordingly, these improvements are more pronounced for ligands with a more flexible bis-alkylamine backbone. These observations provide insights into the development of more robust ligands for homogeneous oxidation catalysis

    Non-Noble Metal Aromatic Oxidation Catalysis: From Metalloenzymes to Synthetic Complexes

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    The development of selective aromatic oxidation catalysts based on non-noble metals has emerged over the last decades, mainly due to the importance of phenol products as intermediates for the generation of pharmaceuticals or functional polymers. In nature, metalloenzymes can perform a wide variety of oxidative processes using molecular oxygen, including arene oxidations. However, the implementation of such enzymes in the chemical industry remains challenging. In this context, chemists have tried to mimic nature and design synthetic non-noble metal catalysts inspired by these enzymes. This review aims at providing a general overview of aromatic oxidation reactions catalyzed by metalloenzymes as well as synthetic first-row transition-metal complexes as homogeneous catalysts. The enzymes and complexes discussed in this review have been classified based on the transition-metal ion present in their active site, i.e., iron, copper, nickel, and manganese. The main points of discussion focus on enzyme structure and function, catalyst design, mechanisms of operation in terms of oxidant activation and substrate oxidation, and substrate scope

    P'CP'-Pincer palladium complex-catalyzed allylation of N,N-dimethylsulfamoyl-protected aldimines

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    The P'CP'-pincer palladium complex-catalyzed allylation of N,N-dimethylsulfamoyl-protected aldimines with allyl(tributyl)stannane is investigated for the preparation of N-homoallylic sulfamides. The desired N,N-dimethylsulfamoyl-protected products are obtained in moderate to high yields in DMF under very mild conditions and a high yielding and convenient deprotection of the N,N-dimethylsulfamoyl group is also demonstrated.

    Tracking On-Surface Chemistry with Atomic Precision

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    The field of on-surface synthesis has seen a tremendous development in the past decade as an exciting new methodology towards atomically well-defined nanostructures. A strong driving force in this respect is its inherent compatibility with scanning probe techniques, which allows one to ‘view’ the reactants and products at the single-molecule level. In this article, we review the ability of noncontact atomic force microscopy to study on-surface chemical reactions with atomic precision. We highlight recent advances in using noncontact atomic force microscopy to obtain mechanistic insight into reactions and focus on the recently elaborated mechanisms in the formation of different types of graphene nanoribbons

    Tracking On-Surface Chemistry with Atomic Precision

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    The field of on-surface synthesis has seen a tremendous development in the past decade as an exciting new methodology towards atomically well-defined nanostructures. A strong driving force in this respect is its inherent compatibility with scanning probe techniques, which allows one to ‘view’ the reactants and products at the single-molecule level. In this article, we review the ability of noncontact atomic force microscopy to study on-surface chemical reactions with atomic precision. We highlight recent advances in using noncontact atomic force microscopy to obtain mechanistic insight into reactions and focus on the recently elaborated mechanisms in the formation of different types of graphene nanoribbons

    A multi-O2 complex derived from a copper(I) dendrimer

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    The high-pressure reaction of 2-vinylpyridine with the primary amines of four consecutive generations of poly(propylene imine) dendrimers (DAB-dendr- (NH2)(n)) (n = 4, 8, 16, 32) yielded dendrimers with bis[2-(2- pyridyl)ethyl]-amine (PY2) ligands. The complexation of the new dendrimers with metal ions was investigated by a variety of techniques. The reaction of the first- and fourth-generation dendrimers (n=4 and 32, respectively) with Zn(II)(ClO4)2 was studied by 1H NMR titration, and the complexation of all new dendrimers with Cu(II)(ClO4)2 was investigated by UV/Vis and EPR spectroscopy. Quantitative coordination of one metal ion per PY2 group was demonstrated in all cases. A UV/Vis titration of the fourth-generation dendrimer DAB-dendr-(PY2)32 in dichloromethane with [Cu(I)(CH3CN)4](ClO4) in acetonitrile revealed that approximately 30 Cu(I) ions were bound. Low-temperature UV/Vis spectroscopy of this complex in dichloromethane at -85°C in the presence of dioxygen showed that approximately 60-70% of the copper centers can bind dioxygen, corresponding to 10-11 of these molecules per dendrimer molecule. This complex can be considered a synthetic analogue of hemocyanin, the copper-containing oxygen transport protein from the hemolymph of molluscs and arthropods

    Deuterated N2Py2 Ligands: Building More Robust Non-Heme Iron Oxidation Catalysts

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    Fe(N2Py2)/H 2 O 2 /AcOH catalytic systems provide powerful tools for efficient C-H and C=C bond oxidations (N2Py2 = bis-alkylamine-bis-pyridine ligand). Yet, the stability of these catalysts under the oxidizing conditions still remains a problem. The generally accepted catalyst decomposition pathway of Fe(N2Py2) complexes is through oxidative dimerization to form inactive oxo-bridged Fe 2 (μ-O)(N2Py2) 2 dimers. Detailed ESI-MS analysis has now shown a catalyst decomposition pathway of ligand oxidation via C-H oxidation on the 2-pyridinylmethylene sites, followed by dissociation of the oxidized ligand from the iron center. By deuterating the 2-pyridinylmethylene sites of a series of N2Py2 ligands with variations on both alkylamine and pyridine fragments, providing access to the corresponding Fe(N2Py2-D 4 ) complexes, longer catalysts lifetimes are achieved in catalytic oxidation reactions with all complexes. As a consequence, improved substrate conversions and product yields were consistently observed in both aliphatic C-H oxidations and alkene epoxidations. Kinetic and catalytic studies revealed that deuteration does not change the intrinsic reactivity and product selectivity of Fe(N2Py2) complexes. In addition, different Fe(N2Py2-D 4 ) complexes provide different improvements in catalytic performances and lifetimes, responding to the differences in ligand rigidity and robustness of the corresponding nondeuterated N2Py2 ligands. Accordingly, these improvements are more pronounced for ligands with a more flexible bis-alkylamine backbone. These observations provide insights into the development of more robust ligands for homogeneous oxidation catalysis

    Hydrogen Evolution Electrocatalysis with a Molecular Cobalt Bis(alkylimidazole)methane Complex in DMF: a critical activity analysis

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    Abstract: [Co(HBMIMPh2)2](BF4)2 (1), (HBMIMPh2 = bis(1-methyl-4,5-diphenyl-1H-imidazol-2-yl)methane), was investigated for its electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution performance in DMF using voltammetry and during controlled potential/current electrolysis (CPE/CCE) in a novel in-line product detection setup. Performances were benchmarked against three reported molecular cobalt HER electrocatalysts: [Co(dmgBF2)2(solv)2] (2), (dmgBF2 = difluoroboryldimethylglyoximato), [Co(TPP)] (3), (TPP = 5,10,15,20-tetraphenylporphyrinato) and [Co(bapbpy)Cl](Cl) (4), (bapbpy = 6,6’-bis-(2-aminopyridyl)-2,2’-bipyridine) showing distinct performances differences with 1 being the runner up in H2 evolution during CPE and the best catalyst in terms of overpotential and FE during CCE. After bulk electrolysis with all of the complexes a deposit on the glassy carbon electrode was observed and post electrolysis XPS analysis of the deposit formed from 1 demonstrated only a minor cobalt contribution (0.23%), mainly consisting of Co2+. Rinse tests on the deposits derived from 1 and 2 showed that the initially observed distinct activity is (partly) preserved for the deposits. These observations indicate that the molecular design of the complexes dictates the features of the formed deposit and therewith the observed activity

    A [4Fe-4S] Cluster Dimer Bridged by Bis(2,2':6',2"-terpyridine-4'-thiolato)iron(II)

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    The use of 2,2':6',2"-terpyridine-4'-thiol (tpySH) was explored as a bridging ligand for the formation of stable assemblies containing both [4Fe-4S] clusters and single metal ions. Reaction of tpySH (2 equiv) with (NH4)2Fe(SO4)2 · 6H2O generated the homoleptic complex [Fe(tpySH)2]2+, which was isolated as its PF6- salt. The compound could be fully deprotonated to yield neutral [Fe(tpyS)2], and the absorption spectrum is highly dependent on the protonation state. Reaction of [Fe(tpySH)2](PF6)2 with the new 3:1 site-differentiated cluster (n-Bu4N)2[Fe4S4(TriS)(SEt)] yielded the first metal-bridged [4Fe-4S] cluster dimer, (n-Bu4N)2[{Fe4S4(TriS)(µ-Stpy)}2Fe]. Electrochemical studies indicate that the [4Fe-4S] clusters in the dimer act as independent redox units, while UV–vis spectroscopy provides strong evidence for a thioquinonoid electron distribution in the bridging tpyS- ligand. TpySH thus acts as a directional bridging ligand between [4Fe-4S] clusters and single metal ions, thereby opening the way to the synthesis of larger, more complex assemblies.