2 research outputs found

    Emancipation in and integration of elementary and nursery schools 1981

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    Attitudes of heads of elementary schools, nursery schools and experimental combinations of elementary and nursery schools ( basisschool ) regarding the future 'basisschool' and emancipation of women. Mail-survey sex school staff / full-time or part-time / nr. of working hours in week / function position / present division of functions and tasks between male and female teachers / use of educational material especially selected for its emancipatory value / type of school catholic, Dutch reformed-protestant, normal neutral or specific neutral/ nursery school, elementary school, integrated 'basisschool' / reason for appointment to head of school / sex of extra teachers for experimental 'basisschool' / opinion about policy to integrate all elementary and nursery schools into 'basisschool' / future head of 'basisschool' / intention to apply for position of head of 'basisschool' / present cooperation in experiment with other elementary and nursery schools. Interviews on attitudes towards emancipation and roles of men and women / division of tasks and functions between men and women in schools / chances of women / perceived influence of institutions or persons concerning division of tasks and functions and procedures for appointment of heads of integrated 'basisschool'. Background variables: basic characteristics/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ religio

    Onderwijs emancipatie en integratie 1981

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    Attitudes of heads of elementary schools, nursery schools and experimental combinations of elementary and nursery schools ( basisschool ) regarding the future 'basisschool' and emancipation of women. Mail-survey sex school staff / full-time or part-time / nr. of working hours in week / function position / present division of functions and tasks between male and female teachers / use of educational material especially selected for its emancipatory value / type of school catholic, Dutch reformed-protestant, normal neutral or specific neutral/ nursery school, elementary school, integrated 'basisschool' / reason for appointment to head of school / sex of extra teachers for experimental 'basisschool' / opinion about policy to integrate all elementary and nursery schools into 'basisschool' / future head of 'basisschool' / intention to apply for position of head of 'basisschool' / present cooperation in experiment with other elementary and nursery schools. Interviews on attitudes towards emancipation and roles of men and women / division of tasks and functions between men and women in schools / chances of women / perceived influence of institutions or persons concerning division of tasks and functions and procedures for appointment of heads of integrated 'basisschool'. Background variables: basic characteristics/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ religio