282 research outputs found

    The Environment: Alive, Whole, Interconnected and Interacting

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    Nurses frequently care for individuals whose conditions are related to destructive environmental influences. Although the environment is a central construct in the nursing paradigm, its definition is client oriented, circumscribed, and does not adequately explain situations emanating from the larger physical, social, cultural, political, or economic spheres of the environment. This research described an expanded, ideal, environmental nursing domain derived from selected upstream scholars whose work has addressed broad environmental dimensions. Using the concept of future search, once this idealized environmental domain is envisioned, the nursing profession can begin to discover the knowledge base that is needed in order to created an expanded environmental world view. Combined qualitative data collection methods of individual field interviews using feminist approaches, and a focus group consisting of scholars who have addressed broad environmental dimensions related to nursing were used in this study. Data analysis was performed by using the constant comparative method which consisted of concurrent data collection and analysis. The participants described an ideal environment as the entire planet which is alive, whole, interconnected and interacting. Within this planetary environment are numerous dynamic patterns, dimensions, and levels that are interconnected and have open or indefinite boundaries. Because of the interconnections and interactions, any part of the planet that is unhealthy affects the entire planet adversely. Recommended nursing actions included the use of nursing and ecofeminist paradigms to liberate the nursing profession and the environment from oppressive conditions. Steps to achieving liberation consisted of including the environment as the nursing client and redirecting nursing actions from downstream to upstream environmental activities. The findings of this study have the potential for freeing nurses to expand their actions beyond the present limited environmental arena of the individual person. Using this enlarged conceptualization of the environment, nursing researchers, educators, and practitioners can address health issues within broad environmental dimensions in order to facilitate human well-being

    Bestimmung der koronaren Gefäßverkalkungen: Vergleich der Mehrzeilen-Detektor Computertomographie und der Elektronenstrahl Computertomographie

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    Die Diagnose einer koronaren Atherosklerose durch die Bestimmung der koronaren Verkalkungen zur Abschätzung des Risikos eines zukünftigen kardialen Ereignisses erfährt seit einigen Jahren eine zunehmende Verbreitung. Bisher wurden dazu dezidierte Elektronenstrahl Computertomographen eingesetzt. Neuerdings können koronare Kalzifikationen auch mit Mehrzeilen-Detector CT Geräten erfasst und quantifiziert werden. Die Bestimmung der koronaren Kalzifikationen mit der Mehrzeilen-Detector- gegenüber der Elektronstrahlen-CT hat den Vorteil, dass die Untersuchung kostengünstiger und an weit mehr Standorten durchgeführt werden kann. Koronare Kalzifikationen wurden bisher mit einem proprietären Algorithmus (Agatston Score) quantifiziert. Der Übergang zur Quantifizierung von koronaren Kalzifikationen mit modernen CT Geräten erfordert Quantifizierungsalgorithmen, die von allen CT Gerätetypen gleichermaßen durchgeführt werden können und eine hohe Reproduzierbarkeit haben. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Studie wurden die Elektonenstrahl- und Mehrzeilen-Detector Computertomographie sowie verschiedene Quantifizierungsalgorithmen (Agatston Score, Volumen, Masse, Dichte und Anzahl der Läsionen) in einem Patientenkollektiv (n=100), bei dem das Ausmaß der koronaren Atherosklerose bestimmt werden sollte, miteinander verglichen. Bei einem Teil der Patienten (n=59) wurde zudem eine Herzkatheteruntersuchung durchgeführt. Bei diesen Patienten konnte die Genauigkeit der verschiedenen Quantifizierungsalgorithmen zur Bestimmung einer koronaren Herzkrankheit ermittelt werden. Die Korrelation zwischen Elektronenstrahl- und Mehrzeilen-Detector CT war für alle Quantifizierungsalgorithmen sehr hoch (0.901-0.993). Aufgrund des unterschiedlichen Untersuchungsprotokolls kam es allerdings zu einem systematischen Fehler mit konstant höheren Werten in der Mehrzeilen-Detector CT. Zusammenfassend konnte gezeigt werden, dass koronare Kalzifikationen mit vergleichbarer Sensitivität und Genauigkeit mit der Elektronenstrahl- und Mehrzeilen-Detector-CT erfasst werden können. Da die Quantifizierung der koronaren Kalzifikationen mit der Masse am besten mit allen Geräten zu reproduzieren war, sollte dieser Algorithmus in der Zukunft in weiteren Studien verwendet werden, die zum Ziel haben, den prognostischen Wert von koronaren Kalzifikationen zu bestimme

    Kiri tundmatule, Tönningen

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    ABCB5-Targeted chemoresistance reversal inhibits merkel cell carcinoma growth

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    Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is a highly aggressive neuroendocrine skin cancer with profound but poorly understood resistance to chemotherapy, which poses a significant barrier to clinical MCC treatment. Here we show that ATP-binding cassette member B5 (ABCB5) confers resistance to standard-of-care MCC chemotherapeutic agents and provide proof-of-principle that ABCB5 blockade can inhibit human MCC tumor growth through sensitization to drug-induced cell cytotoxicity. ABCB5 expression was detected in both established MCC lines and clinical MCC specimens at levels significantly higher than those in normal skin. Carboplatin- and etoposide-resistant MCC cell lines exhibited increased expression of ABCB5, along with enhanced ABCB1 and ABCC3 transcript expression. ABCB5-expressing MCC cells in heterogeneous cancers preferentially survived treatment with carboplatin and etoposide in vitro and in human MCC xenograft-bearing mice in vivo. Moreover, patients with MCC also exhibited enhanced ABCB5 positivity after carboplatin- and etoposide-based chemotherapy, pointing to clinical significance of this chemoresistance mechanism. Importantly, ABCB5 blockade reversed MCC drug resistance and impaired tumor growth in xenotransplantation models in vivo. Our results establish ABCB5 as a chemoresistance mechanism in MCC and suggest utility of this molecular target for improved MCC therapy. © 2016 The Author

    Dendritic cells license regulatory B cells to produce IL-10 and mediate suppression of antigen-specific CD8 T cells

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    Regulatory B cells (Bregs) suppress and reduce autoimmune pathology. However, given the variety of Breg subsets, the role of Bregs in the pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes is still unclear. Here, we dissect this fundamental mechanism. We show that natural protection from type 1 diabetes in nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice is associated with increased numbers of IL-10-producing B cells, while development of type 1 diabetes in NOD mice occurs in animals with compromised IL-10 production by B cells. However, B cells from diabetic mice regain IL-10 function if activated by the innate immune receptor TLR4 and can suppress insulin-specific CD8 T cells in a dendritic cell (DC)-dependent, IL-10-mediated fashion. Suppression of CD8 T cells is reliant on B-cell contact with DCs. This cell contact results in deactivation of DCs, inducing a tolerogenic state, which in turn can regulate pathogenic CD8 T cells. Our findings emphasize the importance of DC–Breg interactions during the development of type 1 diabetes