29 research outputs found

    Transcriptome analysis of haploid male gametophyte development in Arabidopsis

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    BACKGROUND: The haploid male gametophyte generation of flowering plants consists of two- or three-celled pollen grains. This functional specialization is thought to be a key factor in the evolutionary success of flowering plants. Moreover, pollen ontogeny is also an attractive model in which to dissect cellular networks that control cell growth, asymmetric cell division and cellular differentiation. Our objective, and an essential step towards the detailed understanding of these processes, was to comprehensively define the male haploid transcriptome throughout development. RESULTS: We have developed staged spore isolation procedures for Arabidopsis and used Affymetrix ATH1 genome arrays to identify a total of 13,977 male gametophyte-expressed mRNAs, 9.7% of which were male-gametophyte-specific. The transition from bicellular to tricellular pollen was accompanied by a decline in the number of diverse mRNA species and an increase in the proportion of male gametophyte-specific transcripts. Expression profiles of regulatory proteins and distinct clusters of coexpressed genes were identified that could correspond to components of gametophytic regulatory networks. Moreover, integration of transcriptome and experimental data revealed the early synthesis of translation factors and their requirement to support pollen tube growth. CONCLUSIONS: The progression from proliferating microspores to terminally differentiated pollen is characterized by large-scale repression of early program genes and the activation of a unique late gene-expression program in maturing pollen. These data provide a quantum increase in knowledge concerning gametophytic transcription and lay the foundations for new genomic-led studies of the regulatory networks and cellular functions that operate to specify male gametophyte development

    Dcas Supports Cell Polarization and Cell-Cell Adhesion Complexes in Development

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    Mammalian Cas proteins regulate cell migration, division and survival, and are often deregulated in cancer. However, the presence of four paralogous Cas family members in mammals (BCAR1/p130Cas, EFS/Sin1, NEDD9/HEF1/Cas-L, and CASS4/HEPL) has limited their analysis in development. We deleted the single Drosophila Cas gene, Dcas, to probe the developmental function of Dcas. Loss of Dcas had limited effect on embryonal development. However, we found that Dcas is an important modulator of the severity of the developmental phenotypes of mutations affecting integrins (If and mew) and their downstream effectors Fak56D or Src42A. Strikingly, embryonic lethal Fak56D-Dcas double mutant embryos had extensive cell polarity defects, including mislocalization and reduced expression of E-cadherin. Further genetic analysis established that loss of Dcas modified the embryonal lethal phenotypes of embryos with mutations in E-cadherin (Shg) or its signaling partners p120- and β-catenin (Arm). These results support an important role for Cas proteins in cell-cell adhesion signaling in development

    Role of Kinesin Heavy Chain in Crumbs Localization along the Rhabdomere Elongation in Drosophila Photoreceptor

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    BACKGROUND:Crumbs (Crb), a cell polarity gene, has been shown to provide a positional cue for the extension of the apical membrane domain, adherens junction (AJ), and rhabdomere along the growing proximal-distal axis during Drosophila photoreceptor morphogenesis. In developing Drosophila photoreceptors, a stabilized microtubule structure was discovered and its presence was linked to polarity protein localization. It was therefore hypothesized that the microtubules may provide trafficking routes for the polarity proteins during photoreceptor morphogenesis. This study has examined whether Kinesin heavy chain (Khc), a subunit of the microtubule-based motor Kinesin-1, is essential in polarity protein localization in developing photoreceptors. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:Because a genetic interaction was found between crb and khc, Crb localization was examined in the developing photoreceptors of khc mutants. khc was dispensable during early eye differentiation and development. However, khc mutant photoreceptors showed a range of abnormalities in the apical membrane domain depending on the position along the proximal-distal axis in pupal photoreceptors. The khc mutant showed a progressive mislocalization in the apical domain along the distal-proximal axis during rhabdomere elongation. The khc mutation also led to a similar progressive defect in the stabilized microtubule structures, strongly suggesting that Khc is essential for microtubule structure and Crb localization during distal to proximal rhabdomere elongation in pupal morphogenesis. This role of Khc in apical domain control was further supported by khc's gain-of-function phenotype. Khc overexpression in photoreceptors caused disruption of the apical membrane domain and the stabilized microtubules in the developing photoreceptors. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE:In summary, we examined the role of khc in the regulation of the apical Crb domain in developing photoreceptors. Since the rhabdomeres in developing pupal eyes grow along the distal-proximal axis, these phenotypes suggest that Khc is essential for the microtubule structures and apical membrane domains during the distal-proximal elongation of photoreceptors, but is dispensable for early eye development

    The winged-helix transcription factor JUMU regulates development, nucleolus morphology and function, and chromatin organization of Drosophila melanogaster

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    The PEV-modifying winged-helix/forkhead domain transcription factor JUMU of Drosophila is an essential protein of pleiotropic function. The correct gene dose of jumu is required for nucleolar integrity and correct nucleolus function. Overexpression of jumu results in bloating of euchromatic chromosome arms, displacement of the JUMU protein from the chromocenter and the nucleolus, fragile weak points, and disrupted chromocenter of polytene chromosomes. Overexpression of the acidic C terminus of JUMU alone causes nucleolus disorganization. In addition, euchromatic genes are overexpressed and HP1, which normally accumulates in the pericentric heterochromatin and spreads into euchromatic chromosome arms, although H3-K9 di-methylation remains restricted to the pericentric heterochromatin. The human winged-helix nude gene shows similarities to jumu and its overexpression in Drosophila causes bristle mutations

    Ultra-deep profiling of alternatively spliced Drosophila Dscam isoforms by circularization-assisted multi-segment sequencing

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    The Drosophila melanogaster gene Dscam (Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule) can generate thousands of different ectodomains via mutual exclusive splicing of three large exon clusters. The isoform diversity plays a profound role in both neuronal wiring and pathogen recognition. However, the isoform expression pattern at the global level remained unexplored. Here, we developed a novel method that allows for direct quantification of the alternatively spliced exon combinations from over hundreds of millions of Dscam transcripts in one sequencing run. With unprecedented sequencing depth, we detected a total of 18 496 isoforms, out of 19 008 theoretically possible combinations. Importantly, we demonstrated that alternative splicing between different clusters is independent. Moreover, the isoforms were expressed across a broad dynamic range, with significant bias in cell/tissue and developmental stage-specific patterns. Hitherto underappreciated, such bias can dramatically reduce the ability of neurons to display unique surface receptor codes. Therefore, the seemingly excessive diversity encoded in the Dscam locus might nevertheless be essential for a robust self and non-self discrimination in neurons

    Widespread regulation of gene expression in the Drosophila genome by the histone acetyltransferase dTip60

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    The MYST histone acetyltransferase (HAT) dTip60 is part of a multimeric protein complex that unites both HAT and chromatin remodeling activities. Here, we sought to gain insight into the biological functions of dTip60. Strong ubiquitous dTip60 knock-down in flies was lethal, whereas knock-down in the wing imaginal disk led to developmental defects in the wing. dTip60 localized to the nucleus in early embryos and was present in a large number of interbands on polytene chromosomes. Genome-wide expression analysis upon depletion of dTip60 in cell culture showed that it regulated a large number of genes in Drosophila, among which those with chromatin-related functions were highly enriched. Surprisingly, a significant portion of these genes were upregulated upon dTip60 loss, indicating that dTip60 has repressive as well as activating functions. dTip60 protein was directly located at promoter regions of a subset of repressed genes, suggesting a direct role in gene repression. Comparison of the gene expression signature of dTip60 downregulation with that of histone deacetylase inhibition with trichostatin A revealed a significant correlation, suggesting that the dTip60 complex recruits an HDAC-containing complex to regulate gene expression in the Drosophila genome

    PALS1 Regulates E-Cadherin Trafficking in Mammalian Epithelial Cells

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    Protein Associated with Lin Seven 1 (PALS1) is an evolutionarily conserved scaffold protein that targets to the tight junction in mammalian epithelia. Prior work in our laboratory demonstrated that the knockdown of PALS1 in Madin Darby canine kidney cells leads to tight junction and polarity defects. We have created new PALS1 stable knockdown cell lines with more profound reduction of PALS1 expression, and a more severe defect in tight junction formation was observed. Unexpectedly, we also observed a severe adherens junction defect, and both defects were corrected when PALS1 wild type and certain PALS1 mutants were expressed in the knockdown cells. We found that the adherens junction structural component E-cadherin was not effectively delivered to the cell surface in the PALS1 knockdown cells, and E-cadherin puncta accumulated in the cell periphery. The exocyst complex was also found to be mislocalized in PALS1 knockdown cells, potentially explaining why E-cadherin trafficking is disrupted. Our results suggest a broad and evolutionarily conserved role for the tight junction protein PALS1 in the biogenesis of adherens junction