2,161 research outputs found

    More Anomalies from Fractional Branes

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    In this note we show how the anomalies of both pure and matter coupled N=1,2 supersymmetric gauge theories describing the low energy dynamics of fractional branes on orbifolds can be derived from supergravity.Comment: 11 pages, latex; v2: minor typos fixe

    Interaction of Discrete States in Two-Dimensional String Theory

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    We study the couplings of discrete states that appear in the string theory embedded in two dimensions, and show that they are given by the structure constants of the group of area preserving diffeomorphisms. We propose an effective action for these states, which is itself invariant under this infinite-dimensional group.Comment: 12 page

    A Gravity Dual of the Chiral Anomaly

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    We study effects associated with the chiral anomaly for a cascading SU(N+M)Ă—SU(N)SU(N+M)\times SU(N) gauge theory using gauge/gravity duality. In the gravity dual the anomaly is a classical feature of the supergravity solution, and the breaking of the U(1) R-symmetry down to Z2M{\bf Z}_{2M} proceeds via the Higgs mechanism.Comment: 15 pages, derivation of vector mass corrected, main conclusions unchanged, a sign convention changed in section

    Gauge/gravity correspondence in accelerating universe

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    We discuss time-dependent backgrounds of type IIB supergravity realizing gravitation duals of gauge theories formulated in de Sitter space-time as a tool of embedding de Sitter in a supergravity. We show that only the gravitational duals to non-conformal gauge theories are sensitive to a specific value of a Hubble parameter. We consider two nontrivial solutions of this type: a gravity dual to six-dimensional (1,1) little string theory, and to a four-dimensional cascading SU(N+M)xSU(N) supersymmetric gauge theory (related to fractional D3-branes on a singular conifold according to Klebanov et al), in accelerating universe. In both cases we argue that the IR singularity of the geometry is regulated by the expansion of the gauge theory background space-time.Comment: 13 pages, harvmac, v2: reference added, v3: D3,NS5 discussion improved, PRD versio

    Perturbative Search for Fixed Lines in Large N Gauge Theories

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    The logarithmic running of marginal double-trace operators is a general feature of 4-d field theories containing scalar fields in the adjoint or bifundamental representation. Such operators provide leading contributions in the large N limit; therefore, the leading terms in their beta functions must vanish for a theory to be large N conformal. We calculate the one-loop beta functions in orbifolds of the N=4 SYM theory by a discrete subgroup Gamma of the SU(4) R-symmetry, which are dual to string theory on AdS_5 x S^5/Gamma. We present a general strategy for determining whether there is a fixed line passing through the origin of the coupling constant space. Then we study in detail some classes of non-supersymmetric orbifold theories, and emphasize the importance of decoupling the U(1) factors. Among our examples, which include orbifolds acting freely on the S^5, we do not find any large N non-supersymmetric theories with fixed lines passing through the origin. Connection of these results with closed string tachyon condensation in AdS_5 x S^5/Gamma is discussed.Comment: 31 pages, 4 figures, latex v2: Clarifications and reference adde

    Scattering of Open and Closed Strings in 1+1 Dimensions

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    The ground ring structure of 1+1 dimensional string theory leads to an infinite set of non linear recursion relations among the `bulk' scattering amplitudes of open and closed tachyons on the disk, which fix them uniquely. The relations are generated by the action of the ring on the tachyon modules; associativity of this action determines all structure constants. This algebraic structure may allow one to relate the continuum picture to a matrix model.Comment: 16 page

    QCD and String Theory

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    This talk begins with some history and basic facts about string theory and its connections with strong interactions. Comparisons of stacks of Dirichlet branes with curved backgrounds produced by them are used to motivate the AdS/CFT correspondence between superconformal gauge theory and string theory on a product of Anti-de Sitter space and a compact manifold. The ensuing duality between semi-classical spinning strings and long gauge theory operators is briefly reviewed. Strongly coupled thermal SYM theory is explored via a black hole in 5-dimensional AdS space, which leads to explicit results for its entropy and shear viscosity. A conjectured universal lower bound on the viscosity to entropy density ratio, and its possible relation to recent results from RHIC, are discussed. Finally, some available results on string duals of confining gauge theories are briefly reviewed.Comment: 12 pages, prepared for the Proceedings of the 2005 Lepton-Photon Symposium; v2: minor revisions, references added, the version to appear in the proceeding

    Absorption by Threebranes and the AdS/CFT Correspondence

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    In the first part of this talk I discuss two somewhat different supergravity approaches to calculating correlation functions in strongly coupled Yang-Mills theory. The older approach relates two-point functions to cross-sections for absorption of certain incident quanta by threebranes. In this approach the normalization of operators corresponding to the incident particles is fixed unambiguously by the D3-brane DBI action. By calculating absorption cross-sections of all partial waves of the dilaton we find corresponding two-point functions at strong `t Hooft coupling and show that they are identical to the weak coupling results. The newer approach to correlation functions relates them to boundary conditions in AdS space. Using this method we show that for a certain range of negative mass-squared there are two possible operator dimensions corresponding to a given scalar field in AdS, and indicate how to calculate correlation functions for either of these choices. In the second part of the talk I discuss an example of AdS/CFT duality which arises in the context of type 0 string theory. The CFT on N coincident electric and magnetic D3-branes is argued to be stable for sufficiently weak `t Hooft coupling. It is suggested that its transition to instability at a critical coupling is related to singularity of planar diagrams.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX; Talk at Strings '99, Potsdam, German
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