219 research outputs found

    A simple method for measuring the attenuation constant of waveguides

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    Silver conductive lacquers in microwave regio

    The Global War on Campus: Student Activism at Kabul University, 1964-1992

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    How and why did students at Kabul University engage in political activism or refrained from it between 1964 and 1992? Based on oral history interviews with former students, this book reveals how they - as many others around the world at the same time - were galvanized by and disappointed with promises of progress dominating local and international politics. During the 1960s, the international influences on campus encouraged students' engagement with competing political ideologies. Collective student protest against the monarchy turned into hostilities between opposing political groups within the student body claiming to lead Afghanistan towards independence and prosperity. After the coup d'état by the People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan (PDPA) in 1978, none of the ideologies which had previously incited students provided hope for a better future anymore. Many students who had fought for the PDPA earlier were repelled by the government’s violence and those who stood up against the regime were persecuted and fled the country. Overall, the dynamics of political activism at Kabul University reflect the deep intertwinement of the Global Cold War and local struggles for inclusion and independence

    Post-COP27 Thoughts on Greening the Cape Town Convention

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    Occupation du sol et potentiel de l'environnement chez les Gulmance dans l'est du Burkina Faso

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    Dans l'est de Burkina Faso, dans le pays Gulma, le potentiel naturel, c'est à dire la géologie, le relief, les sols, l'hydrologie, la végétation et l'utilisation par l'homme est l'objet d'un levé scientifique. Les conditions données sont mises en évidence pour rendre claire le modèle de colonisation du peuple dans son cadre naturel. Dans ce sens il est particulièrement important de savoir quelle connaissance exacte les paysans ont de leur environnemt et quels facteurs ils font intervenir dans l'exploitation de cet environnement. Dans l'ensemble il apparait une différenciation selon la répartition de la densité du pays; à côté des zones fortement peuplées, d'autres restent pratiquement vides. De là découle aussi la densité et la nature des savanes

    Managing complexity in the era of Industry 4.0

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    Complexity is one of the biggest barriers to success in organizations, whether in the business or nonbusiness sectors. Despite this fact there is very little research into the causes and consequences of this rapidly growing problem in the era of Industry 4.0. Similarly, there is very little practical information that provides actionable advice on how management in organizations can attack this problem. Internal complexity challenges like economic turbulence, understanding changes in customer needs, coping with economic crises, successfully launching innovative new products or services, dealing with regulatory changes, and finding and keeping talent are all major issues of management. In coordinating internal complexity with a complex competitive external environment, management of organizations needs to continually respond in order to succeed. We define complexity as the number of components in a system plus the variety of relationships among these components plus the pace of change in both the components and the relationships. Larger systems are often more complex – but they may just be more complicated if their behavior is unpredictable. Based on the database of the Global Entrepreneurship Index (GEI) we compared the EU-member countries (especially Hungary) and how prepared they are for management of growing complexity. Simplicity in business exists when we have exactly the right number of essential components and connections to achieve a successful result – no more, no less. That means everybody has to find an optimal level of complexity, which is called simplicity, or good complexity, so we can talk about good or bad complexity, and their respective levels are changing continuously. Investigating the countries, we have identified three clusters of displaying different management challenges: balanced, flexible, and vulnerable countries with regard to their capacity to face and manage growing complexity. Hungary is among the latter group

    Bétt rmèndle und piovana

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    Romanische und rätoromanische Reliktwörter im Arlberggebiet

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    Quelques emprunts romans dans les parlers allemands du Vorarlberg et du Tyrol

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