915 research outputs found

    ‘There is a Row about Foetal Abnormality Underway’ : the debate about inclusion of a eugenics clause in the contraception, sterilisation, and abortion act, 1977–1978

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    Abstract: On 15 December 1977 the New Zealand Parliament passed the highly restrictive Contraception, Sterilisation and Abortion Act that determined the grounds on which a woman could legally procure an abortion. The passage of the law was the culmination of passionate debate between Members of Parliament (MPs). Indeed, a member of the ruling National Party’s Cabinet in the 1970s recalls that the abortion question caused ‘the bitterest parliamentary debates of the decade’.1 Occurring during a period of great social change in New Zealand, the abortion debate had raged across the country since the late 1960s and the governing National Party hoped the law would finally bring matters to an end. But its passage was also extremely controversial outside of Parliament, provoking strong criticism from the public regarding the contents of the law as well as the process the government had employed to pass it..

    When Reader Becomes Player: A study of future narratives, agency, the ludonarrative framework, and morals within the ludic experience.

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    Video games have broken their niche appeal, becoming a mainstream medium on par with literature and cinema. The popularity of the medium is not the only thing which has evolved, but also the capacity for video games to produce and create unique experiences for its players within the ludic playground. The aim of this thesis is to explore in which ways video games present a more attractive experience in comparison to the traditional narrative of literature and cinema. To aid in this pursuit, the video games Undertale and Disco Elysium have been selected as case studies. To aid in the discussion, the theoretical framework of future narratives, non-unilinearity, the ludonarrative and ethical and moral have been selected to gain further understanding of how they work in each video game. As a result of employing the theoretical framework, the thesis expounds on the many ways video games utilizes these tools to afford the player a distinct experience unique to the medium

    Interdependence of magnetism and superconductivity in the borocarbide TmNi2B2C

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    We have discovered a new antiferromagnetic phase in TmNi2B2C by neutron diffraction. The ordering vector is Q_A = (0.48,0,0) and the phase appears above a critical in-plane magnetic field of 0.9 T. The field was applied in order to test the assumption that the zero-field magnetic structure at Q_F = (0.094,0.094,0) would change into a c-axis ferromagnet if superconductivity were destroyed. We present theoretical calculations which show that two effects are important: A suppression of the ferromagnetic component of the RKKY exchange interaction in the superconducting phase, and a reduction of the superconducting condensation energy due to the periodic modulation of the moments at the wave vector Q_A

    Assessment of parameters describing representativeness of air quality in-situ measurement sites

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    The atmospheric layer closest to the ground is strongly influenced by variable surface fluxes (emissions, surface deposition) and can therefore be very heterogeneous. In order to perform air quality measurements that are representative of a larger domain or a certain degree of pollution, observatories are placed away from population centres or within areas of specific population density. Sites are often categorised based on subjective criteria that are not uniformly applied by the atmospheric community within different administrative domains yielding an inconsistent global air quality picture. A novel approach for the assessment of parameters reflecting site representativeness is presented here, taking emissions, deposition and transport towards 34 sites covering Western and Central Europe into account. These parameters are directly inter-comparable among the sites and can be used to select sites that are, on average, more or less suitable for data assimilation and comparison with satellite and model data. Advection towards these sites was simulated by backward Lagrangian Particle Dispersion Modelling (LPDM) to determine the sites' average catchment areas for the year 2005 and advection times of 12, 24 and 48 h. Only variations caused by emissions and transport during these periods were considered assuming that these dominate the short-term variability of most but especially short lived trace gases. The derived parameters describing representativeness were compared between sites and a novel, uniform and observation-independent categorisation of the sites based on a clustering approach was established. Six groups of European background sites were identified ranging from <i>generally remote</i> to more polluted <i>agglomeration</i> sites. These six categories explained 50 to 80% of the inter-site variability of median mixing ratios and their standard deviation for NO<sub>2</sub> and O<sub>3</sub>, while differences between group means of the longer-lived trace gas CO were insignificant. The derived annual catchment areas strongly depended on the applied LPDM and input wind fields, the catchment settings and the year of analysis. Nevertheless, the parameters describing representativeness showed considerably less variability than the catchment geometry, supporting the applicability of the derived station categorisation


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    INTRODUCTION The performance of a maximal vertical jump fram a static preparatory position (SQJ) or starting with a counter movement (CMJ) implies transformation of rotation about the hip, knee and ankle joints to a maximal translatory movement. Different strategies have been proposed for this transformation. Previously both sequential and simullaneous strategies have been proposed as optimal for maximal vertical jumping (1 & 2). The purpose of this study was to analyze ]umping strategies in a sport and dance specific maximal vertical jump. The hypothesis was that the technical demands of the Jumps would preset the strategy. Six male subjects participated in the study three professional ballet dancers and three elite volleyball players. In the ballet specific jump (BSJ) the legs were outward rotated, one foot was placed in front of and close to the other foot and the upper body kept upright. Three elite volleyball players performed the jump used for the smash (VSJ) including a three step preliminary run up and a farcefull arm swing. Afterwards all six subjects performed SQJ and CMJ. The ]umps were recorded on high speed film (500Hz) combined with registrations trom an AMTI force platform and EMG recordings from the major lower extremity muscles Net joint moments and joint work ware calculated by inverse dynamics. The strategy of the jumps was determined on the basis of angular kinematics and the pattern of nel joint moments of the two dominant joints RESULTS For BSJ the jumping height (h) was 0.22O.28m.The war!< contribution from the knee and ankle joint were 50-70% and 47-63% of the total work respectively while the work at the hip joint showed a negative contribution of 13-17% caused by a net hip flexor moment. Because of the specific ballet position the hip extension took place in the frontal plane and mgluteus maximus could not contribute to the extension. The concentric activity in mrectus femoris could partly explain the hip flexor moment. The knee and ankle joint initiated the extension phase simultaneously and the net joint moments peaked also simultaneously Therefore, the strategy could be defined as simultaneous. For VSJ h was 0.310.45m. The work contribution fram the knee and hip joints were 22-60% and 35-62% of the total work respectively. The hip joint began the extension phase before the body center of mass had reached its lowest position (sn The knee extension began 40-100ms after s.j. The peaks of the net joint moments of the hip and knee showed a similar pattern. Accordingly, the strategy could be defined as sequentiaL The sequential joint extension could partly be explained by the forcefull armswing pressing down and giving negative momentum in the downward phase and by this delaying the knee extension. In SQJ and CMJ h was 0.22-0.36m and 0.33-0AOm. The work contribution from the knee was 64.5%(SE 5.9) and 76.0% (SE 9.2) and from the hip 18.8% (SE 5.8) and 133% (SE 8.7). One ballet dancer and one volleyball player performed SQJ and CMJ with a simultaneous strategy while the otller four subjects used a sequential strategy. CONCLUSION In a maximal vertical jump fram ballet and from volleyball the technical demands preset the jumping strategy. When the subjects were asked to perform SQJ and CMJ the choice of strategy seemed individual and not connected to the training background. REFERENCES (1) Hudson, J.L. (1986). Med Sci. Sports Exerc, 18,242-251 (2) Babbert, M.F. & van lngen Schenau, G.J. (1986). J Biomechanics, 21, 249•26

    Deficits in Beam-Walking After Neonatal Motor Cortical Lesions are not Spared by Fetal Cortical Transplants in Rats

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    Adult rats that sustained unilateral motor cortical lesions at birth demonstrated deficits in traversing an elevated narrow beam. These deficits, manifested by hindlimb slips off the edge of the beam, were not spared in animals that received fetal cortical transplants into the lesion cavity immediately after lesion placement

    Dyke swarms and associated lava formations in the northern Lebombo monocline, Karoo Large Igneous Province, South Africa

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    As one of the early classical examples of plume-generated Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs), the Karoo is characterized by a bulls-eye distribution of High-Ti basalts, picrites, and earliest nephelinites onto a conspicuous triple rift junction (i.e., Okavango dyke swarm and the two Mwenezi and Lebombo monoclines), surrounded by Low-Ti basalts. It is noted that this regional distribution between high-and low-Ti basalts within the Jurassic Karoo LIP differs from that of the Permian Emeishan LIP; thereby undermining the use of this particular feature as evidence for mantle plume involvement
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