3,940 research outputs found

    Growth and sensory characteristics of alternative genotype broilers reared in organic orchards

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    The effects of age, sex and genotype on growth and sensory characteristics in organically produced broilers, when kept considerably longer before slaughtering, were examined. A total of 450 birds consisting of three genotypes, Light Sussex, New Hampshire, and the commercial strain I 657 were inserted at Fejoe Research Orchard. Half the birds were slaughtered at 91 days of age and half at 120 days of age. I 657 was significantly heavier compared to the slower growing breeds and Light Sussex was significantly heavier than New Hampshire. Males were significantly heavier than females across genotype, but weight ratios differed with genotype. No overall effect of genotype was found on the flavour or smell of the breast meat, but the commercial strain went towards a tougher and less tender consistency at 120 days of age, whereas the opposite was the case for the slower growing pure breeds. The positive flavour of salt was significantly improved at 120 days of age across genotype and age, with females having saltier flavour than the males. The positive flavour of sweet corn was improved in the meat from the males, but the positive smell of sweet corn was significantly improved in both males and females. No negative consequences of age were found

    Diabetes mellitus : frühes Eingreifen verhindert Folgeerkrankungen

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    Glukose ist ein zentrales Element des normalen Energiehaushalts im Körper. Seine Konzentration im Blut wird von Insulin, einem Hormon, das außerdem für Wachstums- und Entwicklungsprozesse mitverantwortlich ist, reguliert. Normale Glukosespiegel im Blut und in den Zellen sind die Folge einer fein abgestimmten Insulinwirkung am Insulinrezeptor, der in der Zelle eine nachgeschaltete Signalkette auslöst, bei der Glukose in die Zelle eingeschleust wird. Insulin bindet an den Insulinrezeptor nach dem Schlüssel-Schloss-Prinzip, wobei die Türöffnung hier den Eintritt von Glukose in die Zelle bedeutet. Gibt es zu wenig Insulin (Typ 1-Diabetes) oder ist die Wirkung von Insulin am Rezeptor oder in der nachgeschalteten Signalwirkung gestört, so resultieren Zuckerstoffwechselveränderungen bis hin zu Diabetes mellitus (Zuckerkrankheit). Für die häufigste Diabetes mellitus-Form (Typ 2) sind Störungen am Rezeptorsystem verantwortlich

    Plasma catecholamines during activation of the sympathetic nervous system in a patient with Shy-Drager syndrome.

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    Plasma catecholamines and circulation parameters were studied in a patient with a Shy-Drager syndrome. Basal values of free noradrenaline and dopamine were within the normal range, whereas the adrenaline level was decreased. The response of plasma catecholamines to different kinds of physical activity was pathological. The inability to maintain elevated catecholamine levels during prolonged activity corresponded to impaired circulatory regulation and may provide an additional tool for diagnosis and monitoring of the Shy-Drager syndrome

    The Anterior Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome

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    Peronaeuslähmung bei der Weinlese

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