12,063 research outputs found

    Characteristics of bound modes in coupled dielectric waveguides containing negative index media

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    We investigate the characteristics of guided wave modes in planar coupled waveguides. In particular, we calculate the dispersion relations for TM modes in which one or both of the guiding layers consists of negative index media (NIM)-where the permittivity and permeability are both negative. We find that the Poynting vector within the NIM waveguide axis can change sign and magnitude, a feature that is reflected in the dispersion curves

    Storage by trapping and spatial staggering of multiple interacting solitons in Λ\Lambda-type media

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    In this paper we investigate the properties of self induced transparency (SIT) solitons, propagating in a Λ\Lambda-type medium. It was found that the interaction between SIT solitons can lead to trapping with their phase preserved in the ground state coherence of the medium. These phases can be altered in a systematic way by the application of appropriate light fields, such as additional SIT solitons. Furthermore, multiple independent SIT solitons can be made to propagate as bi-solitons through their mutual interaction with a separate light field. Finally, we demonstrate that control of the SIT soliton phase can be used to implement an optical exclusive-or gate.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Electron bunch injection at an angle into a laser wakefield

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    External injection of electron bunches longer than the plasma wavelength in a laser wakefield accelerator can lead to the generation of femtosecond ultrarelativistic bunches with a couple of percent energy spread. Extensive study has been done on external electron bunch (e.g. one generated by a photo-cathode rf linac) injection in a laser wakefield for different configurations. In this paper we investigate a new way of external injection where the electron bunch is injected at a small angle into the wakefield. This way one can avoid the ponderomotive scattering as well as the vacuum-plasma transition region, which tend to destroy the injected bunch. In our simulations, the effect of the laser pulse dynamics is also taken into account. It is shown that injection at an angle can provide compressed and accelerated electron bunches with less than 2% energy spread. Another advantage of this scheme is that it has less stringent requirements in terms of the size of the injected bunch and there is the potential to trap more charge

    Ultrafast, low-power, all-optical switching via birefringent phase-matched transverse mode conversion in integrated waveguides

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    We demonstrate the potential of birefringence-based, all-optical, ultrafast conversion between the transverse modes in integrated optical waveguides by modelling the conversion process by numerically solving the multi-mode coupled nonlinear Schroedinger equations. The observed conversion is induced by a control beam and due to the Kerr effect, resulting in a transient index grating which coherently scatters probe light from one transverse waveguide mode into another. We introduce birefringent phase matching to enable efficient all-optically induced mode conversion at different wavelengths of the control and probe beam. It is shown that tailoring the waveguide geometry can be exploited to explicitly minimize intermodal group delay as well as to maximize the nonlinear coefficient, under the constraint of a phase matching condition. The waveguide geometries investigated here, allow for mode conversion with over two orders of magnitude reduced control pulse energy compared to previous schemes and thereby promise nonlinear mode switching exceeding efficiencies of 90% at switching energies below 1 nJ

    Characterization of Microbial Activity

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    The overall goal of this study is to investigate the phenomena that affect the fate and transport of radionuclides in the environment. The objective of this task, “Characterization of Microbial Activity”, is to develop a molecular biological method for the characterization of the microbial population indigenous to the Yucca Mountain Project site, with emphasis in detection and measurement of species or groups of microorganisms that could be involved in actinide and/or metal reduction, and subsurface transport. Subtasks consist of QA planning and preparation, and literature review. This task is part of a cooperative agreement between the UNLV Research Foundation and the U.S. Department of Energy (#DE-FC28-04RW12237) titled “Yucca Mountain Groundwater Characterization”

    The cool end of the DZ sequence in the SDSS

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    We report the discovery of cool DZ white dwarfs, which lie in the SDSS (u-g) vs. (g-r) two-color diagram across and below the main sequence. These stars represent the extension of the well-known DZ sequence towards cooler temperatures.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the "17th European Workshop on White Dwarfs", Tuebingen, Germany, August 16-20, 201

    Frequency stability of a self-phase-locked degenerate continuous-wave optical parametric oscillator

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    The properties of a self-phase-locked by-2-divider optical parametric oscillator are presented. A locking range of up to 156 MHz is measured, and the divider's relative frequency stability is shown to be better than 6/spl times/10/sup -14/

    Plasmonic Resonances and Electromagnetic Forces Between Coupled Silver Nanowires

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    We compute the electromagnetic response and corresponding forces between two silver nanowires. The wires are illuminated by a plane wave which has the electric field vector perpendicular to the axis of the wires, insuring that plasmonic resonances can be excited. We consider a nontrivial square cross section geometry that has dimensions on the order of 0.1λ0.1 \lambda, where λ\lambda is the wavelength of the incident electromagnetic field. We find that due to the plasmonic resonance, there occurs great enhancement of the direct and mutual electromagnetic forces that are exerted on the nanowires. The Lippman-Schwinger volume integral equation is implemented to obtain solutions to Maxwell's equations for various λ\lambda and separation distances between wires. The forces are computed using Maxwell's stress tensor and numerical results are shown for both on and off resonant conditions

    Production of Neutral Pions and Eta-mesons in pp Collisions Measured with ALICE

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    Invariant cross sections for neutral pions and eta mesons in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 0.9, 2.76, and 7 TeV were measured by the ALICE detector at the Large Hadron Collider. Next-to-leading order (NLO) perturbative QCD calculations describe the pi0 and eta spectra at 0.9 TeV, but overestimate the measured cross sections at 2.76 TeV and 7 TeV. The measured eta/pi0 ratio is consistent with mT scaling at 2.76 TeV. At 7 TeV indications for a violation of mT scaling were found.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the XXII International Conference on Ultra-Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, Quark Matter 2011, Annec