14 research outputs found
Metamizole relieves pain by influencing cytokine levels in dorsal root ganglia in a rat model of neuropathic pain
Background Treatment of neuropathic pain is still challenging. Recent studies have suggested that dorsal root ganglia (DRG), which carry sensory neural signals from the peripheral nervous system to the central nervous system, are important for pathological nociception. A proper understanding of the significance and function of DRG and their role in pharmacotherapy can help to improve the treatment of neuropathic pain. Metamizole, also known as sulpyrine or dipyrone, is a non-opioid analgesic commonly used in clinical practice, but it is not used for neuropathic pain treatment. Methods Chronic constriction injury (CCI) of the sciatic nerve was induced in Wistar rats. Metamizole was administered intraperitoneally (ip) preemptively at 16 and 1 h before CCI and then twice a day for 7 days. To evaluate tactile and thermal hypersensitivity, von Frey and cold plate tests were conducted, respectively. Results Our behavioral results provide evidence that repeated intraperitoneal administration of metamizole diminishes the
development of neuropathic pain symptoms in rats. Simultaneously, our findings provide evidence that metamizole diminishes the expression of pronociceptive interleukins (IL-1beta, IL-6, and IL-18) and chemokines (CCL2, CCL4, and CCL7) in DRG measured 7 days after sciatic nerve injury. These assays indicate, for the first time, that metamizole exerts antinociceptive effects on nerve injury-induced neuropathic pain at the DRG level.
Conclusions Finally, we indicate that metamizole-induced analgesia in neuropathy is associated with silencing of a broad spectrum of cytokines in DRG. Our results also suggest that metamizole is likely to be an effective medication for neuropathic pain
"The influence of pharmacological modulation of CCR5 chemokine receptor on neuropathic pain development and opioid effectiveness"
B贸l neuropatyczny rozwija si臋 na skutek uszkodzenia o艣rodkowego i/lub obwodowego uk艂adu nerwowego. Obecnie leczenie neuropatii stanowi du偶e wyzwanie kliniczne ze wzgl臋du na brak efektywnego leku o d艂ugotrwa艂ym dzia艂aniu, co mo偶e by膰 spowodowane z艂o偶onym i niejednorodnym mechanizmem powstawania b贸lu neuropatycznego. Coraz wi臋cej bada艅 wskazuje na kluczow膮 rol臋 interakcji neuroimmunologicznych w patomechanizmie powstawania b贸lu. Celem niniejszej pracy by艂o okre艣lenie wp艂ywu wielokrotnych podpaj臋czyn贸wkowych poda艅 marawiroku (antagonisty CCR5) na rozw贸j alodynii i hiperalgezji oraz efektywno艣膰 opioid贸w w modelu b贸lu neuropatycznego. Eksperymenty przeprowadzono na szczurach szczepu Wistar zgodnie z zaleceniami Komisji do Spraw Etyki Bada艅 nad Zwierz臋tami Instytutu Farmakologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk w Krakowie oraz wytycznymi opracowanymi przez Narodowe Instytuty Zdrowia i Mi臋dzynarodowe Towarzystwo Badania B贸lu. W badaniach zastosowano model b贸lu neuropatycznego polegaj膮cy na jednostronnym podwi膮zaniu nerwu kulszowego (Chronic Constriction Injury). Badania behawioralne przeprowadzono 7 dni po podwi膮zaniu nerwu kulszowego, wykonuj膮c pomiar mechanicznej alodynii metod膮 von Frey鈥檃 i termicznej hiperalgezji metod膮 zimnej p艂ytki. Nast臋pnie pobrano tkank臋 do bada艅 biochemicznych, dzi臋ki kt贸rym wykorzystuj膮c metod臋 Western blot i reakcji odwrotnej transkrypcji i ilo艣ciowej 艂a艅cuchowej reakcji polimerazy w czasie rzeczywistym okre艣lono na poziomie l臋d藕wiowej cz臋艣ci rdzenia kr臋gowego oraz zwoj贸w korzeni grzbietowych poziom bia艂ka i/lub ekspresj臋 mRNA marker贸w kom贸rek glejowych, CCR5 oraz wybranych ligand贸w tego receptora (CCL3, CCL4, CCL5, CCL7 i CCL11). Uzyskane wyniki wskazuj膮, 偶e wielokrotne podania marawiroku hamuj膮 rozw贸j symptom贸w b贸lu neuropatycznego u zwierz膮t po uszkodzeniu obwodowym. Analiza biochemiczna wykaza艂a, 偶e marawirok zapobiega nasilonej aktywacji kom贸rek glejowych, a tak偶e wzmo偶onej ekspresji CCR5 oraz ligand贸w CCL3, CCL4 i CCL5 spowodowanej uszkodzeniem nerwu obwodowego. Dodatkowo wykazano, 偶e marawirok nie tylko hamuje rozw贸j neuropatii poprzez modulacj臋 interakcji neuroimmunologicznych, ale nasila r贸wnie偶 efektywno艣膰 morfiny i buprenorfiny w zwierz臋cym modelu b贸lu neuropatycznego. Podsumowuj膮c, wyniki niniejszej pracy poszerzy艂y dotychczasow膮 wiedz臋 na temat dzia艂ania marawiroku w b贸lu neuropatycznym wskazuj膮c, 偶e CCR5 i jego endogenne ligandy CCL3, CCL4 i CCL5 stanowi膮 wa偶ny element mechanizmu dzia艂ania tego zwi膮zku. W przysz艂o艣ci farmakologiczna modulacja receptor贸w opioidowych przez antagonist臋 CCR5 mo偶e okaza膰 si臋 skutecznym elementem terapii skojarzonej stosowanej u os贸b cierpi膮cych z powodu b贸lu neuropatycznego.Neuropathic pain develops as a result of central and/or peripheral nervous system damage. These days, the neuropathy treatment is a clinical challenge, because of a lack of effective drug and long-lasting effects, which is mainly caused by complex and heterogeneous mechanism of neuropathic pain development. Increasing number of evidence indicates on a crucial role of neuroimmune interactions in pathophysiology of pain development. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of chronic intrathecal administration of maraviroc (the CCR5 antagonist) on development of allodynia and hyperalgesia and opioid effectiveness in neuropathic pain model. All experiments were conducted on Wistar rats in compliance with the recommendations of the Committee for the Ethics of Animal Studies of the Institute of Pharmacology of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Krakow as well as with the National Institutes of Health and the International Association for the Study of Pain guidelines. The study involved a neuropathic pain model consisting in unilateral ligation of the sciatic nerve (Chronic Constriction Injury). Behavioral experiments, which measured mechanical allodynia (von Frey test) and thermal hyperalgesia (cold plate test), were conducted 7 days after sciatic nerve injury. Furthermore, the tissue was collected and the biochemical tests were performed to measure protein level (Western Blot) and/or mRNA expression (quantitative Reverse Transcriptase Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction) of glial cell markers, CCR5 and its selective ligands (CCL3, CCL4, CCL5, CCL7 and CCL11) in the lumbar part of spinal cord and dorsal root ganglia. Generated results show that chronic administration of maraviroc attenuated the development of neuropathic pain symptoms in rats with chronic constriction injury. Analysis of biochemical data indicated that maraviroc prevents strong up-regulation of glial cells, CCR5, CCL3, CCL4 and CCL5 caused by peripheral injury. Additionally, maraviroc not only attenuated neuropathic pain due to modulation of neuroimmune interactions but also intensified the effectiveness of morphine and buprenorphine in rat neuropathic pain model. Sum up, these results extended previous knowledge about maraviroc effects in neuropathic pain and indicate that CCR5 and its endogenous ligands CCL3, CCL4 and CCL5 are crucial targets for this drug. In the future, pharmacological modulation of opioid receptors by CCR5 selective antagonist may be an effective element of co-treatment used in people suffering from neuropathic pain
Role of chemokines in the neuropathic pain
B贸l neuropatyczny to schorzenie rozwijaj膮ce si臋 w wyniku zmian patologicznych zachodz膮cych w obr臋bie obwodowego i o艣rodkowego uk艂adu nerwowego, dotykaj膮ce obecnie coraz wi臋ksz膮 liczb臋 os贸b. Poniewa偶 do tej pory nie uda艂o si臋 znale藕膰 optymalnego leku o skutecznym i d艂ugotrwa艂ym dzia艂aniu, badacze rozszerzaj膮 znacz膮co pole poszukiwa艅, skupiaj膮c si臋 na aspektach neuroimmunologicznych. W konsekwencji bada艅 przeprowadzonych na r贸偶nych modelach zwierz臋cych wiele ju偶 wiadomo na temat mechanizmu dzia艂ania cytokin w b贸lu neuropatycznym, niedawno odkryto r贸wnie偶 prob贸lowe w艂a艣ciwo艣ci niekt贸rych chemokin (cytokin chemotaktycznych). Pomimo, i偶 odkryto blisko 50 r贸偶nych chemokin i 20 odpowiadaj膮cych im receptor贸w, zaledwie kilka z nich szerzej przebadano pod k膮tem rozwoju b贸lu neuropatycznego. Dowiedziono mi臋dzy innymi, 偶e chemokina CCL2 (MCP-1) powoduje nasilenie aktywacji mikrogleju i w konsekwencji wzrost ekspresji swojego receptora CCR2, co wskazuje na istotn膮 rol臋 tej chemokiny i jej receptora w powstawaniu b贸lu neuropatycznego. Najbardziej szczeg贸艂owo opisano jednak w艂a艣ciowo艣ci chemokiny CX3CL1 (fraktalkiny) i jej jedynego receptora CX3CR1. Wykazano, 偶e uszkodzenie nerw贸w obwodowych indukuje wzrost poziomu rozpuszczalnej formy CX3CL1 w rdzeniu kr臋gowym i ekspresji CX3CR1 na mikrogleju, co z kolei prowadzi do powstania typowych objaw贸w b贸lowych, jakimi s膮 alodynia i hiperalgezja. Inn膮 bardzo interesuj膮c膮 chemokin膮, o kt贸rej coraz cz臋艣ciej zaczyna si臋 m贸wi膰 w kontek艣cie b贸lu neuropatycznego jest CCL5, powszechnie znana r贸wnie偶 jako RANTES. Szczeg贸艂owy mechanizm dzia艂ania tej chemokiny i jej trzech receptor贸w (CCR1, CCR3 i CCR5) nie zosta艂 jeszcze dok艂adnie poznany, ale pojawi艂y si臋 ju偶 pierwsze badania, kt贸re sugeruj膮, 偶e podanie antagonisty receptor贸w CCR1 i CCR5 mo偶e modulowa膰 nap艂yw kom贸rek immunologicznych i cytokin, co ma bezpo艣redni wp艂yw na obni偶enie odpowiedzi nocyceptywnej. Stwarza to nowe i obiecuj膮ce perspektywy naukowcom i pomimo, i偶 jest to dopiero pocz膮tek d艂ugiej drogi bada艅 nad skuteczn膮 terapi膮 przeciwb贸low膮, mo偶e si臋 okaza膰, 偶e to w艂a艣nie chemokiny przyczyni膮 si臋 do wynalezienia nowych metod leczenia b贸lu neuropatycznego.Neuropathic pain is a disorder that develops as a result of pathological lesions within the peripheral and central nervous system and affects a growing number of patients. Since no optimally efficient and long-acting medications have been identified to date, scientists broaden the scope of their research to focus on neuroimmune aspects. Studies conducted in various animal models provided much information on the mechanisms of action of cytokines in neuropathic pain. Pronociceptive properties of certain cytokines (chemotactic cytokines) were also identified recently. Despite the fact that nearly 50 chemokines and 20 chemokines receptors had been identified, only a few of them were studied in more detail with regard to their role in the development of neuropathic pain. For example, it was found that chemokine CCL2 (MCP-1) enhances microglial activation resulting in an increased expression of its receptor CCR2, which suggests an important role of this chemokine and its receptor in the development of neuropathic pain. Most detailed reports, however, were published on the properties of chemokine CX3CL1 (fractalkine) and its only receptor CX3CR1. It was shown the peripheral nerve injury induces increased spinal levels of the soluble form of CX3CL1 and enhanced expression of CX3CR1 within the microglia, which in turn lead to the typical pain symptoms of allodynia and hyperalgesia. Another interesting chemokine that is mentioned with increasing frequency in the context of neuropathic pain is CCL5, also referred to as RANTES. The detailed mechanism of action of this chemokines and its three receptors (CCR1, CCR3 and CCR5) has not been fully elucidated yet; however, first reports are already available suggesting that administration of an agonist of CCR1 and CCR5 receptors may modulate the influx of immune cells and cytokines, thus directly leading to reduced nociceptive responses. This opens up new, promising research perspectives; despite the fact that the long road to effective analgesic therapy has barely started, it may well be that chemokines will be involved in the discovery of novel methods for the treatment of neuropathic pain
Rola chemokin w b贸lu neuropatycznym
Neuropathic pain is a disorder that develops as a result of pathological lesions within the peripheral and central nervous system and affects a growing number of patients. Since no optimally efficient and long-acting medications have been identified to date, scientists broaden the scope of their research to focus on neuroimmune aspects. Studies conducted in various animal models provided much information on the mechanisms of action of cytokines in neuropathic pain. Pronociceptive properties of certain cytokines (chemotactic cytokines) were also identified recently. Despite the fact that nearly 50 chemokines and 20 chemokines receptors had been identified, only a few of them were studied in more detail with regard to their role in the development of neuropathic pain. For example, it was found that chemokine CCL2 (MCP-1) enhances microglial activation resulting in an increased expression of its receptor CCR2, which suggests an important role of this chemokine and its receptor in the development of neuropathic pain. Most detailed reports, however, were published on the properties of chemokine CX3CL1 (fractalkine) and its only receptor CX3CR1. It was shown the peripheral nerve injury induces increased spinal levels of the soluble form of CX3CL1 and enhanced expression of CX3CR1 within the microglia, which in turn lead to the typical pain symptoms of allodynia and hyperalgesia. Another interesting chemokine that is mentioned with increasing frequency in the context of neuropathic pain is CCL5, also referred to as RANTES. The detailed mechanism of action of this chemokines and its three receptors (CCR1, CCR3 and CCR5) has not been fully elucidated yet; however, first reports are already available suggesting that administration of an agonist of CCR1 and CCR5 receptors may modulate the influx of immune cells and cytokines, thus directly leading to reduced nociceptive responses. This opens up new, promising research perspectives; despite the fact that the long road to effective analgesic therapy has barely started, it may well be that chemokines will be involved in the discovery of novel methods for the treatment of neuropathic pain.B贸l neuropatyczny to schorzenie rozwijaj膮ce si臋 w wyniku zmian patologicznych zachodz膮cych w obr臋bie obwodowego i o艣rodkowego uk艂adu nerwowego, dotykaj膮ce obecnie coraz wi臋ksz膮 liczb臋 os贸b. Poniewa偶 do tej pory nie uda艂o si臋 znale藕膰 optymalnego leku o skutecznym i d艂ugotrwa艂ym dzia艂aniu, badacze rozszerzaj膮 znacz膮co pole poszukiwa艅, skupiaj膮c si臋 na aspektach neuroimmunologicznych. W konsekwencji bada艅 przeprowadzonych na r贸偶nych modelach zwierz臋cych wiele ju偶 wiadomo na temat mechanizmu dzia艂ania cytokin w b贸lu neuropatycznym, a niedawno odkryto r贸wnie偶 prob贸lowe w艂a艣ciwo艣ci niekt贸rych chemokin (cytokin chemotaktycznych). Pomimo, i偶 odkryto blisko 50 r贸偶nych chemokin i 20 odpowiadaj膮cych im receptor贸w, zaledwie kilka z nich szerzej przebadano pod k膮tem rozwoju b贸lu neuropatycznego. Udowodniono mi臋dzy innymi, 偶e chemokina CCL2 (MCP-1) powoduje nasilenie aktywacji mikrogleju i w konsekwencji wzrost ekspresji swojego receptora CCR2, co wskazuje na istotn膮 rol臋 tej chemokiny i jej receptora w powstawaniu b贸lu neuropatycznego. Najbardziej szczeg贸艂owo opisano jednak w艂a艣ciwo艣ci chemokiny CX3CL1 (fraktalkiny) i jej jedynego receptora CX3CR1. Wykazano, 偶e uszkodzenie nerw贸w obwodowych indukuje wzrost poziomu rozpuszczalnej formy CX3CL1 w rdzeniu kr臋gowym i ekspresji CX3CR1 na mikrogleju, co z kolei prowadzi do powstania typowych objaw贸w b贸lowych, jakimi s膮 alodynia i hiperalgezja. Inn膮 bardzo interesuj膮c膮 chemokin膮, o kt贸rej coraz cz臋艣ciej zaczyna si臋 m贸wi膰 w kontek艣cie b贸lu neuropatycznego jest CCL5, powszechnie znana r贸wnie偶 jako RANTES. Szczeg贸艂owy mechanizm dzia艂ania tej chemokiny i jej trzech receptor贸w (CCR1, CCR3 i CCR5) nie zosta艂 jeszcze dok艂adnie poznany, ale pojawi艂y si臋 ju偶 pierwsze badania, kt贸re sugeruj膮, 偶e podanie antagonisty receptor贸w CCR1 i CCR5 mo偶e hamowa膰 nap艂yw kom贸rek immunologicznych i cytokin, co ma bezpo艣redni wp艂yw na obni偶enie odpowiedzi nocyceptywnej. Stwarza to naukowcom nowe i obiecuj膮ce perspektywy, pomimo 偶e jest to dopiero pocz膮tek d艂ugiej drogi bada艅 nad skuteczn膮 terapi膮 przeciwb贸low膮. Mo偶e okaza膰 si臋, 偶e to w艂a艣nie chemokiny przyczyni膮 si臋 do zaproponowania nowych metod leczenia b贸lu neuropatycznego
Synthesis of explosive peroxides using unrecognised explosive precursors - percarbonates and perborates
The paper reports the synthesis of an explosive peroxide using sodium perborate (SPB) and sodium percarbonate (SPC) as alternatives to hydrogen peroxide, a well-known explosives precursor. It has been reported that the oxidising agents used in the synthesis can replace hydrogen peroxide in some reactions. Consequently, we tried to assess the threat of using those substances being used for the unlawful manufacture of explosive peroxides. We have found that both SPB and SPC, allow producing the explosive peroxides with good yields and purity, as confirmed by 1H NMR and IR spectroscopy, as well as by HPLC and controlled burning experiments
Pharmacological Evidence of the Important Roles of CCR1 and CCR3 and Their Endogenous Ligands CCL2/7/8 in Hypersensitivity Based on a Murine Model of Neuropathic Pain
Neuropathic pain treatment remains a challenging issue because the therapies currently used in the clinic are not sufficiently effective. Moreover, the mechanism of neuropathy is still not entirely understood; however, much evidence indicates that chemokines are important factors in the initial and late phases of neuropathic pain. To date, the roles of CCR1, CCR3 and their endogenous ligands have not been extensively studied; therefore, they have become the subject of our research. In the present comprehensive behavioral and biochemical study, we detected significant time-dependent and long-lasting increases in the mRNA levels of CCR1 and/or CCR3 ligands, such as CCL2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9, in the murine spinal cord after chronic constriction injury of the sciatic nerve, and these increases were accompanied by changes in the levels of microglial/macrophage, astrocyte and neutrophil cell markers. ELISA results suggested that endogenous ligands of CCR1 and CCR3 are involved in the development (CCL2/3/5/7/8/9) and persistence (CCL2/7/8) of neuropathic pain. Moreover, intrathecal injection of CCL2/3/5/7/8/9 confirmed their possible strong influence on mechanical and thermal hypersensitivity development. Importantly, inhibition of CCL2/7/8 production and CCR1 and CCR3 blockade by selective/dual antagonists effectively reduced neuropathic pain-like behavior. The obtained data suggest that CCL2/7/8/CCR1 and CCL7/8/CCR3 signaling are important in the modulation of neuropathic pain in mice and that these chemokines and their receptors may be interesting targets for future investigations
Pharmacological Evidence of the Important Roles of CCR1 and CCR3 and Their Endogenous Ligands CCL2/7/8 in Hypersensitivity Based on a Murine Model of Neuropathic Pain
Neuropathic pain treatment remains a challenging issue because the therapies currently used in the clinic are not sufficiently effective. Moreover, the mechanism of neuropathy is still not entirely understood; however, much evidence indicates that chemokines are important factors in the initial and late phases of neuropathic pain. To date, the roles of CCR1, CCR3 and their endogenous ligands have not been extensively studied; therefore, they have become the subject of our research. In the present comprehensive behavioral and biochemical study, we detected significant time-dependent and long-lasting increases in the mRNA levels of CCR1 and/or CCR3 ligands, such as CCL2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9, in the murine spinal cord after chronic constriction injury of the sciatic nerve, and these increases were accompanied by changes in the levels of microglial/macrophage, astrocyte and neutrophil cell markers. ELISA results suggested that endogenous ligands of CCR1 and CCR3 are involved in the development (CCL2/3/5/7/8/9) and persistence (CCL2/7/8) of neuropathic pain. Moreover, intrathecal injection of CCL2/3/5/7/8/9 confirmed their possible strong influence on mechanical and thermal hypersensitivity development. Importantly, inhibition of CCL2/7/8 production and CCR1 and CCR3 blockade by selective/dual antagonists effectively reduced neuropathic pain-like behavior. The obtained data suggest that CCL2/7/8/CCR1 and CCL7/8/CCR3 signaling are important in the modulation of neuropathic pain in mice and that these chemokines and their receptors may be interesting targets for future investigations
Comparison of the Effects of Chemokine Receptors CXCR2 and CXCR3 Pharmacological Modulation in Neuropathic Pain Model鈥擨n Vivo and In Vitro Study
Recent findings have highlighted the roles of CXC chemokine family in the mechanisms of neuropathic pain. Our studies provide evidence that single/repeated intrathecal administration of CXCR2 (NVP-CXCR2-20) and CXCR3 ((卤)-NBI-74330) antagonists explicitly attenuated mechanical/thermal hypersensitivity in rats after chronic constriction injury of the sciatic nerve. After repeated administration, both antagonists showed strong analgesic activity toward thermal hypersensitivity; however, (卤)-NBI-74330 was more effective at reducing mechanical hypersensitivity. Interestingly, repeated intrathecal administration of both antagonists decreased the mRNA and/or protein levels of pronociceptive interleukins (i.e., IL-1beta, IL-6, IL-18) in the spinal cord, but only (卤)-NBI-74330 decreased their levels in the dorsal root ganglia after nerve injury. Furthermore, only the CXCR3 antagonist influenced the spinal mRNA levels of antinociceptive factors (i.e., IL-1RA, IL-10). Additionally, antagonists effectively reduced the mRNA levels of pronociceptive chemokines; NVP-CXCR2-20 decreased the levels of CCL2, CCL6, CCL7, and CXCL4, while (卤)-NBI-74330 reduced the levels of CCL3, CCL6, CXCL4, and CXCL9. Importantly, the results obtained from the primary microglial and astroglial cell cultures clearly suggest that both antagonists can directly affect the release of these ligands, mainly in microglia. Interestingly, NVP-CXCR2-20 induced analgesic effects after intraperitoneal administration. Our research revealed important roles for CXCR2 and CXCR3 in nociceptive transmission, especially in neuropathic pain