12 research outputs found

    Developments in Practice: Methodologies and Approaches to Gender Budgeting

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    Offering an overview of distinctive methodological developments in gender budgeting (GB) and analysis of budget and public policy processes, this chapter discusses various approaches. It introduces examples of different applied and emerging methods for practical adoption and implementation of GB. While clearly visible conditions for the adoption and implementation of GB can be identified and characterized, sustaining gender analysis across the policy and budgetary process presents enduring challenges. This chapter sets out methodologies for attempting gender-responsive budgets and the various approaches adopted in divergent contexts

    Challenges of Austerity and Retrenchment of Gender Equality

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    Reductions in public spending and the dominance of austerity since 2008 have characterized public policy decisions in Europe. Decisions on resource allocation, public service design and reform, changes in social security spending and tax revenue, and in the fiscal rules applied by the EU have significantly affected women’s financial security and autonomy and their political and social status within EU member state countries. With case studies on Spain and Italy, this chapter argues that the entrenched paradigm has disregarded the impact on gender equality and the regressive effects of policy decisions, despite political rhetoric on the enduring importance of advancing gender equality

    Budgetary Impact of Gender Mainstreaming and Its Implementations in the EU and Turkey

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    This chapter focuses on the implementation of the gender mainstreaming (GM) strategy through gender-responsive budgeting (GRB). In doing so, it first looks at the legal improvements that have been achieved within the scope of GM and GRB in Turkey since 1980. Then, drawing on a Turkish local government as a case study, it evaluates the GRB initiatives and the projects and the role of the EU in setting up a GRB agenda. The chapter concludes with a discussion on the limitations of the EU in generating sustainable changes in the lives of women and girls, mostly arising from domestic institutional factors and the lack of resonance of the EU’s norms in Turkey. © 2021, The Author(s)