54 research outputs found

    Comparsion of soundscape of traditional and suburban villages

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    Celem niniejszej pracy jest porównanie i ocena krajobrazu dźwiękowego dwóch małopolskich wsi różniących się przede wszystkim sposobem użytkowania i trybem życia ich mieszkańców. Badania zostały przeprowadzone w jednej porze roku (jesień) na terenie tradycyjnej wsi Zdynia oraz podmiejskiej wsi Zielonki. Na terenie obu obiektów badawczych przeprowadzono pomiar poziomu hałasu oraz dokonano inwentaryzacji charakterystycznych dźwięków. Poniższe badania wskazują, jak ogromne różnice występują pomiędzy krajobrazem dźwiękowym wsi tradycyjnej i podmiejskiej. Pod względem natężenia hałasu największe różnice można zaobserwować pomiędzy wartościami średnimi i maksymalnymi. Wartości średnie na terenie wsi Zielonki są wyższe odpowiednio – w ciągu dnia o 23,2 dB, wieczorem 18,0 dB i w nocy 10,6 dB. W przypadku wartości maksymalnych zmierzonych w obu wsiach największą różnicę obserwuje się w porze dziennej, gdzie w jednym z punktów pomiarowych we wsi Zielonki zanotowano 102,3 dB – co było największą uzyskaną wartością. Dla porównania w Zdyni największa wartość w porze dziennej to zaledwie 46,2 dB, co daje aż 56,1 dB różnicy. Podobne różnice można dostrzec w samej sferze fonicznej – w Zielonkach najczęściej słyszane są dźwięki z grupy antropogenicznych (56 zdarzeń z 57 to dźwięki komunikacyjne – głównie samochody). Z kolei wieś Zdynia jesienią jest bardzo uboga w dźwięki antropogeniczne, przeważają te o charakterze przyrodniczym.The aim of the work is comparison and evaluation of sound of two Little Poland villages differing first of all in land use and lifestyle of residents. Investigations were carried out during one season (autumn) on the area of “traditional” village Zdynia and suburban village Zielonki. On the area of both research objects the measurements of noise and inventory-making of characteristic noises were carried out. The investigations show how severe differences occurs between sound landscape of “traditional” and suburban villages. village and Regarding noise intensity the highest differences may be observed between mean and maximum values. Mean values for the Zielonki village are higher adequately during day of 23.2 dB, and during night of 10.6 dB. In the case of maximum values in both villages the most severe difference was observed during day, where in one measuring point in the Zielonki village the value 102.3 dB was recorded, what was the highest obtained value. For comparison in Zdynia the highest value during day was 46.3 dB, what consists as many as 46.2 dB of difference. Similar differences was observed in sound transmission sphere, where in Zielonki most often are heard sounds from the anthropogenic group (56 of 57 that are communication sounds, mainly cars). As opposed in the Zdynia village in autumn season the sound landscape is poor as far as anthropogenic sounds are concerned, prevail the ones of natural character

    Socio-economic development, level of urbanization and consumption of selected food products as factors in the prevalence of overweight and obesity among youths and young adults in Poland

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    Introduction and objective. Obesity and overweight among teenagers and young adults pose serious problems for the Polish health care system. The aim of this study was to assess the relationships between the prevalence of overweight and obesity and the level of urbanization, consumption of selected food products and socio-economic development in the provinces in Poland. Materials and method. The material used in this study is based on data published by the Central Statistics Office (GUS) for population, components of the Human Development Index (HDI), urbanization level (URBI), average monthly consumption of selected food products per person, and the percentage of obese and overweight people in the Polish provinces. The prevalence of overweight and obesity in all 16 provinces was analysed in the context of the URBI, HDI, and the average monthly consumption of selected food products. Results. There was no a statistically significant correlation between the number of overweight and obesity cases and the levels of HDI and URBI. The negative correlations were found between the consumption of sugar and URBI (-0,710, p=0.002), bread and grain product consumption (-0.642; p=0.007) and fresh milk consumption (-0.594; p=0.015). Fish consumption correlated with URBI at a moderate level (0.550; p=0.027). The consumption of oils and fats strongly correlated with HDI (-0.788; p < 0,001). In the group of overweight woman, a moderate negative correlation was noted (-0.511; p=0.043) in cheese and curd consumption. Conclusions. The high level of economic development and urbanization have no direct impact on the prevalence of overweight and obesity in Poland. The results of the study indicate existing dependencies of the consumption of some of selected products with respect to the level of urbanization