7 research outputs found

    Emotions profile index: stability and dimensionality of the structure

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    Profil Indeks Emocij (PIE) je vprašalnik, ki sloni na teoriji emocij, katere avtorja sta R. Plutchik in H. Kellerman. Zaradi enostavnosti uporabe in razvidnosti rezultatov služi kot učinkovit psihodiagnostični instrument, čeprav nekateri metodološki in teoretični pomisleki vzbujajo dvom o jasnosti strukture tega modela emocij. V študiji smo preverjali dva vidika strukture PIE - dimenzionalnost (predvsem hierarhijo odnosov med dimenzijami) in stabilnost (zanesljivost in veljavnost odnosov med atributi in dimenzijami ter jasnost teoretičnih opredelitev dimenzij). Uporabili smo eksploaratorni in konfirmatorni pristop. Pokazalo se je, da osem dimenzij v svoji splošnosti ni enakovrednih, ampak je agresivnost nadredna nekaterim drugim dimenzijam (opozicionalnost, nekontroliranost). Nekatere dimenzije emocij so premalo jasno opredeljene v teoriji. Njihov teoretično razložen pomen se ne sklada v celoti z odnosom med pridevniki in dimenzijami v PIE. Zdi se, da dimenzije, ki jih merimo s PIE, in vsebine, ki opredeljujejo profil emocij v Plutchikovi teoriji, pomensko niso popolnoma enake.The Emotions Profile Index (EPI) questionnaire, based on the theory of emotions, proposed by R. Plutchik and H. Kellerman, is well known and widely used personality inventory. It is attractive because of any easy and fast data-collection procedure and a clear graphical representation of the emotionsprofile. But simultaneously with its diagnostical application some methodological and theoretical doubts about comprehensibility of the structureof EPI arose. In our study we tried to explore two features of the structure of EPI: dimensionality (the hierarchy and exclusiveness of dimensions) and stability (the appurtenance of adjectives to dimensions, comprehensiveness and theoretical denotation of dimensions). The exploratory as well as confirmatory approach was applied. It was shown that eight dimensions are not equivalent regarding generality. The dimension Destruction appeared to be superior to some other dimensions (Rejection, Orientation). Conceptually, some dimensions are not determined distinctly enough. The theoretical definitions of the constructs are not entirely similar to their meaning, which results from the relationship between adjectives and dimensionsin EPI. It seems that dimensions assessed by EPI and contents, whichare supposed to elucidate the profile index of emotions in Plutchik\u27s Theory do not bear completely equivalent information

    Development of speech processing tests

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    Govorna avdiometrija je danes eden od osnovnih in nujno potrebnih diagnostičnih pripomočkov pri ugotavljanju različnih ravni slušnega primanjkljaja. Z govorno avdiometrijo ugotavljamo kognitivne komponente (zaznavanje, prepoznavanje, razumevanje) govornih dražljajev, specifičnih za posamezne jezikovne skupine uporabnikov avdiometričnih storitev. V Sloveniji na otorinolaringoloških klinikah uporabljajo različico Freiburškega enozložnega govornega preizkusa, ki je z diagnostično metodološkega vidika nepopolna. Kvaliteta govornega materiala ni optimalna, fonetična struktura govornih dražljajev ni v celoti uravnotežena, posamezni dražljaji med seboj niso primerljivi po razumljivosti in razločnosti ter pogostosti uporabe v pogovornem jeziku, bistvena slabost preizkusa pa je, da zahteva veliko časa, zaradi česar je v diagnostične namene manj uporaben, saj prihaja pri udeležencih do utrujenosti, izmerjeni prag prepoznavanja govornih dražljajev pa v času ni najbolj stabilen. Namen raziskovalnega projekta je bil razviti (izpopolniti) govorno avdiometrični preizkus, ki bo časovno učinkovitejši in bo imel ustrezne merske lastnosti. Pri tem smo uporabili sodobno psihofizikalno metodologijo. Preverili smo ustreznost treh adaptivnih metod in semantične ter fonetične vidike uporabljenega govornega materiala. Za najustreznejši postopek za merjenje govornega razumevanja se je izkazala metoda stopnic. Rezultati projekta v prvi vrsti omogočajo izboljšanje natančnosti klinične diagnostike slušnih okvar. S tem so koristni za paciente, proizvajalce slušnih aparatov, zavode za zdravstveno varstvo in različne klinike, ki izvajajo govorno avdiometrijo, saj je zaradi boljše časovne ekonomičnosti možno preglede še učinkoviteje organizirati. Rezultati omogočajo natančno ter učinkovitejše načrtovanje in spremljanje rehabilitacije diagnosticiranih slušnih motenj.Speech audiometry is one of the basic and indispensable diagnostic instruments for assessing levels of hearing impairments. Speech audiometry is used to examine cognitive components (detection, recognition and comprehension) of speech material, specific to the language group of the patient. In Slovenia, the otorhinolaryngological clinics use a version of the Freiburg monosyllabic speech recognition test. This version has certain weaknesses from diagnostic and methodological point of view. The quality of adapted speech material is far from optimal, the phonetic structure of speech material is not perfectly balanced, and the used monosyllabic words are not comparable in comprehensiveness, discriminability, and the frequency of use in everyday language. The basic drawback of the test is that it is time consuming, which results in fatigue and large variation of the measured speech recognition thresholds within and across the measurement sessions. The purpose of the research project was to develop (improve) speech audiometry tests in order to provide faster and more efficient testing. Test development was based on contemporary psychophysical methodology. Three adaptive methods were examined, and semantic and phonetic aspects of speech material were improved. The staircase method proved to be the most appropriate alternative to the Freiburg test. The results of the project enable clinical diagnostics of speech impairments to be more accurate, which has positive consequences for patients, producers of digital hearing aids, public health institutions, and clinics where speech audiometry services are offered. With the new procedure patient examinations can be less time consuming and more efficiently organised, and the rehabilitation of hearing impairments can be more effectively planned and monitored

    A comparative analysis of different procedures for measuring speech recognition threshold in quiet

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    In Slovenia, the adapted Freiburg Monosyllabic Word Test (FT-SI) has been used to assess the communication function in an audiology patient. To measure the speech recognition threshold (SRT), the ascending procedure that is applied in FT-SI may be very time consuming. The aim of our study was to compare several adaptive procedures with the FT-SI ascending procedure. Based on the analysis of comprehensibility and commonness of stimuli used in FT-SI, the most appropriate words were selected and used in three adaptive procedures: two variants of a descending procedure, both recommended by the ISO 8523-3 standards for measuring an SRT, and the staircase method. On a normal-hearing sample (N = 36 in test measurement and N = 24 in retest measurement), comparable SRTs were obtained with the adaptive procedures, whereas the FT-SI ascending procedure yielded slightly higher SRTs. When a selected pool of words was used in FT-SI, SRTs became more comparable to the results of the adaptive methods. The study therefore showed that the pool of words used in FT-SI should be revised. Considering relatively short administration time, satisfactory convergent validity, precision and test-retest reliability, the staircase method seems to be the best alternative to the FT-SI ascending procedure