13 research outputs found

    Polyphenolic content, antioxidant activity and metal composition of traditional blackberry products

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    In this study, commercially available traditional blackberry products, namely blackberry wines and blackberry elixirs from Coastal Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, were investigated as sources of bioactive compounds, essential nutrients and metals. Samples were analysed for pH, total polyphenols and monomeric anthocyanins content, individual phenolic acids (gallic acid, chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid and p-coumaric acid), antioxidant activity (DPPH and ABTS), reducing power (RPA), total nitrogen and phosphorus as well as metals (K, Na, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Co, Cr, Cd). The results of this study showed that the studied traditional blackberry products are rich sources of polyphenols and their consumption could increase the daily intake of dietary antioxidants in humans. In addition, both groups of traditional blackberry products could be considered safe for health and good additional sources of essential minerals such as manganese and potassium. The concentrations of the analysed undesirable toxic and potentially toxic metals in the studied blackberry products were below the maximum allowable concentrations defined by various regulations for wines and fruit wines


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    Blackberry wine is traditionally produced in the continental parts of Croatia and consumed in moderate quantities as a dessert wine. It is often used as a popular remedy for anaemia and iron deficiency, as well as for alleviating sleep disorders, because of its mineral composition comprising among other elements, iron and magnesium. Besides minerals, blackberry wine is a good natural source of strong antioxidants, such as phenolic acids, anthocyanins, flavonols, catechins and other flavonoids. For a long time, fruit wines in Croatia were mainly produced by traditional methods in small scale. Therefore, the wines were of inconsistent characteristics and often lower quality. Small and medium scale producers are now implementing the more appropriate modern production technologies to achieve good fermentation control and produce high-quality blackberry wine. Consumers are looking for a fruit wine with traditional, geographically unique characteristics, as well as appropriate enological properties, sensory attributes and high added value (e.g. wine rich in bioactive compounds). This is in accordance with the trends in the food industry and food markets (functional, organic) that are geared towards the development of new products with the high added value associated with health or well-being of environment and society. This work aims at reinventing the traditional product blackberry wine, through the prism of claims and requirements for functional and organic foods

    Chemical Constituents of Fruit Wines as Descriptors of their Nutritional, Sensorial and Health-Related Properties

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    Functional foods are foods that provide positive health effects apart from the provision of essential nutrients. Along with nutraceuticals, they represent the top trends in the food industry. Fruit wines are considered functional foods. When assessing the fruit wine quality, a wide range of descriptors are taken into consideration, namely physicochemical and sensorial properties of fruit wine. Furthermore, within the context of the new food products development (e.g. functional products), functional properties of fruit wines are also taken into consideration. Functional properties are determined by the content of the biologically active components, such as polyphenols, vitamins and micro- and macrominerals. It is also important to consider the food-safety issues regarding the fruit wines consummation, that is, the presence of pesticides, mycotoxins and biogenic amines in different fruit wines. This chapter aims to give an overview of various factors used to evaluate the quality and the functional properties of fruit wines


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    Blackberry wine is traditionally produced in the continental parts of Croatia and consumed in moderate quantities as a dessert wine. It is often used as a popular remedy for anaemia and iron deficiency, as well as for alleviating sleep disorders, because of its mineral composition comprising among other elements, iron and magnesium. Besides minerals, blackberry wine is a good natural source of strong antioxidants, such as phenolic acids, anthocyanins, flavonols, catechins and other flavonoids. For a long time, fruit wines in Croatia were mainly produced by traditional methods in small scale. Therefore, the wines were of inconsistent characteristics and often lower quality. Small and medium scale producers are now implementing the more appropriate modern production technologies to achieve good fermentation control and produce high-quality blackberry wine. Consumers are looking for a fruit wine with traditional, geographically unique characteristics, as well as appropriate enological properties, sensory attributes and high added value (e.g. wine rich in bioactive compounds). This is in accordance with the trends in the food industry and food markets (functional, organic) that are geared towards the development of new products with the high added value associated with health or well-being of environment and society. This work aims at reinventing the traditional product blackberry wine, through the prism of claims and requirements for functional and organic foods

    Polyphenol content and antioxidant activity of phytoestrogen containing food and dietary supplements: DPPH free radical scavenging activity by HPLC

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    Soy, red clover, chaste tree, hop and flax have all been found to contain a wide range of phytoestrogenic compounds, and a large number of dietary supplements contain their extracts as principal ingredients. This study is aimed to evaluate the total polyphenolic content and antioxidant activity of phytoestrogen-containing food and formulated dietary supplements. The HPLC-DPPH method was applied for DPPH free radical scavenging activity testing of various phytoestrogen-containing samples. Polyphenol content and antioxidant activity in dietary supplements were higher than in functional food samples; multiple-botanical-source preparations showed higher polyphenol content and antioxidant activity than the mono-botanical counterparts. Furthermore, the correlation between polyphenol content and antioxidant activity was strongly statistically significant, so it might be concluded that antioxidant activity is proportional to the content of these secondary metabolites. The most striking batch-to-batch deviations were represented by one chaste berry-based product (RSD 41.3 %) and one red clover derived product (RSD 57.9 %). The results of this study contribute to a better understanding of the phenolic profile and antioxidant properties of phytoestrogen containing food and dietary supplements

    Indicators and indices of quality of ground and surface waters in Brčko distrikt of Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    Cilj ovog rada bio je izvršiti ocjenu kvalitete i klasifikaciju podzemnih i površinskih voda Brčko distrikta BiH na temelju mjerenja odabranih pokazatelja, izračunatih koeficijenata i indeksa kvalitete vode. Uzorci su prikupljani na 92 izvora podzemnih voda tijekom petogodišnjeg perioda (2004.–2008.) i na tri mjerna profila na rijekama Savi, Tinji i Brki tijekom dvije godine (2008.–2009.). Dobiveni su rezultati pokazali da kvaliteta podzemnih voda Brčko distrikta BiH u 83,7 % slučajeva zadovoljava uvjete koji su preporučeni standardom WHO-a, te da su sadržaji mangana, željeza, amonijaka i ukupna tvrdoća bili veći od dozvoljenih. Na osnovi se utvrđenih vrijednosti SAR-a i RSC-a vode s područja jugoistočnog i centralnog dijela Brčko distrikta BiH mogu sigurno i bez ograničenja koristiti za navodnjavanje, dok vode u sjeverozapadnom dijelu imaju umjerenu kvalitetu za navodnjavanje, pa treba voditi računa kod uzgoja pojedinih biljaka. Osim toga, utvrđene vrijednosti LSI, RSI i PSI pokazuju da se sve podzemne vode ove regije nalaze u području stabilnih voda i mogu se sigurno koristiti u industrijske namjene. Rezultati multivarijantne analize pokazali su grupiranje svih izvora podzemnih voda u deset klastera koji su i prirodno povezani. Nadalje, u ovom radu su izračunata tri već razvijena indeksa kvalitete vode. Osim toga, na temelju rezultata faktorske analize (multivarijantne analize) modificiran je WQIIN te razvijen indeks kvalitete za podzemne i površinske vode Brčko distrikta BiH, WQIB, s ciljem utvrđivanja mjesta s najboljom kvalitetom vode za piće u navedenoj regiji. Metodologija je zasnovana na definiciji WQI, dok su pri izračunu korištene prosječne vrijednosti 11 pokazatelja: pH, UT, TDS, F, Cl, NH4, SO4, HCO3, SAR, Fe i Mn ispitivanih voda. I na kraju, izrađena karta s vrijednostima WQIB pruža cjelovitu sliku za lakše tumačenje i donošenje odluka u boljem planiranju i upravljanju vodnim resursima. Razvijeni WQIB pokazao se kao jednostavan i pouzdan indeks koji se može brzo i uspješno primijeniti u ocjeni podzemnih i površinskih voda Brčko distrikta BiH, te ima prednost pred ostalim indeksima jer bolje ističe nepovoljne utjecaje na kvalitetu vode, što bi značilo da je ocjena stroža. Iz toga se može zaključiti da je provedena modifikacija bila opravdana.The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality of ground and surface water resources in Brčko Distrikt of Bosnia and Herzegowina and classify them according to selected parameters, coefficients and water quality indices. The samples were collected from 92 groundwater sources during the period of five years (2004 – 2008) and three measurement profiles of the Sava River and its tributaries, Tinja and Brka, in this region during 2008 and 2009. The results showed that 83.7% of groundwater quality parameters were in accordance with the recommended WHO standard. The content of manganese, iron, ammonia and total hardness were higher than allowed. Furthermore, the SAR and RSC results clearly showed that the water from the south-eastern and central parts of of Brčko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina can be used for irrigation without any restriction, while water in the north-western part of this region with a moderate quality for irrigation should be taken into account in growing some kinds of plants. In addition, the obtained LSI, RSI, and PSI values demonstrate that all groundwaters in this region are stable and safe for industrial purposes. According to the results of multivariate analysis, all groundwater sources were divided in ten clusters that are naturally associated. Furthermore, the present work is aimed to assess the water quality index for investigated water according to WQINSF, WQIIR and WQIIN. Moreover, based on the results of factor analysis (multivariate analysis) WQIIN has been modified and a new index of quality for ground and surface water from Brčko Distrikt of Bosnia and Herzegowina, WQIB, was developed with the aim to determine the place with the best drinking water quality in the specified region. For calculating the WQIB, the following 11 parameters have been considered: pH, total hardness, TDS, F, Cl, NH4, SO4, HCO3, SAR, Fe and Mn. And finally, the map with WQIB values provides a comprehensive picture for easier interpretation and decision making in better planning and management of water resources. The developed WQIB proved to be a simple and reliable index that can be quickly and successfully applied on the assessment of ground and surface water from Brčko Distrikt of Bosnia and Herzegowina. This index has an advantage over the other because it can better highlight the adverse effects on water quality and it has a stricter rating. It can be concluded that the modification carried out was justified

    Indicators and indices of quality of ground and surface waters in Brčko distrikt of Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    Cilj ovog rada bio je izvršiti ocjenu kvalitete i klasifikaciju podzemnih i površinskih voda Brčko distrikta BiH na temelju mjerenja odabranih pokazatelja, izračunatih koeficijenata i indeksa kvalitete vode. Uzorci su prikupljani na 92 izvora podzemnih voda tijekom petogodišnjeg perioda (2004.–2008.) i na tri mjerna profila na rijekama Savi, Tinji i Brki tijekom dvije godine (2008.–2009.). Dobiveni su rezultati pokazali da kvaliteta podzemnih voda Brčko distrikta BiH u 83,7 % slučajeva zadovoljava uvjete koji su preporučeni standardom WHO-a, te da su sadržaji mangana, željeza, amonijaka i ukupna tvrdoća bili veći od dozvoljenih. Na osnovi se utvrđenih vrijednosti SAR-a i RSC-a vode s područja jugoistočnog i centralnog dijela Brčko distrikta BiH mogu sigurno i bez ograničenja koristiti za navodnjavanje, dok vode u sjeverozapadnom dijelu imaju umjerenu kvalitetu za navodnjavanje, pa treba voditi računa kod uzgoja pojedinih biljaka. Osim toga, utvrđene vrijednosti LSI, RSI i PSI pokazuju da se sve podzemne vode ove regije nalaze u području stabilnih voda i mogu se sigurno koristiti u industrijske namjene. Rezultati multivarijantne analize pokazali su grupiranje svih izvora podzemnih voda u deset klastera koji su i prirodno povezani. Nadalje, u ovom radu su izračunata tri već razvijena indeksa kvalitete vode. Osim toga, na temelju rezultata faktorske analize (multivarijantne analize) modificiran je WQIIN te razvijen indeks kvalitete za podzemne i površinske vode Brčko distrikta BiH, WQIB, s ciljem utvrđivanja mjesta s najboljom kvalitetom vode za piće u navedenoj regiji. Metodologija je zasnovana na definiciji WQI, dok su pri izračunu korištene prosječne vrijednosti 11 pokazatelja: pH, UT, TDS, F, Cl, NH4, SO4, HCO3, SAR, Fe i Mn ispitivanih voda. I na kraju, izrađena karta s vrijednostima WQIB pruža cjelovitu sliku za lakše tumačenje i donošenje odluka u boljem planiranju i upravljanju vodnim resursima. Razvijeni WQIB pokazao se kao jednostavan i pouzdan indeks koji se može brzo i uspješno primijeniti u ocjeni podzemnih i površinskih voda Brčko distrikta BiH, te ima prednost pred ostalim indeksima jer bolje ističe nepovoljne utjecaje na kvalitetu vode, što bi značilo da je ocjena stroža. Iz toga se može zaključiti da je provedena modifikacija bila opravdana.The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality of ground and surface water resources in Brčko Distrikt of Bosnia and Herzegowina and classify them according to selected parameters, coefficients and water quality indices. The samples were collected from 92 groundwater sources during the period of five years (2004 – 2008) and three measurement profiles of the Sava River and its tributaries, Tinja and Brka, in this region during 2008 and 2009. The results showed that 83.7% of groundwater quality parameters were in accordance with the recommended WHO standard. The content of manganese, iron, ammonia and total hardness were higher than allowed. Furthermore, the SAR and RSC results clearly showed that the water from the south-eastern and central parts of of Brčko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina can be used for irrigation without any restriction, while water in the north-western part of this region with a moderate quality for irrigation should be taken into account in growing some kinds of plants. In addition, the obtained LSI, RSI, and PSI values demonstrate that all groundwaters in this region are stable and safe for industrial purposes. According to the results of multivariate analysis, all groundwater sources were divided in ten clusters that are naturally associated. Furthermore, the present work is aimed to assess the water quality index for investigated water according to WQINSF, WQIIR and WQIIN. Moreover, based on the results of factor analysis (multivariate analysis) WQIIN has been modified and a new index of quality for ground and surface water from Brčko Distrikt of Bosnia and Herzegowina, WQIB, was developed with the aim to determine the place with the best drinking water quality in the specified region. For calculating the WQIB, the following 11 parameters have been considered: pH, total hardness, TDS, F, Cl, NH4, SO4, HCO3, SAR, Fe and Mn. And finally, the map with WQIB values provides a comprehensive picture for easier interpretation and decision making in better planning and management of water resources. The developed WQIB proved to be a simple and reliable index that can be quickly and successfully applied on the assessment of ground and surface water from Brčko Distrikt of Bosnia and Herzegowina. This index has an advantage over the other because it can better highlight the adverse effects on water quality and it has a stricter rating. It can be concluded that the modification carried out was justified

    Assessment of Bioactive Phenolic Compounds and Antioxidant Activity of Blackberry Wines

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    Blackberry wine is a natural source of bioactive phenolic compounds that have profound antioxidant potential. The objectives of the present research were to assess the phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of blackberry wines (BW), and to use the chemometric analysis to differentiate among the two groups of samples, i.e., conventional and organic. Fifteen BW samples were analyzed for their total polyphenol index, total polyphenols, total flavonoids, total tannins, total monomeric anthocyanins and antioxidant activity by the appropriate spectrophotometric methods. The concentrations of individual phenolic acids (gallic acid, chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid, p-coumaric acid and cinnamic acid) and trans-resveratrol were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography. A comparison between the two groups of investigated BW samples revealed a statistically significant difference in the concentration of caffeic acid and p-coumaric acid, both being higher in the organic BW samples. Furthermore, the results showed a series of statistically highly significant relationships between the analyzed constituents (caffeic acid and p-coumaric acid). The antioxidant activity of the investigated wines was proportional to the concentrations of bioactive phytochemicals

    Evaluation of Quercetin Content, Colour and Selected Physico-Chemical Quality Parameters of Croatian Blackberry Wines

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    Blackberry wine, the most widespread Croatian fruit wine, is produced by yeast fermentation of raw blackberry juice or must. Even though the production and intake of blackberry wine in Croatia has been increasing for years, the available data on the overall quality and blackberry wine composition is still scarce. The objective of this work was to evaluate the quercetin content, colour and selected physico-chemical quality parameters of 15 Croatian blackberry wine samples, divided into two groups denominated as CWB and OWB regarding the blackberries’ cultivation type (conventional and organic). The quercetin content ranged from 0.81 to 21.67 mg/L (average: 6.16 mg/L, median 3.96 mg/L) and was consistent with some published studies. Compared to CBW group, quercetin content of OBW samples seemed to be more balanced and slightly higher (OBW median: 3.99 mg/L, CWB median: 1.80 mg/L). The presence of cyanidin and pelargonidin (as aglycons) was detected in very low concentrations in four and seven samples, respectively. Determination of the colour revealed that the most important component contributing to colour intensity was yellow (51 %), followed by red (40 %). The chemical quality parameters were in accordance with the available published results on blackberry and grape wines and were as follows: relative density 1.0017–1.0660 g/mL, concentration of reducing sugars 13.5–177.6 g/L, alcoholic strength 9.37–14.78% vol, pH 3.11–3.56, total acidity 6.7–18.1 g/L, ash 1.59–4.11 g/L, alkalinity of ash 1.54–3.79 g/L, total nitrogen 65.50–361.15 mg/L, and total phosphorus 32.03–118.53 mg/L. No significant overall differences were noticed between the conventional and organic group of samples

    The production of fruit wines – a review

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    Fruit wines production has been growing steadily in recent years, and its market potential is strong, which correlates with the demand for and development of new functional products. Likewise, the production of fruit wines has become an integrated component of fruit processing industry, often compensating for post-harvest losses. Fruit wines represent a value-added fruit product. They contain nutritionally important components like minerals and antioxidants, as well as aromatic nuances typically from the fruits used. The paper gives a general overview of the production of fruit wines with a particular emphasis on the quality of fruit to be used for wine processing, as well as fermentation and post-fermentation processes